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r round。
 Bond grabbed Natalya and dragged her down to the hard stone floor; trying to protect her with his body; as Ourumov turned and took off Mishkin's head with a second shot。
 〃This ammunition takes no prisoners; does it?  What a terrible state of affairs。  Defence Minister Viktor Mishkin is murdered by the cowardly British agent; James Bond。。。〃 He worked the slide on the pistol; flipped the magazine from the butt; pocketing the ammunition and tossing the gun to Bond as his hand went towards the weapon holstered at his hip。
 In turn; Bond is shot while trying to escape。〃 He levelled his pistol and began to shout; almost hysterically … Guards。。。 Guards。
 Quickly。〃 The pistol came up in his hand; but Bond had already moved; diving for the unanchored metal chair and hurling it at Ourumov; who caught it across his chest; falling backwards; the pistol going off and a bullet ricocheting around the cell。  As it happened; so Bond was on Ourumov; his fist catching the general on the side of the jaw so that his head lolled back; unconscious。
 Bond dragged Natalya … and the one loose chair … to the wall behind the door just before it clanged open; and two soldiers; both with machine pistols; barrelled into the room; and stopped short; staring at the bodies; pletely shaken by what they had found。
 Before the pair had a chance to react; Bond leaped forward; swinging the chair … left and right; hard; smashing into the faces of the two men; then catching Natalya by the wrist; he hauled her out of the cell stopping only to scoop up a machine pistol which had fallen from one of the now bleeding and unconscious soldiers。
 They were in a long passageway studded with metal doors; like the one belonging to the cell from which they had escaped。  At the far end of the corridor; steps led upwards and; still pulling Natalya with him; Bond headed towards them; reckoning that stairs going up probably meant there would be stairs going down。  He was wrong。
 Damn; he cursed。  People on the run in buildings normally go up and he had wanted to break that psychological fact by getting down to a lower floor。
 At the top of this short flight of stairs; another long corridor led to an open plan office。  Three soldiers stood at the ready in front of the office; and; as he glanced back; he could see Ourumov; puffing and blowing; his pistol unholstered and acpanied by three more men; beginning to follow the fugitives。
 He put a quick burst in the direction of Ourumov; and then fired a long burst at the three men in front of the office。  He saw one man go down; and another fall onto one knee as though wounded。  The third ducked back into the office。
 There seemed to be no way out; so he signalled to Natalya; making her flatten herself against the wall as he edged his way forward。
 Three steps and they came to an archway on their left which appeared to be the entrance to yet another very dark and narrow corridor。
 There was no option so he pulled the girl close and asked if she was all right。
 〃I will be if I live;' she said with some spirit。
 〃Run like hell and don't stop for anyone。〃 They set off at a sprint into the darkness。
 Light gleamed at the far end and; as they came closer; he deciphered a red notice in Russian which said NO ADMITTANCE。 
 〃Someone not keeping up with the times;' he muttered。
 A very stout metal door with a big lock barred their way。
 〃Keep going!〃 he shouted back to Natalya; firing a burst from the hip which blew out the lock and set a siren wailing。
 They crossed into the archive area and Bond slammed the door behind them。  They were now in a passage leading to a larger well…lit section; and lined with a series of cabinets teetering and leaning in an obviously unsafe manner。
 He wished; fleetingly; that he had more time。  He would have liked to have a squint at some of the files which were piled in bulk in those units。
 As soon as they reached the end of the entrance hallway; he motioned Natalya to stand clear and put his shoulder against the last cabinet。 It toppled easily against the next structure and set off a domino effect so that the cabinets and shelving crashed down against the door。  Swiftly he crossed the little passage; did the same with the cabinets on that side; then turned his attention to the main archives。
 Bond and Natalya found themselves in the uppermost section of three huge circular galleries; with what appeared to be a glass rotunda directly above them。  Here things were more orderly。  To his right he saw a large round segmented window between the neat and solidly built bookcases that circled the gallery。  From behind there was a pounding as Ourumov's men tried to batter their way in。
 Moving closer to the window; Bond glanced out to see a view of the military vehicle park far below。  Too far。  He craned closer to look straight down and wondered if what he had in mind was possible。  Then he became aware that the pounding had ceased on the door behind them; making him even more alert。  Crossing to the wooden balcony rails he peered over to see Ourumov; flanked by his men; ing onto the gallery below them。
 He motioned Natalya to back off silently and get into the window opening; then he looked down again and saw; with a lurch to his stomach; that the floors of the galleries had been built with several layers of strong thick Lucite。
 He could see to the circle below; and knew it was only a matter of time before Ourumov and his troops would spot them as they peered upwards through the transparent flooring。
 As though his thought triggered the action; Ourumov shouted; pointing up at them and bullets began to plough their way into the glass…like floor; ripping and sharding the material。
 〃Run;' he yelled at Natalya。  〃Follow me!〃 and they set off to circle the entire upper gallery; Bond wildly looking to see if there were any alcove or passage which would make them safer。
 As they ran so the bullets stripped out the flooring like several pneumatic drills; following them around the gallery; making it impossible to turn back; for the thick Lucite was already shredding behind them。
 Natalya stumbled; half fell; slowing her forward movement。  No bullet hit her; but the floor gave way; tearing to pieces behind her; so throwing up her arms and screaming; she fell through the jagged hole; straight into the arms of the soldiers below。
 Bond cursed; momentarily wondering if he should drop down and try to save her。  She had a great spirit and had already shown that she had the guts and determination to keep going。
 He hardly paused; knowing that he would be letting his heart rule his head if he stopped now; for the bullets continued to open up the floor behind him。  He would soon be running out of space; for he had almost pletely covered the entire ring of the gallery; but four strides ahead he caught a glimpse of a metal safe inlaid between the shelving; with room for him to climb on to it。  They would have to blow the thing out from under him with explosives that would wreck the entire building if he c
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