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r cover; but the pinpoint of light stayed on him。  From somewhere unseen; a sniper squeezed his trigger。
 There was a hiss; like lightning cracking through the air; streaking towards him。  He felt a huge blow on his chest; knew somehow that he had been hit by a long range and very powerful stun gun。  Once more that day his world went suddenly black and his mind was switched off as though someone had thrown a lever cutting off all thoughts and senses。  The last thing he registered was the smell of burning。
 He was being banged hard; and regularly; in the back。
 Someone was calling to him。  A woman; her speech accented。  He could not move or open his eyes; and his chest felt as though a mule had kicked him。
 He tried to retreat into sleep; after all being asleep was being safe; and he had no desire to face anything unsafe。
 〃Wake up。。。 Wake up; Mister。。。 Sir; wake up。
 Please wake up。〃 Definitely a Russian accent; and she seemed to be pounding on his back。  Finally he struggled to the surface and found himself returning to a very alien world。
 He sat in a cockpit。  Rows of instruments and switches were in front of him and a canopy around him; but he was bound into the seat tightly。 Rope crossed and recrossed his chest and arms。  More rope cut into his wrists and his ankles; while even more was bound around his legs。  It did not require genius to realise that he sat; absolutely secured; in the forward cockpit of the Tigre helicopter。
 The voice; acpanied by banging; came from the rear; electronics/navigation officer's position。  〃Wake up Wake up。。。〃 it droned on like a mantra。
 He managed to turn his head just enough to catch sight of the dark hair and attractive face while her feet kept up their pounding on the back of the pilot's seat。
 〃I'm here。  I'm here; it's OK。〃 His voice sounded slurred and he could feel the parched dryness of his throat。  He tried to get his head around so that he could see more; but it was impossible so he concentrated on his restraints which did not seem to give an inch。
 〃Do something;' the woman was pleading。  〃For heaven's sake; do something。〃
 〃I'm a shade tired。  OK。〃 Pushing with all his strength; Bond managed to reach some of the switches with his face; clocking them on with nose; mouth and forehead。  Some of the instruments illuminated and there was a whine as the engine began to spool up; the rotors chop…chopping above them。
 A beeping noise attracted his attention and; with the ropes pressing into his flesh causing extreme pain; he leaned forward to peer at the instrument concerned。
 It was a flashing display on the weapons' control panel。
 In red it flashed DELAY LAUNCH IN SECONDS TO 17 16 15。
 Launch?  He thought。  Missiles?  The chopper itself?
 The numbers moved on relentlessly; and Bond wondered if this was his personal countdown to death … for him and the young woman behind him。
 07 06。。。05。。。04。
 The whole cabin began to shake violently and his ears popped as; with great streams of flame; a pair of missiles screeched off from under the stubby weapons bearing wings。
 The two missiles moved so fast that by the time he had taken in what was happening; they were flickering flames a mile or so in the distance; running low over buildings; and the lights of St。 Petersburg。
 Then; in tandem; they lifted upwards; slicing into the sky; crossing each other's trails。
 Noises still came from the weapons' control panel。  A high…pitched whine; followed by a growl and an urgent deet…deet…deet sound that he recognised and associated with a target acquisition warning。
 Eyes down again and he saw another counter moving。
 One set of figures remained set at 003。109。001。  That would be the target position; and below it another series of numbers flowed; suddenly stopping at the same coordinates …003。109。001。  A match; and he now knew where the target was located。  He was sitting in it。
 Far away; high in the sky to the left; the rockets had turned and were ing down; like perfectly aimed arrows; pointing directly towards them。  He could feel the sweat trickle from his hairline as he frantically looked for the one way of escape。  He yelled back at the girl。  〃I need a square red button。  Probably lit up。  Can you see it?' 〃There。。 To your right To your right。。
 His eyes flicked over and there it was with the words CAUTION EJECT above it; and out of reach。
 With a final thrust; summoning all his strength and backing it up with a yell; he slammed his head towards the button and felt his right temple touch。  Then the world changed again。
 The rotors howled and were thrown away from the helicopter。  There was a massive thump from beneath the long cockpit as it was launched into the air; a one…piece cabin capsule which shot to almost two hundred feet before parachutes were deployed。
 At the apogee of its surge upwards; the capsule seemed to hover; not moving; in the air; and from below came the devastating explosion as the two missiles smashed into the frame of the helicopter; sending up a great fireball that; for a second; engulfed the capsule。
 The girl was screaming behind him; and he knew that his own mouth was open; but could not tell if it was wide in a silent scream; or if he was also shrieking with fear。
 The capsule drifted down and hit the earth with a heavy; bone…jarring thud。  It was several seconds before Bond realised that the jolt of the ejector rockets; bined with the thud of landing; had loosened the ropes。  He struggled; pushing and pulling until; finally; his arms were free; then his hands; so that he was able to reach down and release his legs。
 He popped the canopy and began to climb out and along to the rear partment where the girl sat in shock; bewildered and white knuckled as she clung to the arm rests of the seat。  She was held down by straps with buckles at the back; her arms were secured to the seat; and there was a tight strap around her ankles。
 He swung around; unlocking her section of the canopy; reaching out to her … swiftly undoing the straps。  〃e on。  Let me help you out。〃 He spoke gently; though he later realised that he was probably shouting as his ears were popping from the G forces to which they had been exposed during the ejection。
 The girl grabbed his arm and he helped her to the soft earth。
 Almost as they touched the ground; she lashed out; kicking at his shins and trying to escape from him。
 〃Stop!〃 He was shouting by now。
 〃No!  Let me go。  Take your hands off me!〃 She clawed at him with her fingernails。
 〃I'm trying to help you。  Stop it now。〃 They were still grappling when the white spotlights of two helicopters nearly blinded them from above。 Near at hand they could hear the wail of sirens and a voice on a loud hailer unit in one of the helicopters told them in Russian to stay exactly where they were。'。。。 If you move; you will be shot where you stand;' the voice continued。
 〃I think it would be a good idea to pretend we're one of these damned statues;' Bond said; gently wrapping the trembling girl in his arms。
 The headquarters of Military
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