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d to teach us the limits of our worth。 We went too far; in pride and folly。 Mortal men should not give up wives and sleep and death for any service…lest the face of failure bee too abhorrent to be endured。〃 He paused almost as if he were hesitating; then concluded; 〃Have you forgotten that High Lord Elena carved our faces as one in her last marrowmeld work?〃
    〃No。〃 Bannor had moved him。 His response was both an assertion and a promise。 〃I will never forget。〃
    Bannor nodded slowly。 Then he said; 〃I; too; must wash;〃 and strode away toward the river without a backward glance。
    Covenant watched him go for a moment; then leaned his head back against the warmth of the Colossus and closed his sore eyes。 He knew that he should not delay his departure any longer; that he increased his risks every moment he remained where he was。 Lord Foul was certain to know what had happened; he would feel the sudden destruction of the Staff; and would search until he found the explanation; perhaps by pelling Elena once more out of her death to answer his questions。 Then preparations would be made against the Unbeliever; Foul's Creche would be defended; hunting parties would be sent out。 Any delay might mean defeat。
    But Covenant was not ready。 He still had one more confession to make…the last and hardest thing he would have to tell his friends。 So he sat absorbing the heat of the Colossus like sustenance while he waited for Bannor and Foamfollower to return。 He did not want to carry the weight of any more dishonesty with him when he left the place where Triock had
    Bannor was not gone long。 He and Foamfollower returned dripping to dry themselves in the heat of the stone。 Foamfollower had regained his posure。 His teeth flashed through his stiff wet beard as if he were eager to be on his way…as if he were ready to fight his way through a sea of foes for one chance to strike a blow at the Despiser。 And Bannor stood dourly at the Giant's side。 They were equals; despite the difference in size。 They both met Covenant's gaze when he looked up at them。 For an odd moment he felt torn between them; as if they represented the opposing poles of his dilemma。
    But odder than this torn feeling was the confidence which came with it。 In that fleeting moment; he seemed to recognize where he stood for the first time。 While the impression lasted; his fear or reluctance or uncertainty dropped from him。' 〃There's one more thing;'' he said to both his friends at once; 〃one more thing I've got to tell you。〃
    Then; because he did not want to see their reactions until he had given them the whole tale; he sat gazing into the lifeless circle of his ring while he described how High Lord Mhoram had summoned him to Revelstone; and how he had refused。
    He spoke as concisely as he could without minimizing the plight of Revelstone as he had seen it then; or the danger of the little girl for whom he had denied Mhoram's appeal; or the hysteria which had been on him when he had made his choice。 He found as he spoke that he did not regret the decision。 It seemed to have nothing to do with either his regret or his volition; he simply could not have chosen otherwise。 But the Land had many reasons for regret…a myriad reasons; one for every life which had been lost; one for every day which had been added to the winter; because he had not given himself and his ring into Mhoram's hands。 He explained what he had done so that Bannor and Foamfollower at least would not be able to reproach him for dishonesty。
    When he was done; he looked up again。 Neither Bannor nor Foamfollower met his eyes at first; in their separate ways; they appeared upset by what they had heard。 But finally Bannor returned Covenant's gaze and said levelly; 〃A costly choice; Unbeliever。 Costly。 Much harm might have been averted…〃
    Foamfollower interrupted him。 〃Costly! Might!〃 A fierce grin stretched his lips; echoed out of his deep eyes。 〃A child was saved! Covenant…my friend…even reduced as I am; I can hear joy in such a choice。 Your bravery…Stone and Sea! It astounds me。〃
    Bannor was not swayed。 〃Call it bravery; then。 It is costly nonetheless。 The Land will bleed under the expense for many years; whatever the oute of your purpose in Foul's Creche。〃
    Once again; Covenant was forced to say; ''I know。'' He knew with a vividness that felt terrible to him。 〃I couldn't do anything else。 And…and I wasn't ready then。 I'm ready now…readier。〃 I'll never be ready; he thought。 It's impossible to be ready for this。 〃Maybe I can do something now that I couldn't do then。〃
    Bannor held his eyes for another moment; then nodded brusquely。 〃Will you go now?〃 he asked without expression。 〃Corruption will be a hunt for you。〃
    Covenant sighed; and pushed himself to his feet。 〃Yes。〃 He did not want to leave the fort of the Colossus。 〃Ready or not。 Let's get on with it。〃
    He walked between Bannor and Foamfollower; and they took him up the last of the hills to a place where he could look down the cliff of Landsdrop to the Spoiled Plains。
    The precipice seemed to leap out from behind the hill as if it had been hiding in ambush for Covenant…abruptly; he found himself looking over the edge and down two thousand feet…but he gripped the arms of his friends on either side and breathed deeply to hold back his vertigo。 After a moment; the suddenness of the view faded; and he began to notice details。
    At the base of the hill on his right; the River Landrider swooped downward in a final rush to pour heavily over the lip of Landsdrop。 The tumult of its roar was plex。 In this region; the cliff broke into four or five ragged stairs; so that the waterfall went down by steps; all pounding simultaneously; unharmonically。 From the bottom of the Fall; it angled away southeastward into the perpetual wasteland of the Spoiled Plains。
    〃There;〃 said Bannor; 〃there begins its ordeal。 There the Landrider bees the Ruinwash; and flows polluted toward the Sea。 It is a murky and repelling water; unfit for use by any but its own unfit denizens。 But it is your way for a time。 It will provide a path for you through much of these hazardous Plains。 And it will place you south of Kurash Qwellinir。
    〃You know〃…he nodded to Foamfollower…〃that the Spoiled Plains form a wide deadland around the promontory of Ridjeck Thome; where Foul's Creche juts into the Sea。 Within that deadland lies Kurash Qwellinir; the Shattered Hills。 Some say that these Hills were formed by the breaking of a mountain…others; that they were shaped from the slag and refuse of Corruption's war caverns; furnaces; breeding dens。 However they were made; they are a maze to bewilder the approach of any foe。 And within them lies Gorak Krembal…Hotash Slay。 From Sea…cliff to Sea…cliff about the promontory; it defends Corruption's seat with lava; so that none may pass that way to gain the one gateless maw of the
    〃Corruption's creatures make their way to and from Ridjeck Thome through tunnels which open in secret places among Kurash Qwellinir。 But it is in my heart that such an approach will not avail you。 I do not doubt that a Giant may find a tunnel within the maze。 But on that road all Corruption
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