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tanks; everyone would die and the satellite would eventually drift down and burn out without firing its nuclear bomb to produce an electronic pulse of the capital。
 He took in the fact that an elevator stood; with doors open; to the far left of the console; next to a technician who was monitoring the guidance system。
 Trevelyan was sorting through the pocket litter on the console。
 Keys; money clip; pen; coins。  He gave the pen a quick examination; even clicking it once; scribbling with it on a pad before clicking it off again。  Bond was relieved when he put the pen back on the console。
 A few more clicks and he would not even have time to activate the mines。
 Trevelyan's hand suddenly shot up to Bond's left arm。
 〃The watch please; James;' yanking it from his wrist; then examining it with an indulgent smile。  〃How is old Q doing these days?
 Up to his usual tricks; I suppose。  I see you have the new model。' Slowly he turned it over to reveal a tiny red pinpoint winking on the underside。  〃I still press here; do I?〃 He pressed the stem and then the small button to the right。  The red light immediately stopped winking; and Bond knew that the arming devices in the mines themselves would also blink off and revert to their deactivated mode。  He wondered how much fuel was still leaking from the tanks and reckoned that it would be a fair amount running down the catwalk; dripping all the way down to this; the lowest level。
 In the mainframe puter room; Natalya; shivering with cold; typed as rapidly as she could and had all but pleted her instructions when the two guards burst in on her。  She managed to hit the Enter key; banging it hard; before they dragged her from the chair and led her off; down the stairs to where Bond stood under guard; and Trevelyan sat smiling happily。  Boris continued with his work on the keyboard。  Above; the global screen showed Mischa gradually moving closer to its target; and Bond looked from the screen to Natalya being brought across the floor。 To his pleasure he saw the guards' boots left damp stains as they marched towards him。  The fuel must be spreading both ways。
 Before the little party reached the console area; Bond relaxed。
 〃interesting little set…up you have here; Alec。  I see that you break into the bank via puter and then make certain large sums of money are transferred … I presume just seconds before you activate GoldenEye which; of course; erases all records of transactions; together with the entire target。  Very ingenious。〃
 〃Thank you; James。 High praise indeed; ing from you。
 Bond gestured with his head。  〃Still nothing but petty theft; Alec。  In the end you're nothing more than a bank robber。  A mon thief。  A mon murderer also。〃
 〃Hardly; James。  You always did have a small mind。  You see; it's not just a question of bank records。〃 His eyes; now like a stormy sky; scanned Bond's face。  〃It's everything in every puter in greater London。  Tax records。  The stock market。
 Credit ratings; land registries。  Even criminal records。。。〃 He looked up at the countdown clock。  〃In eleven minutes and forty…three no two。。。 one seconds; the United Kingdom will once more enter the Stone Age。〃
 〃Followed by Tokyo; Frankfurt; New York; Hong Kong。  A world…wide financial meltdown。〃 He looked as though he pitied Trevelyan。 〃All so that mad little Alec can settle a score with the world fifty years on。 So you can settle an injustice done to your ancestors。〃
 〃Oh; please; James; spare me any Freudian analysis。  I might as well ask you if all those vodka martinis ever silence the screams of all the men and women you've killed。。。〃 He looked past Bond to the guards bringing Natalya towards them。  〃。。。 Or do you find your forgiveness in the arms of all those willing women?〃 He slammed his hand hard onto the console。 〃England is about to learn the final cost of betrayal。' Natalya had been brought close to them now。
 〃Wele to the party; my dear Natalya。〃 Boris; hearing her name; swivelled his chair and saw her。  〃Natalya?〃 He sounded shocked。
 〃This isn't just one of your games; Boris。  Real people are about to die; you contemptuous little bastard。〃 She shrugged free of her captors and took a step forward; her palm hitting him hard on the left cheek and then a backhander to the right。
 They roughly pulled her back and; in the tiny skirmish; the pen; given to Bond by Q; rolled onto the floor。  Boris slowly reached down; picked it up and began to click it on and off。
 Bond watched him; fascinated by the clicks。  〃Click…click' one more and the device would be armed。  But Boris merely started to roll the pen between his fingers。
 〃Where did you find her?〃 Trevelyan asked her guards。
 〃She was in the mainframe; sir。〃 Trevelyan scowled; then snapped at Boris; 〃Check the programme。〃 Boris chuckled。  〃She couldn't put a bug in a simple game; let alone damage us。  She's a moron。  A second level programmer。  Anyway; she doesn't have access to the firing codes。
 All she knows about is the guidance system。
 As he said it; Boris seemed to slow down; slurring the final words and; at that moment; an alarm began to beep; as though someone had tried to break into a car。
 A technician; sitting at the far monitor; all but shouted; 〃Retro…rockets firing。〃 It was time for Natalya to smile; but Bond kept his eyes on Boris who now resumed clicking the pen。  Three … the pen was armed。  A further three times; disarming the pen。
 Boris leaped across to the technician: hammering at the keyboard with his right hand。  〃She's at ninety…seven miles and falling。  I can't regain control。〃
 〃What the hell's going on?〃 Trevelyan was up on his feet and moving towards Boris and the technician who looked bewildered。
 〃We'll have re…entry in thirteen minutes;' as he reached forward to set a re…entry clock。  The timer flashed on in brilliant red digitised figures; and the Time to Target now read; Aborted。  Time To Re…entry: 13:24。
 In the stunned silence; Natalya spoke。  〃It's going to burn up somewhere over the Atlantic。〃
 〃You little bitch。〃 Boris was still trying to regain control from the technician's keyboard。  He moved his head up to speak with Trevelyan。 〃She's changed the access codes。〃 As he spoke; Trevelyan; his face a rage; pulled his gun and stuck it in Boris' ear。
 Natalya giggled。  〃Go ahead; Janus。  Shoot him; he means nothing to me。
 Bond gave her a look of pleasure and muttered; 〃Standard operating procedure。〃
 〃I can break her codes; move that damned gun away; Alec。' Boris flapped at the pistol as though it were an insect; then turned back to the technician。  〃Load the guidance sub…routines。  Now。
 Quickly。〃 Then he started playing with the pen again。
 Click…click Click …click Then a whole series of clicks so that Bond lost count; just as Trevelyan took his pistol from Boris' ear and turned it onto Natalya。  〃Tell him。  You hear me; girl?  Tell him。〃 Boris was out of control; whirling and screaming at Natalya; 〃Give me those codes。 Natalya; GIVE ME THE CODES。〃 Bond had no idea of the status of the pen that the crazy little puter specialist was waving in Natalya's
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