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 〃Natalya; e and see what I've done。〃 He had gone into hyper crazy mode; so she walked over and looked at his set…up。  Boris; being Boris; had several screens set up in front of him。  〃I'm in!〃 he laughed; a tuneless cackle。
 On one screen she saw the Seal of the US Department of Justice。
 〃Christ; Boris; you've hacked into the US Department of Justice? Do you know what will happen if they trace it?  If they trace it to here?〃
 〃Sure; the Chief of puters'll call me a genius; move me back to Moscow and give me a million bucks … which is never going to happen。。〃
 〃They pay us in good hard currency anyway; and to hear you talk sometimes that's what you get … a million。〃
 〃Ach; we all get the same。 I'd like a chance to spend it sometime instead of being here; living like a ground hog。
 〃A worm more likely。〃
 〃Anyway; the Americans are too stupid to catch me。 They can't detect viruses on a hard drive; let alone His puter gave a warning beep and the seal dissolved; leaving a message flashing on the screen … UNAUTHORISED ENTRY DETECTED。〃
 〃You were saying?〃 Natalya laughed。
 Boris cursed and quickly typed in a mand to load a programme of his own。  The programme flashed a reminder on his screen … TO SEND SPIKE PRESS ENTER。
 He hit the Enter key and the prompt changed to SPIKE SENT。
 〃Good。  Spiked them。〃
 Natalya shook her head。  〃Boris; just hang up。〃
 〃No way。〃 He turned and looked her straight in the eyes。
 〃I spiked them; you stupid goose。  That programme of mine seizes the phone line of anyone trying to trace me。  It jams their modem。 They can't hang up。〃 He typed another mand which brought up another message: INITIATE SEARCH … ENTER PASSWORD。
 〃Now what?〃 from Natalya。
 〃I enter the password。〃 He typed ten keys。  On the screen the letters were not visible; ing up as a line of black circles。
 〃Bullets;' he explained。
 〃I know what bullets are; Boris。〃 As he tapped Enter again so a map of the world came up on the screen and a red line began to trace the telephone line; the names of places ribboning out as it passed through major junctions or satellites。  From Severnaya it tracked straight to St。 Petersburg; across Europe to angle off over the Atlantic to the United States where it crawled quickly to Atlanta; and stopped; leaving a winking red light over the city。
 His screen went blank for a second and was suddenly replaced by the words: FBI HEADQUARTERS; PUTER FRAUD DIVISION。
 Boris said something obscene and impossible; then banged sharply on his Enter key to clear the screen。  〃I need a cigarette;' he snapped moodily and sounding sullen。
 〃Well; I need coffee。〃 Natalya glanced at her screen to make sure all was in order and walked towards one of the doors that led to a kitchen。
 Boris Ivanovich Grishenko swaggered away from his terminal; as if he were walking off the job; heading for one of the utility doors。  He went up the steep angle of stone steps that led to the outside world; grinned at a security camera; pushed open the door and stepped into the cold; bleak landscape。
 As he did so; a voice echoed from a concealed speaker …〃r。ade Grishenko; you are using an emergency exit。
 You have been told before; this is illegal。  Get back to the technical area as quickly as possible。〃
 〃e up and stop me。〃 Boris was obviously always doing this kind of thing; and had little tolerance for authority; knowing he was probably the most essential puter technician they had。
 He pulled out a packet of Marlboro cigarettes。  He had bought a huge amount on his last leave; paying with the hard currency the technicians earned。  Putting a cigarette between his lips; he flicked at the wheel of his lighter。  The flame spluttered for a second and was blown out; as if by some sudden strong wind。
 Grishenko raised his eyes。  The dark shape of a helicopter was descending onto the landing pad some fifty yards away; its rotors stirring the powdered snow into a white tornado。
 The Tigre has landed; Xenia Onatopp thought grimly。
 She popped the sleek canopy and undid her safety harness; reaching down to sling an Israeli…made Uzi onto her right shoulder。  She already had spare magazines in pouches on her belt。
 〃Ready; General?〃 She spoke into her headset; hearing the general's snarl of response …〃Let's get on with it。  I've been ready for some time now。  They were both in uniform; Xenia with the insignia of a colonel; her partner with that of a general。  Bond would have recognised the general immediately; for the last time he had seen him General Ourumov had a gun to the head of his old friend Alec Trevelyan。
 Boris Grishenko did a swift disappearing act as soon as he spotted the two officers。
 Now; Ourumov kept step with Xenia as they marched purposefully along the side of the ruined building; where ice and snow had been cleared from a path which led to the main door; down wide concrete steps; along a corridor to a security door。  A guard sprang to attention and saluted; though General Ourumov seemed to hardly notice the man。  He knew exactly what he was doing; looking straight into a camera placed almost at eye level and clearly speaking his name 〃General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov。 Head of Space Division。〃 There were a series of fast bleeps as the system went through its voice recognition routine; then the steel security door opened and the pair were through into the most sensitive area where the Duty Officer snapped to attention; his second…in…mand hastily rising and buttoning his jacket。
 〃General; if I'd known you were ing。。
 Xenia muttered; 〃You'd have baked a cake; yes。  〃You'd have been ready for me; I think; Major。  This is an unscheduled test of the Severnaya facility。  A war simulation。  We shall be test firing GoldenEye。  Report status。〃 He looked up and could see that the puter scientists and technicians behind the thick tinted glass were moving; craning from their work…stations to see what was going on。 〃Jump; man。  Report status;' Ourumov barked at the major。
 〃Status normal; sir。  Two operational satellites: Petya and Mischa; both in ninety…minute earth orbit at one hundred kilometres。〃
 〃Good。  Here's the authorisation code。  Hand me the GoldenEye; today's access numbers and the key; please。  I am timing you as from now。〃 He had already thrown a plastic card down on the small counter; now he ostentatiously brought his left arm up and studied his watch。
 The major almost fell over himself trying to get things done correctly; punching in the numbers to unlock the metal gate in front of the safe; using the palm print pad to ID himself; them tapping in the safe's code of the day。
 The lock beeped different tones … like a digital telephone; then clicked open。
 Xenia gestured to the other officer and said that he should open the safety door through to the technical area。
 〃On a wartime basis; Captain; this entire facility must be open in case there is need to evacuate with little warning。〃 The captain did not argue。
 〃Today's codes; sir。  The electronic firing key and GoldenEye。〃 The Duty Officer brought the items from the safe: the key; a plastic card; and a sma
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