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    This second corridor was longer than the first。 The ones beyond it were crooked; curved; they reversed directions; twisted back on themselves; writhed their way through the black; rough rock like tormented snakes。 Covenant soon lost all sense of progress。 Without the instructions of the jheherrin; he would have attempted to recover lost ground; correct apparent errors。 Once again; he realized how much his survival had from the beginning depended on other people。 Atiaran; Elena; Lena; Banner; Triock; Mhoram; the jheherrin…he would have arrived nowhere; done nothing; without them。 In return for his brutality; his raging and incondign improvidence; they had kept him alive; given him purpose。 And now he was wholly dependent upon Saltheart Foamfollower。
    It was not a good omen for a leper。
    He trudged on under the aegis of dolorous portents。 His wound felt like a weight under which he could no longer lift up his head; the brimstone air seemed to sap the strength from his lungs。 In time he began to feel numb and affectless; as if he were wandering in confusion。
    Yet he noticed the increase of light near a sharp turn in one corridor。 The brightening was brief…it opened and shut like a door…but it plunged him into alertness。 He dogged the Giant's feet like a shadow as they approached the corner。
    They heard guttural voices from beyond the turn。 Covenant flinched at the thought of pursuit; then steadied himself。 The voices lacked the urgency or stealth of hunting。
    Foamfollower put his head to the corner; and Covenant crouched under him to look as well。
    Beyond it; the corridor opened into a wide area faintly lit by two small stones of rocklight; one near each entrance to the open space。 Against the far wall midway between the two stones stood a dark band of half…human creatures。 Covenant counted ten of them。 They held spears and stood in relaxed or weary postures; talking to each other in low rough voices。 Then five of them turned to the wall behind them。 A section of the stone opened; letting out a stream of red light。 Covenant glimpsed a deep tunnel behind the opening。 The five creatures passed through the entrance and closed the stone behind them。 The door closed so snugly that no crack or gleam of light revealed the tunnel's existence。
    〃Changing the watch;〃 Foamfollower breathed。 〃We are fortunate that the light warned us。〃
    With the door closed; the guards placed themselves against the darkness of the wall where they were nearly invisible; and fell silent。
    Covenant and Foamfollower backed a short distance away from the corner。 Covenant felt torn; he could not think of any way past the guards; yet in his fatigue he dreaded the prospect of hunting through the maze for another passage。 But Foamfollower showed no hesitation。 He put his mouth to Covenant's ear and whispered grimly; 〃Stay hidden。 When I call; cross this open space and turn away from Hotash Slay。 Wait for me beyond one turn。〃
    Trepidation beat in Covenant's head。  〃What are you going to
    The Giant grinned。 But his mud…dark face held no humor; and his eyes glinted hungrily。 〃I think I will strike a blow or two against these Maker…work creatures。〃 Before Covenant could respond; he returned to the corner。
    With both hands; Foamfollower searched the wall until he found a protruding lump of stone。 His great muscles strained momentarily; and the lump came loose in his hands。
    He sighted for an instant past the turn; then lofted the stone。 It landed with a loud clatter in the far corridor。
    One guard snapped a mand to the others。 Gripping their spears; they started toward the noise。
    Foamfollower gave them a moment in which to move。 Then he launched himself at them。
    Covenant jumped to the corner; saw Foamfollower charge the guards。 They were looking the other way。 Foamfollower's long legs crossed the distance in half a dozen silent strides。 They only caught a glimpse of him before he fell on them like the side of a mountain。
    They were large; powerful fighters。 But he was a Giant。 He dwarfed them。 And he took them by surprise。 One blow; two; three…in instant succession; he crushed three of them; skull or chest; and sprang at the fourth。
    The creature dodged backward; tried to use its spear。 Foamfollower tore the spear from its hands and broke the guard's head with one slap of the shaft。
    But that took an instant too long; it allowed the fifth guard to reach the entrance of the tunnel。 The door sprang open。 Light flared。 The guard disappeared down the bright stone throat。
    Foamfollower wheeled to the opening。 In his right hand; he balanced the spear。 It looked hardly larger than an arrow in his fist; but he cocked it over his shoulder like a javelin; and flung it at the fleeing guard。
    A strangled shout of pain echoed from the tunnel。
    The Giant whirled toward Covenant。 〃Now!〃 he barked。 〃Run!〃
    Covenant started forward; impelled by the Giant's urgency; but he could not run; could not force his limbs to move that fast。 His friend transfixed him。 Foamfollower stood in the vivid rocklight with blood on his hands; and he was grinning。 Savage delight corrupted his bluff features; glee flashed redly from the caves of his eyes。
    〃Foamfollower?〃 Covenant whispered as if the name hurt his throat。 〃Giant?〃
    〃Go!〃 the Giant shouted; then turned back to the tunnel。 With one sweep of his arm; he slammed the stone door shut。
    Covenant stood blinking in the relative darkness and watched as Foamfollower snatched up the three remaining spears; took them to the doorway; then broke them in pieces and jammed the pieces into the cracks of the door to wedge it shut。
    When he was done; he started away from the wall。 Only then did he realize that Covenant had not obeyed him。 At once; he pounced on the Unbeliever; caught him by the arm。 〃Fool!〃 he snapped; swinging Covenant toward the far passage。 〃Do you mock me?〃 But his hand was slick with blood。 He lost his hold; accidentally sent Covenant reeling to jolt heavily against the stone。
    Covenant slumped down the wall; gasping to regain his breath。 〃Foamfollower…what's happened to you?〃
    Foamfollower reached him; gripped his shoulders; shook him。 〃Do not mock me。 I do such things for you!〃
    〃Don't do them for me;〃 Covenant protested。 〃You're not doing them for me。〃
    With a snarl; the Giant picked up Covenant。 〃You are a fool if you believe we can survive in any other way。〃 Carrying the Unbeliever under his arm like an obdurate child; he loped into the maze toward Hotash Slay。
    Now he turned away from the fiery sky…glow at every intersection。 Covenant flopped in his grasp; demanding to be put down; but Foamfollower did not accede until he had put three turns and as many switchbacks behind him。 Then he stopped and set Covenant on his feet。
    Covenant staggered; regained his balance。 He wanted to shout at the Giant; rage at him; demand explanations。 But no words came。 In spite of himself; he understood Saltheart Foamfollower。 The last of the Unhomed had struck blows which could not be called back or stopped; Covenant could not pretend that he did not understand。 Yet his heart cri
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