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 〃He who hesitates。〃 Bond muttered and took the tank straight on and right across the roundabout。  Inside his metal capsule; he clearly heard the scream of braking cars and trucks desperately trying to avoid hitting the tank; and he mouthed a curse when the right track sliced into the front of a beer lorry。  Some of the load bounced in front of the driver's slit and he wondered what the final damage might be。
 But; by this time; he was across the middle of the roundabout and felt the crushing bump as the hull hit the base of the statue; depositing the Czar Nicholas; still astride his winged horse; neatly over the long muzzle of the 100mm main gun。
 From the back of the car; Ourumov saw what seemed to be an avenging angel bearing down on him。  For the first time in years the general made the Orthodox sign of the cross; his eyes wide with fear。
 Back at the roundabout; beer cans littered the road a temptation which proved too much to many of the drivers and pedestrians who leaped into the street to indulge in a feeding frenzy; grabbing at the cans; filling shopping baskets; or using pullovers and skirts as makeshift bags to carry as many of the coveted beer cans as possible。
 Traffic was at a standstill and the entire scene was filled with a cacophony of horns and shouts from frustrated drivers: including the police and military。
 For a while; at least; Bond was free of the pursuing authorities; but it could not last  More by his instinct than the sirens; he realised that; somehow; more police had got behind him。
 If he could have seen the convoy from the air; he would have known that the T55 was close behind the general's car; and three police cars were fast gaining on the tank。
 Bond was getting more experienced at handling the machine with every minute。  He took a long; wide bend to the left and glimpsed a low bridge directly in front of him; about fifty yards away; with Ourumov's car putting on speed; just passing under it。
 He tried for more power; saw the arch e up; heard the mighty crunch and the bang as the statue hit the overhang; rolling back into the direct path of the pursuit cars。
 By now he was starting to pick up munications on the police band。 There was talk of setting up a road block with anti…tank weapons and a lot of firepower; though he had no idea where this was being done。  It was obvious that it had to be somewhere along the route of the general's car; which he saw; too late; was making a fast right…hand turn。
 He slowed; but was too late and rumbled past the street down which the car had now disappeared。  They were on the city's outskirts and the housing was starting to thin out; but he slowed; preparing to take the next right turn; hoping against hope that he would find himself running parallel to Ourumov's car。
 Piling on the power; listening to the instructions regarding the road block and trying to maintain control of the tank; Bond realised that the next intersection was ing up fast  He slowed and turned right; anxious to see if he would be able to sight Ourumov's car。  As he took the right into a wide street; he saw to his frustration that this was a dead end。  Facing him was a three…storey office block。
 There were lights in the street level windows and he saw people moving behind them。  At the last minute; people in the office plex heard the sound of the oning tank and began leaping for cover as the juggernaut crashed through; turning furniture to matchsticks; typewriters into squashed and mashed metal; and exploding puter screens。
 He pushed the power to its maximum; and the tank went right through the building; like wire through cheese。
 He emerged into a wide street; bursting out from the rear wall of the building; cursing the brick dust and pieces of stone pouring down from the turret。  For a second; he had to pull his mind back to the direction he would have to go in order to catch the car。  He hesitated; then pulled the machine right and found out exactly what the police chatter had meant。
 Facing him was the barricade; plete with a large anti…tank gun and a lot of other firepower。  An officer stood in a mand car to the right; obviously waiting to give the order。  The only problem he had was that Bond's tank had broken through the wall behind the barricade。
 For the first time; Bond reached for the handle and trigger of the forward firing machine…gun; squeezed and was relieved to find the weapon was fully armed and ready。
 He smelled the cordite in the cramped enclosed space of the T55; and saw the utter confusion in front of him。
 Some of the tracers from the machine…gun were hitting; all of them were causing plete panic in the waiting military unit。  He spotted one brave man attempting to swing the anti…tank gun and bring it to bear; trying to turn it to face the rear of the barricade; but the tank was already on top of them。  He felt the whole mass of metal tip; heeling over to one side as the right tracks crushed the gun。
 There were a few bullets as he moved away down the road; and one armour piercing round did hit the heavy plating on the rear; but he was home free。  More than that; he had just caught a glimpse of Ourumov's car crossing the road about two blocks ahead。  He did not need to follow closely on its heels now; for he had recognised the neighbourhood。  On Jack Wade's tour of St。 Petersburg; the American had brought him along this road intentionally。  He now knew exactly where Ourumov was heading。
 All he could hope for was that he could get there in time。
 This was yet another of the remnants of the old Soviet military machine。 It lay deep inside a large oblong cutting; the top of which was surrounded by a crumbling brick wall and razor wire。  The buildings were already starting to break up; and there was a strong sinister sense of long gone power about the place。
 It had obviously once been somewhere of tremendous strategic importance。 You could tell that by the types of structures and the strongly constructed platforms; together with now rusting stubby cranes。
 Bond lay in a gap in the wall; on top of the cutting; looking down on the panorama below him; the T55 stood at the end of the deep ruts it had made when climbing up the high sloping grass embankment; and he was relieved that he appeared to have arrived before Ourumov。  That had not been difficult; for the car in which the general travelled with Natalya was forced to take normal roads; while the tank had been able to move away from streets; so slew off across open fields to get to this place。
 He silently thanked Jack Wade for pointing it out to him on their long drive around on the day of his arrival in St。 Petersburg。  Later; when the gangster arms dealer Zukovsky had mentioned the rumours that Janus travelled in style on an armoured train; Bond had known immediately where that train was likely to be kept: here; the once Number One Strategic (Rail) Weapons Depot。  The first real proof of what this place had been was in the number of long; strengthened; flatbed trucks; which had been the main transporter vehicles for NATO…coded Scapegoats; Savage; Sego and Scrooge nuclear we
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