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 〃Jack Wade。  CIA。〃
 〃Bond。  James Bond; and you know where I'm from。〃
 〃If I didn't know; I would now。  You guys never change。
 Cold War's over; yet you still go around with your codes; your cloaks; your daggers。〃
 〃The idea is to remain as safe as possible。  I thought the CIA still understood the meaning of tradecraft; and the fact that we're all still in business。〃 Wade started the engine; which coughed and spluttered; then fired properly。  It sounded like an old two…stroke lawnmower。  〃We do;' he laughed。  〃I knew who you were。
 Thought I'd have some fun。〃
 〃Well; I wouldn't advise it。  Keep to the rules and regulations or you might just find yourself sharing a cell with your nice Mr。 Ames; or worse。  I understand the KGB have merely changed their name。  With the instability around here; we could all find ourselves back in the business as usual game。
 〃Ah; the Great Game as you Brits call it。〃 He slowly eased the car out into the traffic。
 〃I haven't heard anyone call it the Great Game recently … except melodramatic authors and journalists。〃 Wade lifted his eyebrows。  〃OK; Jim 〃James;' Bond snapped。  〃Never Jim; and certainly not Jimbo。〃
 〃OK; sorry。  I thought I'd just drive you around so that we can talk。 Show you the sights as it were。
 〃The car's clean?〃
 〃Except for the exterior and a few Snicker wrappers。
 He threw the magazine he had been reading into the back seats。
 〃You do any gardening?〃
 〃Not if I can help it。  Now; you're the local expert so let me hear your words of wisdom。
 〃Wisdom isn't really in fashion over here at the moment。
 They told me you wanted information; I've been ordered to give it to you。  So 〃So what do you know about Janus?〃
 〃Hey; look at those buildings; isn't this the most wonderful city you've ever seen?  Look; the Winter Palace; and there's the Alexander column。 You got one like that in London; yes?  Some sailor。〃
 〃Admiral Lord Nelson; yes。  Mr。 Wade; don't play the goofy Yank with me。 Now; Janus。
 〃You could write what I know about Janus on a pin head; James。  In a word; zilch; zipsky。〃
 〃That's two words; let's have some more。
 〃Seriously; there are very few on the subject of Janus。
 Nobody claims to have seen him。  That's because they'd be admitting they knew him; but there's no doubt that he's connected。  He has lines into government; the military; even the Russian Intelligence Service … a rose by any other name: KGB。  Also; the rumour is that he lives on an armoured train。〃
 〃An armoured train?  Like the ones so popular with the leaders of the Revolution?〃
 〃I wouldn't know about the Revolution; but that's the story。〃
 〃Where the devil would he get an armoured train?' 〃Easy。  You can get almost anything if you can afford it。
 As you're taking Jack Wade's ten cent tour of Petersburg; let me show you a couple of things; before you check in to your luxury five star hotel。〃 Wade drove them down the Nevsky Prospekt; across one of the many bridges and onto the aptly named Accross the Neva Avenue。
 From there he headed out into suburban St。 Petersburg; making occasional ments …〃See that decaying pile of buildings?〃 Flapping a hand in the direction of a series of large block…like structures。
 〃That was one of the largest military barracks in this city。  It just got left when the Sovs were still in power; and it's gone to pieces since the munists were outlawed; because there isn't enough money。
 When the boys came back from Afghanistan there were just not enough barracks or housing for them … veterans home from the war。  That place could have kept a regiment。  They just let it fall apart。〃 Later; he told Bond that the Hermitage … the world famous museum of art: part of the Winter Palace … had grave problems; not the least of which was serious rising damp。
 〃They've also got the Germans and the French demanding their paintings back;' Bond nodded。  〃And most of the stuff didn't belong to Germany anyway。  All plundered from Nazi…occupied Europe and then plundered by the Red Army when they moved into Berlin。〃 Finally; almost out into the country; Wade stopped his ancient car and led Bond over to the top of a high embankment from where they could look down on a huge railway siding。
 The buildings; loading bays and platforms were in a state of decay; but the actual railway lines seemed clean and clear of debris。
 〃A military depot; Wade explained。  〃This was the Petersburg area marshalling yard: the place where they loaded those intercontinental ballistic missiles that used to have us worried … the ones they ran around the country on trains so they were rarely in the same place twice。  They also took them out to silos from here as well。〃
 〃This where Janus gets his armoured train?〃 Bond's voice took on a serious tone。
 〃There's a lot of old rolling stock around; yes。  Most of the moving missile trains were heavily armoured。  They also had armoured carriages for important military and political figures; they could travel in the proverbial lap of luxury。
 During the return journey; back to the centre of the city; Wade gave him a huge grin。  〃Show you something else; Jimb。  I mean James。
 Little place they call Statue Park。〃 Like the railway depot; it was on the outskirts of the city: a park in name only。  Yes; there were trees; and at one time the place had probably been a small park; for there were also a couple of benches; but no formal paths。
 At first; Bond thought it could be an exhibition of modern sculpture; but as they left the car; he saw that the sculpture was not modern; nor was it in its finished state。
 Strewn between the trees; scattered around the more open spaces he saw statue upon statue; symbol upon symbol; ruined; broken; ripped from plinths; dragged from original sites; carted here and dumped like trash thrown into a land fill。  The statues were of people like Marx; Lenin there were a lot of Lenins … and great metal or stone hammer and sickle emblems。  They came in different sizes; from very large to medium。  He thought that any active munist could pick up anything from a small to extra large Lenin。
 On one of the medium Lenin statues … done in bronze … someone had spray painted an instruction in Russian。
 Even if Vladimir Ilyich Lenin had been alive; it would have been anatomically impossible for him to obey that particular order。
 〃You see; James;' Wade grinned; 〃when Yeltsin outlawed the munist party; people could not go out and shoot or beat up the old munist leaders。  So they were forced to do the next best thing。
 〃They toppled all the icons of the munist regime。
 Lenin; Marx; even the odd Stalin who should have been moved long ago anyway。  Statues in stone and metal。  The people went out and threw them down … pushed; pulled; used bulldozers or tow trucks。  It was a real mess。  Then the city began to clear things up。  They dumped all the statues in this crummy little park close to the municipal land fill。 The trees here were to shield visitors from the fetid horror of the City Dump Number Four。  Now they're not bothered by people seeing this stuff。〃
 〃It certainly wouldn
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