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    A whirl of force sprang up around Elena; mounted like a wind devil with her in its center。 Her death had e back for her; the Law she had broken was sucking her out of life again。 As Covenant watched…stunned and unprehending; almost blinded by his reprieve…she began to dissipate。 Particle by particle; her being vanished into the gyre; fled into dissolution。 But while she faded and failed; lost her ill existence; she found the solidity for one final cry。
    〃Covenant;〃 she called like a lorn voice of desolation。 〃Beloved! Strike a blow for me!〃
    Then she was gone; reabsorbed into death。 The gyre grew pale; paler; until it had disappeared in unruffled air。
    Covenant was left alone with his victims。
    Involuntarily; through means over which he had no control; he had saved himself…and had allowed his friends to be struck down。 He felt chastened; frail; as devoid of victory as if he had actively slain the woman he loved。
    So many people had sacrificed themselves。
    He knew that Triock was still alive; so he climbed painfully to his feet and stumbled over to the fallen Stonedownor。 Triock's breathing rattled like blood in his throat; he would be dead soon。 Covenant seated himself on the ground and lifted Triock so that the man's head rested on his lap。
    Triock's face was disfigured by the force which had smashed him。 His charred skin peeled off his skull in places; and his eyes had been seared。 From the slack dark hole of his mouth came faint plumes of smoke like the fleeing wisps of his soul。
    Covenant hugged Triock's head with both arms and began to weep。
    After a time; the Stonedownor sensed in some way who held him。 Through the death thickening in his gullet; he struggled to speak。 〃Covenant。〃
    His voice was barely audible; but Covenant fought back his tears to respond; 〃I hear you。〃
    〃You are not to blame。 She was…flawed from birth。〃
    That was as far as his mercy could go。 After one final wisp; the smoke faded away。 Covenant held him; and knew he had no pulse or breath of life left。
    He understood that Triock had forgiven him。 The Stonedownor was not to blame if his gift gave no consolation。 In addition to everything else; Covenant was responsible for the flaw of Elena's birth。 She was the daughter of a crime which could never be undone。 So he could do nothing but sit with Triock's unanswerable head in his lap; and weep while he waited for the reversal of his summons; the end which would reave him of the Land。
    But no end came。 In the past; he had always begun to fail as soon as his summoner died; but now he remained。 Moments passed; and still he was undiminished。 Gradually; he realized that this time he would not disappear; that for reasons he did not understand; he had not yet lost his chance。
    He did not have to accept Elena's fate。 It was not the last word…not
    When Bannor and Foamfollower stirred; groaned; began to regain consciousness; he made himself move。 Carefully; deliberately; he took his ring from his wedding finger and placed it on the index finger of his halfhand; so that it would be less likely to slip off。
    Then; amid all his grief and regret; he stood up on bones that could bear anything; and hobbled over to help his friends。
 The Spoiled Plains
    Bannor recovered more quickly than Foamfollower。 In spite of his advancing age; the toughness of the Haruchai was still in him; after Covenant had chafed his wrists and neck for a moment; he shrugged off his unconsciousness and became almost instantly alert。 He met Covenant's teary gaze with characteristic dispassion; and together they went to do what they could for the Giant。
    Foamfollower lay moaning on the ground in a fever of revulsion。 Spasms bared his teeth; and his massive hands thrashed erratically against his chest as if he were trying to smite some fatal spot of wrong in himself。 He seemed in danger of harming himself。 So Bannor sat on the ground at the Giant's head; braced his feet on Foamfollower's shoulders; and caught his flailing arms by the wrists。 Banner held the Giant's arms still while Covenant sat on Foamfollower's chest and slapped his snarling face。
    After a moment of resistance; Foamfollower let out a roar。 Wrenching savagely; he heaved Bannor over Covenant's head; knocked the Unbeliever off his chest; and lurched panting to his feet。
    Covenant retreated from the threat of Foamfollower's fists。 But as the Giant blinked and panted; he recovered himself; recognized his friends。 〃Covenant?〃 he gritted; 〃Bannor?〃 as if he feared they were Ravers。
    〃Foamfollower;〃 Covenant responded thickly。 Tears of relief streamed down his gaunt cheeks。 〃You're all right。〃
    Slowly; Foamfollower relaxed as he saw that his friends were unmastered and whole。 〃Stone and Sea!〃 he gasped weakly; shuddering as he breathed。 〃Ah! My friends…have I harmed you?〃
    Covenant could not answer; he was choked with fresh weeping。 He stood where he was and let Foamfollower watch his tears; he had no other way to tell the Giant how he felt。 After a moment; Bannor replied for him; 〃We are well…as well as may be。 You have done us no injury。〃
    〃And the…the specter of High Lord Elena? The Staff of Law? How is it that we yet live?〃
    〃Gone。〃 Covenant fought to control himself。 〃Destroyed。〃
    Foamfollower's face was full of sympathy。 〃Ah; no; my friend;〃 he sighed。 〃She is not destroyed。 The dead cannot be destroyed。〃
    〃I know。 I know that。〃 Covenant gritted his teeth; hugged his chest; until he passed the crest of his emotion。 Then it began to subside; and he regained some measure of steadiness。 〃She's just dead…dead again。 But the Staff…it was destroyed。 By wild magic。〃 Half fearing the reaction of his friends to this information; he added; 〃I didn't do it。 It wasn't my doing。 She…〃 He faltered。 He had heard Mhoram say; You are the white gold。 How could he be sure now what was or was not his doing?
    But his revelation only drew a strange glint from Banner's flat eyes。 The Haruchai had always considered weapons unnecessary; even corruptive。 Bannor found satisfaction rather than regret in the passing of the Staff。 And Foamfollower shrugged the explanation aside; as if it were unimportant pared to his friend's distress。 〃Ah; Covenant; Covenant;〃 he groaned。 〃How can you endure? Who can withstand such things?〃
    〃 F m a leper;'' Covenant responded。 He was surprised to hear himself say the word without bitterness。 〃I can stand anything。 Because I can't feel it。〃 He gestured with his diseased hands because his tears so obviously contradicted him。 〃This is a dream。 It can't touch me。 I'm〃…he grimaced; remembering the belief which had first led Elena to break the Law of Death…〃numb。〃
    Answering tears blurred Foamfollower's cavernous eyes。 〃And you are very brave;〃 he said in a thick voice。 〃You are beyond me。〃
    The Giant's grief almost reopened Covenant's weeping。 But he steadied himself by thinking of the questions he would have to ask; the things he would have to say。 He wanted to smile for Foamfollower; but his cheeks were too stiff。 Then he felt he had been caught in the act of a perennial failure; a habitual
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