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 〃It certainly wouldn't bother me。〃 Wade grinned again。
 〃You know what's funny; James?
 Real funny。  There are people in this very city who think the current administration stinks。  People who will not walk past this place; because there are some old statues of Stalin buried here; even though he was condemned after his death。  I've heard people say about Boris Yeltsin's regime; that things were better under Stalin。〃 Bond shrugged。 〃I've heard people in England say they were happier in World War II than they are now under inpetent government。  … They say; 〃In the war; we at least knew where we stood。〃  I know what they mean。
 〃Strange life; James。  Strange old life。〃 Wade flapped his hand at a swarm of flies that were gathering。
 Back in the car; driving to the hotel; Bond dragged him back to the subject of Janus。
 〃You want to hear what else I know about Janus?〃
 〃Zilch;' you said。
 〃Sure; well the truth is that you don't find this guy。  He finds you。 The only thing I can do is point you in the general direction of his main petition。  Nowadays they got one of those keep…your…friends~close~and~your enemies…closer kind of things going。
 Jeez; it really is like the old style Mafia here。  I sometimes think they've all seen Brando doing his Godfather bit。〃
 〃OK; who's Janus' main petition?〃
 〃A real old KGB guy。  Got a bad limp。  Right leg。 Name of Zukovsky。〃
 〃Valentin Dimitreveych Zukovsky?〃
 〃You know the guy?' 〃I gave him the limp。
 Natalya risked the first hard currency store she could find。
 At least; she thought; I'll know if they have the dogs really close on my heels or if it's only the militia; the police; and the intelligence people。
 She had used the public bathrooms at the Moskovsky Vokzal Railway Station as soon as she arrived and the soap she had been given was not quite as bad as she expected; but that was probably because she had tipped the bath lady one precious green dollar。
 With her body clean and hair washed; she had eaten at the little cafeteria near the station exit。  The coffee was like dishwater; but at least it was hot; and the sandwich of black bread and goat's cheese was tasty。  After the meagre meal; she had headed straight out for the hard currency store。  She needed a good thick skirt; changes of stockings and underwear; a couple of pairs of jeans; some warm shirts; toiletries; an airline carry…on bag and a large leather shoulder bag。
 Natalya had no idea where she was going to spend the night; but that could wait。  She had thought of getting a train to Novgorod; then a local to where her parents still lived on the shore of Lake Ilmen; but she knew that it could put her father and mother at risk。  If they were looking for her; the first thing they would have done was to put a team of surveillance people onto the house。  Better to stay away than risk the rest of her family。
 In the women's crowded changing room; she put on new clothes。  Her fur coat; hat; gloves and the leather boots were acceptable; but she carefully checked her papers; moving them into the shoulder bag; together with things she would need。  The remainder of her clothes; including those she had been wearing; went into the carry…on。  As she was checking her papers; she remembered the official…looking document she had been given over a year ago when she had gone on special assignment to collect puter hardware。  Until now; she had forgotten its existence。  This could be useful。  She tied her hair back into a severe bun and looked at the general effect。  It would work; she thought; as she was jostled by a couple of other women in front of the one long mirror。  This pair was safe enough … fat officials' wives out on a spending spree。  They had eyed her too closely to be surveillance people; and she had caught the jealous look one of them had flashed at her when she stood half naked; revealing her slim firm figure。
 Out on the streets again; in the Gostiny Dvor arcade the Merchants' Arcade; St。 Petersburg's main shopping area … she window…shopped until she found a store selling puters。  The window…dressing did not bode well。  Out of date IBM's and Apple Macs; with tiny hard drives; obsolete chips and a minimum of RAM took pride of place。
 Natalya breathed deeply and walked into the store。
 Out of the corner of her eye she saw the manager looking her over and not putting her very high on the food chain。  He hesitated as she looked at the primitive machines; then; as she moved a pace towards the door; he came up to her and asked 〃Yes?〃 in a tone he almost certainly reserved for menials。
 She wrinkled her nose; as though indicating that both the manager and the wares on show were giving off the scent of spoiled fish。  〃Are these all you have?〃 she asked。
 Sarcastically; the manager raised his eyebrows。  〃How many do you want?' She dug her hand into the big shoulder bag; consulted the influential…looking document。  〃Well; twenty…four for the American school; eleven for the Swedish。  They must be IBM patible; with at least 500 megabite hard drives; CD…ROM and 14…4 modems。  We have to keep them in line with the ones they already use。
 The manager's attitude switched from disdainful to fawning。  〃We are talking hard currency here; yes?〃
 〃What other kind is there?〃
 〃If madam requires a demonstration。。
 〃Madam requires one demonstration model; and a quiet place to test it for an hour or so。
 〃Of course。〃 He snapped his fingers at a junior salesman and together they led her through to the back of the store where an up…to…date 486 was set up on a spacious desk。
 〃Just leave me alone。  The order will depend on what I find here。
 I need peace;' booting up the machine as she spoke。
 Almost before they were out of the room; her fingers started to fly over the keys。  She was on…line and typing in TO madvlad@mosup。math。edu … URGENT YOU CALL NATALYA @ 3422…589836。
 Then she waited。  If Boris had lived following the disaster; he would have managed to get access to a puter by now。  He was not a whole man unless he was surfing or listening out。
 The minutes ticked away; and with them the optimism。
 Her puter beeped and there he was; on screen … or at least a wild cartoon graphic of him。  The screen cleared and the message ribboned out … THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD。
 She smiled and could have wept with happiness as she replied OURUMOV KILLED EVERYONE。  FIRED 〃PETYA' AND TOOK GOLDENEYE。
 It took a couple of minutes; but the answer slid back onto the screen … YOU AREN'T SAFE。  TRUST NOBODY。  MEET ME TOMORROW SIX PM CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF SMOLENSK。
 She had a day to wait。  Now all she had to do was find somewhere to sleep without being wakened by some cop putting handcuffs on her wrists。
 〃Do you ever stop talking; Jack?〃 Bond was fast being irritated with Jack Wade's constant patter。
 The Grand Hotel Europe had provided Bond with a good bedroom and decent food。  There were also extras which he constantly turned down。
 They even called his room on the in…house telephone。  〃You want a nice friend for the night?〃 most of them would say。  Bond was ve
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