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er all this mud; I'm sick…diseased。 And I've done things… I'm not pure。 I'm corrupt。〃
    One last pulse of silence met his denial…one still moment while the intent; tremulous hope around him shattered。 Then a shrill wail of despair tore through the multitude of the jheherrin。 All the light vanished at once。 Shrieking in darkness like desolated ghouls; the creatures ran。
    Foamfollower caught hold of Covenant to protect him against an attack。 But the jheherrin did not attack; they fled。 The sound of their movement rushed through the cavern like a loud wind of loss; and died away。 Soon the silence returned; fell limp at the feet of Covenant and Foamfollower like empty cerements; the remains of a violated grave。
    Covenant's chest shook with dry spasms like sobs; but he clenched himself into union with the silence。 He could not bend; he would break if the rictus of his determination were forced to bend。 Foul! he jerked。 Foul! You're too cruel。
    He felt the attempted consolation of the Giant's hand on his shoulder。 He wanted to respond; wanted to utter in some way the violence of his resolve。 But before he could speak; the silence seemed to flow and concentrate itself into the sound of soft weeping。
    The sound grew on him as he listened。 Forlorn and miserable; it rose up into the darkness like irremediable grief; made the hollow air throb。 He yearned to go to the weeper; yearned to fort it in some way。 But when he moved; it found words to halt him; desolate accusation。 〃Despair is Maker…work。〃
    〃Forgive me;〃 Covenant groaned。 〃How could I lie to you?〃 He searched for the right reply; then said on intuition; 〃But the legend hasn't changed。 I haven't touched the legend。 I don't deny your worth。 You are worthy。 I'm just…not the pure one。 He hasn't e yet。 I don't have anything to do with your hope。〃
    The weeper did not answer。 Its sobs ached on in the air; having started; its old unanodyned misery could not stop。 But after a moment it brought up a glimmer of rocklight。 Covenant saw that it was the crawler who had spoken for the jheherrin。
    〃e;〃 it wept。 〃e。〃 Shaking with sorrow; it turned and crept out of the cavern。
    Covenant and the Giant followed without hesitation。 In the presence of the creature's grief; they silently accepted whatever it intended for them。
    It led them back into the bs…away from their earlier route; upward through a plex chain of tunnels。 Soon the rock walls had bee cold again; and the air began to smell faintly of brimstone。 A short time later…little more than half a league from the cavern…their guide halted。
    They kept themselves a respectful distance from the creature and waited while it tried to control its sobs。 Its dim; rocklit struggle was painful to watch; but they contained their own emotions; waited。 Covenant was prepared to allow the creature any amount of time。 Patience seemed to be the only thing he could offer the jheherrin。
    It did not keep them waiting long。 Forcing down its grief; it said thickly; 〃This tunnel…it ends in Kurash Qwellinir。 At every turn choose…the way toward the fire。 You must pass a passage of the Maker。 It will be guarded。 Beyond it take each turn away from the fire。 You will find Gorak Krembal。 You cannot cross…you must cross it。 Beyond it is the rock of the Maker…place。
    〃Its mouth is guarded; but has no gate。 Within it swarms… But there are secret ways…the Maker has secret ways; which his servants do not use。 Within the mouth is a door。 You cannot see it。 You must find it。 Press once upon the center of the lintel。 You will find many ways and hiding places。''
    The crawler turned and began to shuffle back down the tunnel。 Its light flickered and went out; leaving Covenant and Foamfollower in darkness。 Out of the distance of the hollow b; the creature moaned; 〃Try to believe that you are pure。'' Then the sound of its grief faded; and it was gone。
    After a long moment of silence; Foamfollower touched Covenant's shoulder。 〃My friend…did you hear it well? It has given us precious aid。 Do you remember all it said?〃
    Covenant heard something final in the Giant's tone。 But he was too preoccupied with the bitter rictus of his own intent to ask what that tone signified。 〃You remember it;〃 he breathed stiffly。 〃I'm counting on you。 You just get me there。〃
    〃My friend…Unbeliever;〃 the Giant began dimly; then stopped; let drop whatever he had been about to say。 〃e; then。〃 He steered Covenant by the shoulder。 〃We will do what we can。〃
    They climbed on up the tunnel。 It made two sharp turns and began to ascend steeply; narrowing as it rose。 Soon Covenant was forced to his hands and knees by the angle of the cold stone slope。 With Foamfollower breathing close behind him; helping him with an occasional shove; he pulled and scraped upward; kept on scrambling while the rock grew more and more constricted。
    Then the tunnel ended in a blank wall。 Covenant searched around with his numb hands。 He found no openings…but he could not touch the ceiling。 When he looked upward; he saw a faint window of red light out of reach above his head。
    By pressing against each other; he and Foamfollower were able to stand in the end of the tunnel。 The dim opening was within the stretch of Foamfollower's arms。 Carefully; he lifted Covenant; boosted him through the window。
    Covenant climbed into a vertical slit in the rock。 Crawling along its floor; he went forward and looked out around its edges into what appeared to be a short; roofless corridor。 Its walls were sheer stone; scores of feet high。 It looked as if it had been rough…adzed out of raw; black; igneous rock…a passage leading senselessly from one blank wall to another。 But as his eyes adjusted to the light; he discerned intersections at both ends of the corridor。
    The light came from the night sky。 Along one rim of the walls was a dull red glow…the shine of a fire in the distance。 The air was acrid and sulfurous; if it had not been cold; Covenant would have guessed that he was already near Hotash Slay。
    When he was sure that the corridor was empty; he called softly to Foamfollower。 With a leap; the Giant thrust his head and shoulders through the opening into the slit; then squirmed up the rest of the way。 In a moment; he was at Covenant's side。
    〃This is Kurash Qwellinir;〃 he whispered as he looked around; 〃the Shattered Hills。 If I have not lost all my reckoning; we are far from the passage which Bannor taught us。 Without the aid of the jheherrin; we would be hard pressed to find our way。'' Then he motioned for Covenant to follow him。 〃Stay at my back。 If we are discovered; I must know where you are。〃
    Gliding forward as smoothly as if he were rested and eager for stealth; he started toward the fiery glow; and Covenant limped along behind him on bare numb feet。 Near the end of the corridor; they pressed themselves cautiously against one wall。 Covenant held his breath while Foamfollower peered around the corner。 An instant later; the Giant signaled。 They both hurried into the next passage; taking the turn toward the red sky…shine。
    This second corridor was longer than the first。 The ones beyond it were crooked; curved; they reversed direc
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