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 you。 I do not doubt that a Giant may find a tunnel within the maze。 But on that road all Corruption's defending armies stand before you。 You cannot pass。
    〃I will tell you of a passage through the Shattered Hills on their southward side。 The narrowest point of Hotash Slay is there; where the lava pours through a gash in the cliff into the Sea。 A Giant may find crossing in that place。〃 He spoke as if he were discussing a convenient path among mountains; not an approach to the Corrupter of the Bloodguard。 〃In that way; it may be that you will take Ridjeck Thome by surprise。〃
    Foamfollower absorbed this information; and nodded。 Then he listened closely while Bannor detailed his route through the maze of Kurash Qwellinir。 Covenant tried to listen also; but his attention wandered。 He seemed to hear Landsdrop calling to him。 Imminent vertigo foiled his concentration。 Elena; he breathed to himself。 He called her up in his mind; hoping that her image would steady him。 But the emerald radiance of her fate made him wince and groan。
    No! he averred into the approach of dizziness。 It doesn't have to be that way。 It's my dream。 I can do something about it。
    Foamfollower and Bannor were looking at him strangely。 His fingers gripped them feebly; urgently。 He could not take his eyes off the waterfall's rush。 It called him downward like the allure of death。
    He took a deep breath。 Finger by finger; he forced himself to release his friends。 〃Let's get going;〃 he murmured。 〃I can't stand any more waiting。〃
    The Giant hefted his sack。 〃I am ready;〃 he said。 〃Our supplies are scant…but we have no recourse。 We must hope for aliantha on the Lower Land。〃
    Without looking away from the Fall; Covenant addressed Bannor。 He could not ask the Bloodguard to change his decision; so he said; 〃You'll bury Triock? He's earned a decent grave。〃
    Banner nodded; then said; 〃I will do another thing also。'' He reached one hand into his short robe and drew out the charred metal heels of the Staff of Law。 〃I will bear these to Revelstone。 When the time of my end es upon me; I will return to the mountain home of the Haruchai。 On the way; I will visit Revelstone…if the Lords and Lord's Keep still stand。 I know not what value may remain in this metal; but perhaps the survivors of this war will find some use for it。〃
    Thank you; Covenant whispered silently。
    Banner put the bands away and bowed once briefly to Covenant and Foamfollower。 〃Look for help wherever you go;〃 he said。 〃Even in the Spoiled Plains; Corruption is not entirely master。〃 Before they could reply; he turned and trotted away toward the Colossus。 As he passed over the hilltop; his back told them as clearly as speech that they would never see him again。
    Bannor! Covenant groaned。 Was it that bad? He felt bereft; deserted; as if half his support had been taken away。
    〃Gently; my friend;〃 Foamfollower breathed。 〃He has turned his back on vengeance。 Two thousand years and more of pure service were violated for him…yet he chooses not to avenge them。 Such choices are not easily made。 They are not easily borne。 Retribution…ah; my friend; retribution is the sweetest of all dark sweet dreams。〃
    Covenant found himself still staring at the waterfall。 The plex plunge of the river had a sweetness all its own。 He shook himself。 〃Hell…fire。〃 The emptiness of his curses seemed appropriate to his condition。 〃Are we going to do it or aren't we?〃
    〃We will go。〃 Covenant felt the Giant's gaze on him without meeting it。 〃Covenant…ur…Lord…there is no need for you to endure this descent。 Close your eyes; and I will bear you as I did from Kevin's Watch。〃
    Covenant hardly heard himself answer; ''That was a long time ago。'' Vertigo was beginning to reel in his head。 〃I've got to do this for myself。 For a moment; he let slip his resistance and almost fell to his knees。 As the suction tugged at his mind; he prehended that he would have to go into it rather than away from it; that the only way to master vertigo was to find its center。 Somewhere in the center of the spinning would be an eye; a core of stability。 〃Just go ahead…so you can catch me。'' Only in the eye of the whirl could he find solid ground。
    Foamfollower regarded him dubiously; then started down to the edge of the cliff near the Fall。 With Covenant limping in his wake; he went to the rim; glanced down to pick the best place for a descent; then lowered himself out of sight over the edge。
    Covenant stood for a moment teetering on the lip of Landsdrop。 The Fall yawed abysmally from side to side; it beckoned to him like relief from delirium。 It was such an easy answer。 As his vertigo mounted; he did not see how he could refuse it。
    But its upsurge made his pulse hammer in his wounded forehead。 He spun around that pain as if it were a pivot; and found that the seductive panic of the plunge was fading。 The simple hope that vertigo had a firm center seemed to make his hope e true。 The whirl did not stop; but its hold on him receded; withdrew into the background。 Slowly; the pounding in his forehead eased。
    He did not fall。
    He felt as weak as a starving penitent…hardly able to carry his own weight。 But he knelt on the edge; lowered his legs over the rim。 Clinging to the top of the cliff with his arms and stomach; he began to hunt blindly for footholds。 Soon he was crawling backward down Landsdrop as if it were the precipice of his personal future。
    The descent took a long time; but it was not particularly difficult。 Foamfollower protected him all the way down each stage of the broken cliff。 And the steeper drops were moderated by enough ledges and cracks and hardy scrub brush to make that whole stretch of the cliff passable。 The Giant had no trouble finding a route Covenant could manage; and Covenant eventually gained a measure of confidence; so that he was able to move with less help down the last stages to the foothills。
    When at last he reached the lower ground; he took his drained nerves straight to the pool at the foot of the Fall and dropped into the chill waters to wash away the accumulated sweat of his fear。
    While Covenant bathed; Foamfollower filled his water jug and drank deeply at the pool。 This might be the last safe water they would find。 Then the Giant set out the graveling for Covenant。 As the Unbeliever dried himself; he asked Foamfollower how long their food supplies would last。
    The Giant grimaced。 〃Two days。 Three or four; if we find aliantha a day or two into the Spoiled Plains。 But we are far from Foul' s Creche。 Even if we were to run straight into Soulcrusher's arms; we would have three or tour foodless days within us before he made sustenance unnecessary。〃 Then he grinned。 〃But it is said that hunger teaches many things。 My friend; a wealth of wisdom awaits us on this journey。〃
    Covenant shivered。 He had had some experience with hunger。 And now the possibility of starvation lay ahead of him; his forehead had been reinjured; he would have to walk a long distance on bare feet。 One by one the conditions of his return to his own life were being met。 As he tightened the sash of his robe; he muttered sourly; 〃I heard Mhoram say once that w
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