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 〃I think it would be a good idea to pretend we're one of these damned statues;' Bond said; gently wrapping the trembling girl in his arms。
 The headquarters of Military Intelligence for the St。 Petersburg area lie behind high brick walls near what was once Red Army Student Street。 Within the walls the army keeps a large number of vehicles ranging from APCs and the smaller open…topped BTU…152u mand Vehicles; to tanks。 The headquarters building is of a dour red brick; in stark contrast with the rest of the city which sports some of the most beautiful buildings and views in the whole of Russia; if not the world。  Of all Russian cities; St。 Petersburg was rebuilt to closely mirror its former glory following the terrible siege of 900 days during the War。
 Bond and Natalya were taken straight to an interrogation cell: bare and unpromising … the metal door slammed and locked behind them immediately。  An unshaded light bulb hung from the ceiling and the furnishings were a simple metal table and three metal chairs。  The table and two of the chairs were bolted to the floor。  The third; Bond immediately discovered; had been brought in recently and was not secured。
 There was no point in even searching for bugs; for they would be invisible these days without an electronic sweeper and even that would not guarantee results。  He would have to risk talking anyway; for he needed to work on the girl and coax her back to normal。  At the moment she cowered in a corner; her eyes full of fear。
 Moving towards her; he said quietly; 〃We haven't much time。〃 She crawled along the wall; moving away from him; almost shouting; 〃Stay away from me。  Don't e near or I'll scratch your eyes out。  Just stay away。
 In the end; he managed to grab her by the wrists and pull her towards him。  〃Now listen;' he spoke almost in a whisper … not gentle but flat; urgent and cold。  〃I work for the British Government。  So; you can either take your chances with me; or put your life in the hands of your fellow countrymen … the people who killed everyone at Severnaya。
 〃Where's Severnaya?  I've never been to Severnaya。
 〃Your watch has。〃 He twisted her wrist; reading off the frozen time。 〃Seven…fifteen and twenty…three seconds in the evening。  The very moment the electronics everywhere in the vicinity were stopped by the GoldenEye blast〃
 〃The GoldenEye ?〃 she began; and he saw that she was starting to relent。
 〃I'd put money on the fact that you were the one who climbed up the remains of the big satellite dish to get out。〃 It seemed an age before she gave him a little nod of agreement。
 〃Who are you?〃 he asked。
 〃Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova。  Yes; I am a Level Two programmer; and I know what happened。〃
 〃Natalya; that's a lovely name。  Who was the inside man on this?〃
 〃Boris。  Boris Grishenko。〃
 〃Russian Federal Intelligence … the old KGB … or military?〃
 〃A brilliant puter programmer; but I think probably old KGB。  He acts crazy but he's quite exceptional。〃
 〃Was there anyone else?〃
 〃Inside?  No。〃
 〃What about satellites。  Are there any more?〃
 〃Just one moment。  It's my turn to ask questions。〃 She appeared to have gained confidence。  〃Who are you?
 Who are you really?〃
 〃James。。。〃 he began; then a key rattled in the metal door which was thrown open and an armed guard preceded the Minister of Defence; Viktor Mishkin; into the cell。
 Mishkin looked suave in a long dark coat with a sable collar over his sober dark suit。  In his right hand he carried Bond's automatic pistol; and his smile was the smile of a tiger。
 〃Well; good morning; Mr。 Bond。〃 He held the gun as a child might hold a small flag; wiggling it in the air。  〃Sit; both of you。〃 Bond immediately grabbed the metal chair that was not bolted to the floor; while Mishkin took the chair opposite。
 〃In case you do not recognise me; I am Viktor Mishkin; Minister of Defence。〃 He hardly paused for breath; putting Bond's pistol on the metal table in front of him。  〃So; how shall we execute you; mander Bond?  The usual manner: the bullet to the back of the head?  Quick; painless and straightaway; now; so we can deny any knowledge of you?' Bond raised an eyebrow。  〃No small talk or chit…chat; Minister?You're not going to do a proper sinister interrogation?  Nobody has time for these things any more。
 Interrogation's a lost art。〃
 〃This isn't the time to be flippant; mander。  I have one question only。  Where is the GoldenEye?〃
 〃I assumed you had it; Minister。〃
 〃No。  All I have is an English spy; a Severnaya programmer; and the helicopter they stole。。。 〃You only have what one traitor in your government wanted it to look like。' Mishkin's hand came down heavily on the table。  〃Who is behind your attack on Severnaya?  Who ordered it?〃
 〃Who had the access codes?〃
 〃The penalty for terrorism is death; and I regard the pair of you as terrorists。〃
 〃What's the penalty for treason these days; Minister?  A slap on the wrist and banishment to a country dacha; like the traitors who bungled the coup in 〃91?〃
 〃Some died。〃
 〃Supposedly by their own hand。  You have another traitor close to you; Minister。〃 Natalya suddenly spoke; loudly and with a very firm voice。 〃Stop it。  Stop it; both of you。  You're like children squabbling over their toys。〃 Bond looked at her; a smile around the cruel corner of his mouth。  〃Didn't you know; my dear?  The one who dies with the most toys wins。〃
 〃Stop it。 You know the truth as well as I do。〃 She looked at Mishkin。 〃It was Ourumov。  General Ourumov and that woman … the one like a snake。
 Together they killed everyone and stole the GoldenEye。〃 Mishkin threw back his head and gave a one note laugh。
 〃Ha; why would Ourumov do that?〃
 〃Because there's another satellite。 Exactly the same as the one they used to destroy Severnaya。〃 Mishkin's smile turned itself off; as though someone had thrown a switch。  〃This is true?〃
 〃Absolutely true。  The second one is code named Mischa; and somewhere out there is a second control plex。
 A motion at the door stopped them short。  General Ourumov seemed to cannon into the room; slamming the door behind him。  He looked unkempt; tired; unshaven and as though he had slept in his uniform。  Sweat dripped from his face as if he had been running through terrible humidity and was very out of condition。
 〃Defence Minister。。。 I must protest。〃 he blurted; struggling for breath。
 〃General Ourumov。。
 〃This is my investigation。  You are out of order!〃
 〃From what I've just heard; General; it is you who is out of order。〃 Ourumov leaned forward and picked up Bond's pistol from the table。  〃I think I've seen this weapon before!〃
 〃Put it down; General。〃
 〃In the hands of our enemy。  Do you even know who the enemy is; Viktor? Do you?〃 Mishkin made a gesture; as though he were knocking an insect out of the way。
 〃Guard!  The General is under arrest  Escort him to。〃
 The guard; a young soldier in his early twenties; paused for a second; then began to unholster his machine pistol … too late; for Ourumov wheeled and shot him。  The guard was thrown against the wall; his chest torn out by the Glaser round。
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