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m upward。 With a damp sucking noise; they heaved him out of the mud into dank; black air。
    He snatched at the air in shuddering gasps。 It was stale and noisome; like the air in a wet crypt; but it was life; and he gulped it greedily。 For a long moment; the red blazonry in his brain blinded him to the darkness。 But as his respiration subsided into dull panting; he squeezed his eyes free of mud and blinked them open; tried to see where he was。
    The blackness around him was plete。
    He was lying on moist clay。 When he moved; his left shoulder touched a muddy wall。 He got to his knees and reached up over his head; an arm's length above him; he found the ceiling。 He seemed to be against one wall of a buried chamber in the clay。
    A damp voice near his ear said; 〃He cannot see。〃 It sounded small and frightened; but the surprise of it startled him; made him jerk away and slip panting against the wall。
    〃That is well;〃 another timorous voice responded。 〃He might harm
    〃It is not well。 Provide light for him。〃 This voice seemed more resolute; but it still quavered anxiously。
    〃No! No; no。〃 Covenant could distinguish eight or ten speakers protesting。
    The sterner voice insisted。 〃If we did not intend to aid him; we should not have saved him。〃
    〃He may harm us!〃
    〃It is not too late。 Drown him。〃
    〃No。〃 The sterner voice stiffened。 〃We chose this risk。〃
    〃Oh! If the Maker learns…!〃
    〃We chose; I say! To save and then slay…that would surely be Maker…work。 Better that he should harm us。 I will〃…the voice hesitated fearfully…〃I will provide light myself if I must。〃
    〃Stand ready!〃 speakers chorused; spreading an alarm against Covenant。
    A moment later; he heard an odd slippery noise like the sound of a stick being thrust through mud。 A dim red glow the color of rocklight opened in the darkness a few feet from his face。
    The light came from a grotesque figure of mud standing on the floor of the chamber。 It was about two feet tall; and it faced him like a clay statue formed by the unadept hands of a child。 He could discern awkward limbs; vague misshapen features; but no eyes; ears; mouth; nose。 Reddish pockets of mud in its brown form shone dully; giving off a scanty illumination。
    He found that he was in the end of a tunnel。 Near him was a wide pit of bubbling mud; and beyond it the walls; floor; and ceiling came together; sealing the space。 But in the opposite direction the tunnel stretched away darkly。
    There; at the limit of the light; stood a dozen or more short clay forms like the one in front of him。
    They did not move; made no sound。 They looked inanimate; as if they had been left behind by whatever creature had formed the tunnel。 But the tunnel contained no one or nothing else that might have spoken。 Covenant gaped at the gnarled shapes; and tried to think of something to say。
    Abruptly; the mud pit began to seethe。 Directly in front of Covenant; several more clay forms hopped suddenly out of the mire; dragging two huge feet with them。 The glowing shape quickly retreated down the tunnel to make room for them。 In an instant; they had heaved Foamfollower out onto the floor of the tunnel and had backed away from him to join the forms which stood watching Covenant。
    Foamfollower's Giantish lungs had sustained him; he needed no time at all to recover。 He flung himself around in the constricted space and lurched snarling toward the clay forms with rage in his eyes and one heavy fist upraised。
    At once; the sole light went out。 Amid shrill cries of fear; the mud creatures scudded away down the tunnel。
    〃Foamfollower!〃 Covenant shouted urgently。 〃They saved us!〃
    He heard the Giant e to a stop; heard him panting hoarsely。 〃Foamfollower;〃 he repeated。 〃Giant!〃
    Foamfollower breathed deeply for a moment; then said; 〃My friend?〃 In the darkness; his voice sounded cramped; too full of suppressed emotions。 〃Are you well?〃
    〃Well?〃 Covenant felt momentarily unbalanced on the brink of hysteria。 But he steadied himself。 〃They didn't hurt me。 Foamfollower…I think they saved us。〃
    The Giant panted a while longer; regaining his self…mand。 〃Yes;〃 he groaned。 〃Yes。 Now I have taught them to fear us。〃 Then; projecting his voice down the tunnel; he said; 〃Please pardon me。 You have indeed saved us。 I have little restraint…yes; I am quick to anger; too quick。 Yet without purposing to do so you wrung my heart。 You took my friend and left me。 I feared him dead…despair came upon me。 Bannor of the Bloodguard told us to look for help wherever we went。 Fool that I was; I did not look for it so near to Soulcrusher's demesne。 When you took me also; I had no thought left but fury。 I crave your pardon。〃
    Empty silence answered him out of the darkness。
    〃Ah; hear me!〃 he called intently。 〃You have saved us from the hands of the Despiser。 Do not abandon us now。〃
    The silence stretched; then broke。 〃Despair is Maker…work;〃 a voice said。 〃It was not our intent。〃
    〃Do not trust them!〃 other voices cried。 〃They are hard。〃
    But the shuffling noise of feet came back toward Covenant and Foamfollower; and several of the clay forms lit themselves as they moved; so that the tunnel was filled with light。 The creatures advanced cautiously; stopped well beyond the Giant's reach。 〃We also ask your pardon;〃 said the leader as firmly as it could。
    〃 Ah; you need not ask;〃 Foamfollower replied。 〃 It may be that I am slow to recognize my friends…but when I have recognized them; they have no cause to fear me。 I am Saltheart Foamfollower; the〃…he swallowed as if the words threatened to choke him…〃the last of the Seareach Giants。 My friend is Thomas Covenant; ur…Lord and bearer of the white gold。〃
    〃We know;〃 the leader said。 〃We have heard。 We are the jheher…rin…the aussat jheherrin Befylam。 The Maker…place has no secret that the jheherrin have not heard。 You were spoken of。 Plans were made against you。 The jheherrin debated and chose to aid you。〃
    〃If the Maker learns;〃 a voice behind the leader quavered; 〃we are doomed。〃
    〃That is true。 If he guesses at our aid; he will no longer suffer us。 We fear for our lives。 But you are his enemies。 And the legends say…〃
    Abruptly; the leader stopped; turned to confer with the other jheherrin。 Covenant watched in fascination as they whispered together。 From a distance; they all looked alike; but closer inspection revealed that they were as different as the clay work of different children。 They varied in size; shape; hue; timidity; tone of voice。 Yet they shared an odd appearance of unsolidity。 They bulged and squished when they moved as if they were only held together by a fragile skin of surface tension…as if any jar or blow might reduce them to amorphous wet mud。
    After a short conference; the leader returned。 Its voice quivered as if it were afraid of its own audacity as it said; 〃Why have you e? You dare… What is your purpose?〃
    Foamfollower answered grimly; so that the jheherrin would believe him; 〃It is our purpose to destroy Lord Foul the Despiser。〃
    Covenant winced at the bald statement。 But he could not deny it。 How else could he describe w
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