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tual inadequacy of response。 He was relieved to turn away when Banner called their attention to the weather。
    Bannor made him aware of the absence of wind。 In his struggle with Elena; he had hardly noticed the change。 But now he could feel the stillness of the atmosphere like a palpable healing。 For a time; at least; Lord Foul's gelid frenzy was gone。 And without the wind to drive it; the gray cloud…cover hung sullen and empty overhead; like a casket without a corpse。
    As a result; the air felt warmer。 Covenant half expected to see dampness on the ground as the hard earth thawed; half expected spring to begin on the spot。 In the gentle stillness; the sound of the waterfall reached him clearly。
    Banner's perceptions went further; he sensed something Covenant had missed。 After a moment; he took Covenant and Foamfollower to the Colossus to show them what he had found。
    From the obsidian monolith came a soft emanation of heat。
    This warmth held the true promise of spring; it smelled of buds and green grass; of aliantha and moss and forest…loam。 Under its influence; Covenant found that he could relax。 He put aside misery; fear; unresolved need; and sank down gratefully to sit with his back against the soothing stone。
    Foamfollower hunted around the area until he located the sack of provisions he had carried with him from the Ramen covert。 He took out food and his pot of graveling。 Together; he; Bannor; and Covenant ate a silent meal under the fist of the Colossus as if they were sharing a munion…as if they accepted the stone's warmth and shelter to do it honor。 They had no other way to express their thanks。
    Covenant was hungry; he had had nothing but Demondim…drink to sustain him for days。 Yet he ate the food; absorbed the warmth; with a strange humility; as if he had not earned them; did not deserve them。 He knew in his heart that the destruction of the Staff purchased nothing more than a brief respite for the Land; a short delay in the Despiser's eventual triumph。 And that respite was not his doing。 The reflex which had triggered the white gold was surely as unconscious; as involuntary; as if it had happened in his sleep。 And yet another life had been spent on his account。 That knowledge humbled him。 He fed and warmed himself because all his work had yet to be done; and no other being in the Land could do it for him。
    When the frugal meal was finished; he began his task by asking his panions how they had e to the Colossus。
    Foamfollower winced at the memory。 He left the telling of it to Banner's terseness。 While Banner spoke; the Giant cleaned and tended Covenant's forehead。
    In short sentences; Banner indicated that the Ramen had been able to defeat the attack on their covert; thanks to the Giant's prodigious aid。 But the battle had been a long and costly one; and the night was gone before Bannor and Foamfollower could begin to search for Covenant and Lena。 (〃Ur…viles!'' Foamfollower muttered at Covenant's injury。 ' 〃This will not heal。 To make you captive; they put their mark upon you。〃) The Mane…thralls permitted only two Cords; Whane and Lal; to aid in the search。 For during the night; a change had e over the Ranyhyn。 To the surprise and joy of the Ramen; the great horses had unexpectedly started south toward the sanctuary of the mountains。 The Ramen followed at once。 Only their mixed awe and concern for the Ringthane induced them to give Bannor and Foamfollower any aid at all。
    So the four of them began the hunt。 But they had lost too much time; wind and snow had obscured the trail。 They lost it south of the Roamsedge and could find no trace of Covenant。 At last they concluded that he must have gained other aid to take him eastward。 Together the four made what haste they could toward the Fall of the River Landrider。
    The journey was made slow and arduous by kresh packs and marauders; and the four feared that Covenant would have left the Upper Land days ago。 But when they neared the Colossus; they came upon a band of ur…viles acpanied by the Raver; Herem…Triock。 Then the four were dismayed to see that the band bore with it the Unbeliever; prostrate as if he were dead。
    The four attacked; slew the ur…viles。 But they could not prevent the call which Herem sent。 And before they could defeat Herem; rescue Covenant; and retrieve the ring; that call was answered by the dead Elena; wielding the Staff of Law。 She mastered the four effortlessly。 Then she gave Whane to Herem; so that Triock's anguish would be more poignant。 When Jehannum came to her; that Raver entered Lal。 Covenant knew the rest。
    Bannor and Foamfollower had seen no sign of Lena。 They did not know what had delayed Covenant's arrival at Landsdrop。
    As Bannor finished; Foamfollower growled in angry disgust; 〃Stone and Sea! She has made me unclean。 I must bathe…I will need a sea to wash away this coercion。〃
    Bannor nodded。 〃I; also。〃
    But neither of them moved; though the River Landrider was nearby beyond a low line of hills。 Covenant knew they were holding themselves at his disposal; they seemed to sense that he needed them。 And they had questions of their own。 But he felt unready for the things he would have to say。 After a silence; he asked painfully;' Triock summoned me…and he's dead。 Why am I still here?〃
    Foamfollower mused briefly; then said; 〃Perhaps because the Law of Death has been broken…perhaps it was that Law which formerly sent you from the Land when your summoner died。 Or perhaps it is because I also had a hand in this call。〃
    Yes; Covenant sighed to himself。 His debt to Triock was hardly less than what he owed Foamfollower。
    He could not shirk the responsibility any longer; he forced himself to describe what had happened to Lena。
    His voice was dull as he spoke of her…an old woman brought to a bloody and graveless end because in her confusion she clung to the man who had harmed her。 And her death was only the most recent tragedy in her family。 First and last; her people had borne the brunt of him: Trell Gravelingas; Atiaran Trell…mate; High Lord Elena; Lena herself…he had ruined them all。 Such things altered him; made a different man of him。 That made it possible for him to ask another question after he had told all he knew of his own tale。
    〃Foamfollower〃…he framed his inquiry as carefully as he could… 〃it's none of my business。 But Pietten said some terrible things about you。 Or he meant them to be terrible。 He said…〃 But he could not say the words。 No matter how he uttered them; they would sound like an accusation。
    The Giant sighed; and his whole frame sagged。 He studied his intertwined hands as if somewhere in their clasped gentleness and butchery were a secret he could not unclose; but he no longer evaded the question。 〃He said that I betrayed my kinfolk…that the Giants of Seareach died to the last child at the hands of turiya Raver because I abandoned them。 It is true。〃
    Foamfollower! Covenant moaned。 My friend! Sorrow welled up in him; almost made him weep again。
    Abstractedly; Bannor said; 〃Many things were lost in The Grieve that day。〃
    〃 Yes。〃 Foamfollower blinked as if he were trying to hold back tears; but his eyes we
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