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 〃Perhaps they plan a counter…assault in the darkness;〃 said Clausewitz。 〃I have kept the trenches fully manned in case they try it。〃
 Immediately under Hornblower's gaze there was a battery of four heavy pieces; firing regular salvoes at short intervals。 He noted the four bursts of flame over and over again; so that when there was a longer interval he was surprised first by the absence of sound and then by its unexpected ing。 The flashes endured their brief moment; to be succeeded again by night; but Hornblower found himself wondering what difference there had been between this salvo and the last; apart from the longer interval which had preceded it。 One flash … the right…hand one … had not been as distinct as the other three; longer and yet intense。 Some error in loading; perhaps。 Then came the next salvo; and only three flashes; the right…hand gun had not fired。 Maybe it had 'unbushed' itself … blown out its vent fitting; as guns sometimes did。 Another long interval; and then another salvo … two sharp flashes; and one longer one。 The next salvo only two guns fired; and Hornblower realized what had been going on。 He plucked at Essen's sleeve。
 〃They are destroying their guns over there;〃 he said。 〃They are firing some shots at us while at each salvo they fire a shot against the trunnions of one of the guns。 There were four guns over there; Your Excellency。 Now … see … there are only two。〃
 〃Possibly;〃 admitted Essen; staring into the darkness。
 〃The firing is dying away;〃 agreed Clausewitz; 〃but perhaps they are only growing tired of wasting ammunition。〃
 There was only one flash from the battery next time; and there was something clearly odd about it。
 〃The last gun in the battery;〃 mented Essen。 〃Probably they burst it by overloading。〃
 He trained his telescope in the darkness。
 〃Look over there at their main camps;〃 he added。 〃Watch those fires。 They seem to be burning brightly; but …〃
 Hornblower directed his gaze to the distant rows of camp…fires; sparkling very dimly in the thick night。 He looked backwards and forwards along one of the rows; trying to keep track of them all。 He thought he saw one fire wink and go out; but he could not be sure。 His eyes were watering with the cold and with the strain; and as he rubbed them Essen shut his telescope with a snap。
 〃They are dying down;〃 he said。 〃I'm sure of it; and no troops would allow their camp…fires to die down on a night like this。 Clausewitz; get your men ready to attack again。 Diebitch …〃
 The Governor began rapping out orders。 Hornblower had a momentary feeling of pity for the Russian soldiers; huddled in their freezing trenches; dispirited by their recent repulse and losses; now ordered to go out again to what would seem to them to be certain disaster in the night。 The wind suddenly shrieked down upon them; piercing him to the bone; despite the cloak he clutched round himself。
 〃'Ere you are; sir;〃 said Brown's voice unexpectedly in his ear。 〃I've brought you up a blanket。 Let's put it round you under your cloak。 And 'ere's your gloves; sir。〃
 Deftly in the darkness Brown draped the blanket over him; so that his cloak held it down over his shoulders。 It would look fantastic in daylight; but fortunately it was still dark。 Hornblower was shivering; and he stamped his frozen feet in an endeavour to warm them。
 〃Aren't those men of yours ever going to attack; Clausewitz?〃 grumbled Essen。 〃What's the time? One o'clock? Send down to your brigadier and tell him I'll have him cashiered if he does not pull his men together for an immediate advance。〃
 There was a long freezing interval; before the darkness before them was pricked by a few little pin…points of flame … musket…shots in the second parallel。
 〃Ha!〃 said Essen。
 There was another long wait before the message came back。 The sortie had found the advanced trenches abandoned save for a few posts。 They were pushing forward now through the snow and the darkness towards the main camp。
 〃They're going; then;〃 said Essen。 〃Have the cavalry paraded two hours before dawn。 I'll catch their rear…guard at daylight。 I want all troops across the river then。 And now a glass of tea; for the love of God。〃
 Warming himself at the fire burning on the flagged floor of the church; drinking hot tea through his chattering teeth; Hornblower looked round at these men of iron who showed no sign of fatigue and hardly any of cold。 He himself was too chilled; and; oddly; too fatigued; to gain much benefit from the chance of resting for a couple of hours on the trusses of straw laid out beside the high altar; but Essen snored volcanically until the moment when his aide…de…camp shook him awake。 Outside it was still dark; and colder than ever; when the horses were brought up to the church door for them to mount。
 〃I better e with you; sir;〃 said Brown。 〃I got myself a 'orse。〃
 How Brown had done that Hornblower could not imagine; seeing the difficulties of language。 Hornblower supposed Brown had learned to ride in those incredibly distant days at Smallbridge。 The cavalcade moved slowly in the darkness towards the Mitau suburb; the horses slipping and stumbling in the snow; Hornblower found himself wishing he had been able to retain his blanket when he mounted; for it was colder than ever in the faint grey light。 Suddenly from far ahead of them came a sullen flat thud; and another; and another … field…guns firing a long way off。
 〃Diebitch is up to their rear…guard;〃 said Essen。 〃Good!〃
 There was enough light now to reveal the desolation of their surroundings as they approached the deserted siege…works。 They could look down into the littered trenches; there were the batteries; with the shattered siege…guns standing drunkenly at the embrasures; and here was a dead horse; lying on its back; its belly shrouded with snow; out of which its legs pointed stiffly at the grey sky。 And here was the main camp; rows and rows of little huts; mostly only two or three feet high; with the dead remains of camp…fires already buried in snow。 Outside one hut; larger than the others; lay a soldier swathed in the grey capote of the French Army。 He was face downwards and not dead; for they saw his feet move。
 〃Have they been fighting here?〃 conjectured Essen; puzzled; there was no sign of blood。
 Someone dismounted and turned him over; his face was mottled with mulberry…coloured marks; and his eyes; though open; were unseeing。
 〃Keep a way!〃 shouted one of the aides…de…camp suddenly。 〃That is the plague!〃
 Everyone drew away from the dying man; and then they realized that the plague was all around them。 One of the huts was full of dead; another was full of the dying。 Essen shook his horse into a trot; and the party jingled away。
 〃It is in our ranks already;〃 said Essen to Hornblower。 〃Kladoff had ten cases in his division two days ago。〃
 This; the first march in retreat of the invading army; was already finding out the weaklings。 There were dead men; sick men; dying men alongside the track they were following; despite the fact that no fighting had taken place along it … Diebitch at the head of the pursuing force was on the Mitau road away on the left front; where the guns were still firing occasionally。 When at l
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