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ther normal person?' he asked。
 Steel…Plated Coffin Alec Trevelyan's almost casual manner was meant to either anger Bond; or put him off guard。  It did neither。
 He remembered the many tricks Trevelyan always had up his sleeve back in the old days; when they were cold warriors together。  Bond particularly recalled a seminar~ at which Trevelyan spoke of the need for the man in the field never to show any true emotion; and always to appear utterly uncaring about anything if caught out。
 Much had obviously happened to Alec in the years between; but he had almost certainly never lost his old way of working。  If he appeared relaxed after what had happened in the last few minutes; then he obviously had some surprises in store; so it was necessary to treat him with considerable care。
 Both Trevelyan and Xenia stood with their backs towards Bond and a little too close to various switches and buttons that probably meant they could shut off the light; or open doors to go into the carriage forward of the middle one in which they stood。
 The train's engine had uncoupled itself from the three cars as it plunged into the tunnel; and he was uncertain whether Natalya was being held in the carriage forward of where his prisoners stood; or the one behind。  He also needed a new weapon and; as the two prisoners remained facing away from him; Bond's eyes flicked to and fro; finally alighting on a small hand gun … a Beretta; he thought … lying on one of the puter tables which had not suffered damage in the collision and blast
 He stepped to one side; picked it up and cocked the mechanism。
 The weight of the gun told him it had a full magazine; so working the slide ensured a round was chambered。
 〃Turn around; with your hands on your head;' he ordered。  〃Both of you。 Now!〃 As they obeyed; he saw Xenia's eyes move towards her Uzi which lay on the floor about three feet away from her。
 Kick that towards me; please; Xenia。  We don't want any accidents。
 Now; both of you stand well clear of that door。〃 The Uzi slid towards him; and while his pistol did not waver; Bond caught the machine gun with the side of his foot; sending it under the seats to his right。
 Trevelyan gave a mocking laugh。  〃James; you've always been lucky。
 But by the same token you've always been foolhardy。  You perform well under pressure but you never think ahead。  You haven't a chance here。
 You have no backup and no escape route。  You're stuck here with us as your hostages。  A poet once wrote; 〃The glass is falling hour by hour Bond continued the quote; 〃〃The glass will fall for ever。
 But if you break the bloody glass; you won't hold up the weather。〃
 Yes; I know; Alec; and I'm quite aware that you probably have some earth…shattering plan already running。。
 〃Earth…shattering is good。  Very good; James。  And; no!
 No; you cannot stop it now。  Unless you can find the source and remove that bad boy Boris within a couple of days; you're done for; old son。 Buggered and bitched。  I am the only person who might possibly change the circumstances; but that's pretty unlikely now。  And I hold the trump card here。  I hold the bargaining chip; so to speak。〃
 〃I have the beautiful Natalya。
 〃What do you mean; James; so?〃
 〃Why should Natalya be a bargaining chip?〃
 〃e on; James。  I know you very well。〃
 〃You do?
 Where is she; then?  Where is she if she's such an asset?〃
 〃I can get her for you; only you'll have to let me use the microphone。〃 His head gestured to where the mike was hanging; attached to a wall mounting。
 〃I just need your permission to。。
 〃Don't do anything stupid; Alec。  I really don't want to kill you。
 I want to take you home。〃
 〃Oh; yes。  Home。  By which I presume you mean England; home and beauty?〃
 〃No; I mean England; home and justice。' Trevelyan gestured towards the microphone once more and Bond nodded; not moving his eyes; but keeping the pistol halfway between Trevelyan and Xenia。
 〃Ourumov!  Bring her in here。〃 Trevelyan spoke into the mike and then returned it to the wall bracket。  〃A lovely girl。  Tastes like Well; I think she tastes like strawberries。  You always had a yen for strawberry…flavoured girls; James。〃
 〃I wouldn't know what she tastes like。〃
 〃A pity。  I know。〃 He was a clever actor; Bond thought。
 In that simple line the man had conjured up a picture of countless nights spent in the arms of Natalya; of every possible kind of fleshly lust studied and practised with her。
 The door behind him slid open and Natalya came hobbling in。
 General Ourumov had one arm around her throat; pulling her back towards him; while his other hand held a pistol to her head。
 Trevelyan laughed。  Not simply a laugh of pleasure or mockery; Bond considered。  That was the laugh of a madman。  〃Here we go again; James。' Even Bond thought that the man was a shade too cool。  There had to be something。
 Trevelyan was far too relaxed for fort。
 〃The good old Mexican standoff; James。  Also; if you think about it; we're back to where we started。  You've got one choice。  Either your little friend with Ourumov; or the mission to see what I have and where it's hidden。〃 Keeping the Beretta trained on the other two; Bond turned his head slightly so that Ourumov would know he was being spoken to。 〃General; tell me; what's this Cossack promised you?〃 Out of the corner of his eye he could see a twitch of uncertainty cross Ourumov's face。
 〃Details。  Details;' Trevelyan murmured。
 〃You know; surely; General Ourumov?  You know he's a Lienz Cossack?' 〃Long ago and far away。  Like a playwright once said about fornication。 〃That was in another country; and besides; the wench is dead。〃' 〃This is true?〃 Ourumov sounded shaken。
 〃About another country?〃 Trevelyan gave a high; one breath; laugh。
 〃It's true; Ourumov。  He's a Lienz Cossack and you know they all have long memories of the purges。  He has no love for you or your kind。
 He'll betray you。  Just like he's betrayed everyone else。〃
 〃This is true?〃 Ourumov asked again; and was cut off by Trevelyan。
 〃What's true is that in forty…eight to seventy…two hours you and I will have more money and more power than God。  By then; Mr。 Bond here will have only a small memorial service; and I doubt if there'll be many people left to attend it。  Should there be; it'll be Moneypenny weeping and a dozen or so restaurateurs worrying about their bank balances。  But a lot of people'll be worrying about their bank balances by then。〃 He paused for it to sink in。  〃So what's it to be; James?
 Two targets。  Time for one shot。
 Which way will you jump?  The girl or the mission?〃 Bond shrugged。
 〃Kill the girl if you like。  She means nothing to me。〃 Natalya let out a little moan which seemed to e from deep inside her。
 〃See you in hell; James。〃 He nodded his mand to Ourumov to kill the girl; but the general was off his guard now and Natalya sucked in that extra adrenalin。  She broke free and kneed him in the groin; diving away from him as she did so; leaving Bond a clear shot。
 The pistol barked; soun
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