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 They even called his room on the in…house telephone。  〃You want a nice friend for the night?〃 most of them would say。  Bond was very polite; but eventually took the telephone off the hook。
 Wade had picked him up in the Moskovich promptly at nine。  They had spent much of the morning touring the city and taking odd detours; many of which could prove helpful。
 〃Do I ever stop talking; James?  Rarely。  You needed the grand tour; so I'm giving it to you。  St。 Petersburg is an excellent example of a cross…section of the new Russia。
 See; the homeless on the streets。。
 〃Roughly matches that of your own inner cities in the States。〃
 〃Oh; been to London lately; James?〃
 〃Yes; and New York; also DC。  I think you have the edge on the homeless situation。〃
 〃Look more carefully; friend。  The Russian Federation has the real edge。 As well as the homeless and hungry; you can see a kinda blurred mirror image of the West
 The expensive cars; suits; dresses。  On one level these people have learned a lot。〃
 〃They do seem to have learned about the unacceptable face of capitalism; I'll give you that。〃
 〃They've also learned about the unacceptable crime of capitalism。  It may be bad in the States; but here it is really a going concern。  I did tell you how I got into gardening; didn't I?〃
 〃Several times; Jack。  Now how about showing me what I really came here to see?〃
 〃It's OK; James。〃 He turned into a side…street in which even Bond would hesitate to walk alone at night。
 〃Very pretty。〃 He saw the dismal faces and hungry eyes staring from doorways and windows。  At the end of the street; a couple of whores made to approach the car as it slowed down。  Jack Wade shouted a fast line of Russian abuse at them and they jumped back quickly。
 〃I know those words;' Bond smiled。  〃Only I haven't heard them spoken before。〃
 〃Very necessary; James。  Now pay attention; we're ing to an interesting area。  As we make a right here; take note of the building on your left。〃 Bond sat back; his eyes flicking towards the sign above the doleful…looking shop; reading aloud; 〃Kirov's Funeral Parlour。  I suppose you're going to tell me this is the dead centre of St。 Petersburg。〃
 〃Very droll; James。  That's the place I was telling you about。  Four o'clock this afternoon; the hearse es in through those big wooden doors next to the shop。  They do the business and the hearse is out in ten minutes。  I can put the word out if I don't hear from you by three。〃
 〃Makes sense。  Good insurance is hard to find。〃
 〃Sure; hang on; we've got to take a left here; then your eyes'll pop。〃 The battered old car swung into a broad alley and Bond saw a sight so bizarre he could hardly believe it。
 Several expensive cars were parked along the street。
 Handfuls of well…fed; very well…dressed; smooth…looking Russians leaned against the cars。  Less kempt men stood against walls; their wares spread out at their feet。  In the boot of every car; the back of every truck; and along the pavement; weapons were stacked; grenade launchers; hand guns; Uzi and H&K sub…machine guns; boxes of ammunition。
 Jack Wade grunted; then assumed his role of tour guide。
 〃Wele to the shopping mall of death。  The wild East
 This; for Russia; is capitalism's finest hour。  One size maims all; and everyone can make a killing。  Kinda like East LA; right?〃
 〃I'm happy to say I've never been to East LA。〃
 〃Well; good for you; James。
 Hang on; we turn right at the top of this nice little market place。
 Zukovsky has a joint here; at the end of the street。〃 He pointed to what appeared to be the entrance of a night club。  〃By ten at night; this place is really jumping; but your old friend does his business by day。' He turned right into the alley which seemed to be deserted。
 〃Your best way in is through any of the doors on this side。  Just get in and follow the smell。
 You'll find him soon enough。〃 He pulled over to the kerb; and Bond was out of the car and into the shadow of a doorway long before Wade had even put the car in gear。
 The wall; and the doors; made the place look like an abandoned warehouse; but he had seen many places like this: shells built around existing; well constructed places。
 He reached for his wallet; and pressed hard on one of the metal protective edges。  A secret partment opened up to disclose an entire set of lock…picking tools。  He wondered if Valentin Zukovsky was still as careful about locks as he used to be; back in the bad old days when he worked for the KGB。  At that time; Zukovsky had a mania for unbeatable locks and the most sophisticated electronic alarm systems。
 It seemed that his old adversary had lost his cunning。
 Bond was through the door and making his way silently up the stairs in three minutes flat。  Above; in the distance; he could hear someone singing just off…key enough to be grating on the nerves。
 Valentin Zukovsky was big: tall; broad shouldered and with an elephantine girth。  He had a moon face; so much so that people said he must be related somehow because he had all the craters and pock marks to go with it。
 His club; which was simply known as Valentin's; was luxurious in an old…fashioned; red plush; gold…fringed manner。  At this moment there were several people sitting around obviously doing business of one kind or another。
 Judging by the type of people talking as low as they could; the business was; if not criminal; certainly bordering on the breaking of laws。
 Zukovsky wore a creased and crumpled white suit which looked a size too big for him until he stood up and revealed that its voluminousness was necessary for his bulk。
 Half…a…dozen scantily dressed young women waited on tables and pointed out certain favours they could bestow if you ordered from the reverse side of the menu。  The most innocent of these was a normal massage。
 On a raised dais at one end of the room; another young woman; very attractive and clad in red sequins; battled with 〃Raining in Baltimore' by Counting Crows; but she could not quite make the song e to life。
 It was possible that; apart from being hampered by not being able to carry a melody; she did not understand the words。
 Zukovsky had spent the past hour with a reedy…looking; ferret…faced Pakistani arms dealer of very doubtful provenance。  They closed no deals; and the Pakistani was just about to leave when Zukovsky suddenly focused his attention on a small TV monitor; about the size of a playing card; set into the table where he always sat。
 The monitor gave out a tiny beep and the picture came on。 Zukovsky glanced down; then did a double…take as he saw who had entered by picking a lock to one of the side doors。  He smiled as the picture followed the intruder slowly up the stairs; and his smile became almost benevolent。
 Lazily; he gestured to a man who had the makings of a pair of gorillas; and said something to him。  He then stood and walked with his lumbering limp towards a pair of red velvet curtains to the right of the dais where the singer was losing her battle with the song。
 He passed through the curtains and showed no surpri
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