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er cold lips; the word beloved impugned him。 〃But you will not touch me。 You will e no closer。〃
    A great weight leaned against his shoulders; held him to the ground。 He retched for air; but when he gasped it into his lungs; it hurt him as if he were inhaling disease。 The atmosphere around him reeked with her presence。 She pervaded the air like rot。 On a scale that dwarfed him; she smelled as he did…smelled like…leprosy。
    He forced up his head; gaped gasping at her from under the streaming spike of his wound。
    With a smile like a smirk or leer; she extended her left hand toward him and opened it; so that he could see lying in her palm his white gold wedding band。
    Elena! he retched voicelessly。 Elena! He felt that he was being crushed under a burden of impenetrable circumstance。 In supplication and futility; he reached toward her; but she only laughed at him quietly; as if he were a masque of impotence enacted for her pleasure。
    A moment passed before his anguish permitted him to see her clearly; and while he groveled without prehension; she shone defiantly before him like a soul of purest emerald。 But slowly he recovered his vision。 Like a reborn phoenix; she flourished in green loveliness。 Yet in some way she reminded him of the specter of Kevin Landwaster…a spirit dredged out of its uneasy grave by mands of irrefusable cruelty。 Her expression was as placid as power could make it; she radiated triumph and decay。 But her eyes were pletely lightless; dark。 It was as if the strange bifurcation; the dualness; of her sight had gone pletely to its other pole; away from the tangible things around her。 She seemed not to see where or who she was; what she did; her gaze was focused elsewhere; on the secret which pelled her。
    She had bee a servant of the Despiser。 Even while she stood there with the Staff and the ring in her hands; Lord Foul's eyes held her like the eyes of a serpent。
    In her violated beauty; Covenant beheld the doom of the Land。 It would be kept fair; so that Lord Foul could more keenly relish its ravishment…and it would be diseased to the marrow。
    〃Elena;'' he panted; then paused; gagging at the reek of her。 〃Elena。 Look at me。〃
    With a disdainful toss of her head; she turned away from him; moved a step or two closer to the stone pillar。 ' Triock;'' she manded lightly; 〃answer the Unbeliever's questions。 I do not wish him to be in ignorance。 His despair will make a pretty present for the master。〃
    At once; Triock strode stiffly forward; and stood so that Covenant could see him without fighting the pressure which held him to the ground。 The Stonedownor's scowl had not changed; not abated one muscle or line of its vehemence; but his voice carried an odd undertow of grief。 He began roughly; as if he were reading an indictment: 〃You have asked where you are。 You are at Landsdrop。 Behind you lies the Fall of the River Landrider and the northmost reach of the Southron Range。 Before you stands the Colossus of the Fall。〃
    Covenant panted at this information as if it interfered with his ragged efforts to breathe。
    〃Perhaps the Lords〃…Triock hissed the word Lords in rage or desperation…〃have spoken to you of the Colossus。 In ages long past; it uttered the power of the One Forest to interdict its enemies the three Ravers from the Upper Land。 The Colossus has been silent for millennia…silent since men broke the spirit of the Forest。 Yet you may observe that turiya and moksha do not approach the stone。 While one Forestal still lives in the remnants of the Forest; the Colossus may not be altogether undone。 Thus it remains a thorn in the Despiser's mastery。
    〃It is now Elena's purpose to destroy this stone。〃
    Behind Covenant; both Ravers growled with pleasure at the thought。
    〃This has not been possible until now。 Since this war began; Elena has stood here with the Staff of Law in support of the master's armies。 With the Staff's power; she has held this winter upon the Land; thus freeing the master for other war work。 This place was chosen for her so that she would be ready if the Colossus awoke…and so that she could destroy it if it did not awaken。 But it has resisted her。'' The hardness in his voice sounded almost like rage at Elena。 〃There is Earthpower in it yet。
    〃But with the Staff and the wild magic; she will be capable。 She will throw the rubble of the Colossus from its cliff。 And when you have seen that no ancient bastion; however Earthpowerful and incorruptible; can stand against a servant of the master…then Elena Foul…wife will slay you where you kneel in your despair。 She will slay us all。〃 With a jerk of his head; he included Bannor and Foamfollower。
    In horrific unison; the Ravers laughed。
    Covenant writhed under the pressure which held him。 〃How?〃
    His question could have meant many things; but Triock understood him。 〃Because the Law of Death has been broken!〃 he rasped。 Fury flamed in his voice; he could no longer contain it。 He watched Elena as she moved gracefully toward the Colossus; preparing herself to challenge it; and his voice blared after her as if he were striving in spite of her coercion to find some way to restrain her。 Clearly; he knew how he was being pelled; what was being done to him; and the knowledge filled him with torment。 〃Broken!〃 he repeated; almost shouting。 〃When she employed the Power of mand to bring Kevin Landwaster back from his grave; she broke the Law which separates life from death。 She made it possible for the master to call her back in her turn…and with her the Staff of Law。 Therefore she is his servant。 And in her hands; the Staff serves him… though he would not use it himself; lest he share the fate of Drool Rockworm。 Thus all Law is warped to his will!
    〃Behold her; Thomas Covenant! She is unchanged。 Within her still lives the spirit of the daughter of Lena。 Even as she readies herself for this destruction; she remembers what she was and hates what she is。〃 His chest heaved as if he were strangling on bitterness。 〃That is the master's way。 She is resurrected so that she may participate in the ruin of the Land…the Land she loves!〃
    He no longer made any pretense of speaking to Covenant; he hurled his voice at Elena as if his tone were the only part of him still able to resist her。 〃Elena Foul…wife〃…he uttered the name with horror…〃now holds the white gold。 She is more the master's servant than any Raver。 In the hands of turiya or moksha; that power would breed rebellion。 With wild magic; any Raver would throw down the master if he could; and take a new seat in the thronehall of Ridjeck Thome。 But Elena will not rebel。 She will not use the wild magic to free herself。 She has been manded from the dead; and her service is pure!〃
    He raged the word pure at her as if it were the worst affront he could utter。 But she was impervious to him; secure in power and triumph。 She only smiled faintly; amused by his ranting; and continued to make her preparations。
    With her back to Covenant and Triock; she faced the monolith。 It towered over her as if it were about to fall and crush her; but her stance admitted to no possibility of danger。 With the Staff and the ring; she was superior to 
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