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; where the French had opened another front of attack on the Mitau suburb directly across the river from Riga。 The resources of the defence were being stretched very thin; and Macdonald had locked his teeth; bulldog fashion; into the siege and it would be hard to shake his hold。 All the resources of Prussia were being drawn upon to supply his army with stores for the siege; and he had already proved that nothing would distract him from it; not even the fact that the Lettish and Livonian and Lithuanian peasantry had risen in revolt in his rear and had set all the country behind him in a turmoil。
 〃The dead are beginning to e down the river;〃 said Clausewitz。 He had big white teeth that revealed themselves at the least provocation。 Hornblower looked at him without prehension。
 〃From the fighting two weeks ago;〃 explained Clausewitz。 〃At Vitebsk and Smolensk two hundred miles to the south of us。 Some of the corpses have succeeded in making the journey。 Russian corpses; many of them。 But French corpses; too; and Bavarian corpses; and Westphalian corpses; and Italian corpses … many Italians。 It must have been a big battle。〃
 〃Very interesting;〃 said Hornblower; scanning the siege…works again。 In the centre of the second parallel was a new battery; the fire from whose guns would cut up any force attacking frontally in the hope of destroying the works。 It would be asking much of any sallying force to cross two hundred yards of naked glacis in the teeth of such a fire and then storm ditch and parapet。 The flanks were secure too; one guarded by the little river and the other trending back towards the bay。 The bay! The French batteries might be able to sweep the bay sufficiently effectively to prevent bomb…vessels anchoring there in daylight; but they would not be able to stop an infantry attack launched from boats at night。 Then the parallel could be rushed at dawn from the flank。 Hornblower turned to Clausewitz with the suggestion; and Clausewitz adopted it instantly。 These continental soldiers were always liable to forget about the sea when making their plans; but Clausewitz; Prussian though he was; was a man of sufficient elasticity of mind still to be able to see the merits of a plan based on mand of the sea。
 There was no time to be lost if the assault upon Daugavgriva were to be anticipated。 The plan had to be given form instantly; timetables worked out; signals agreed upon; troops allocated for the landing and marched to the point where Hornblower could have boats' crews ready to man the river barges which were to carry the troops to the point selected for landing。 Hornblower had to detail crews and officers; issue his orders; and make sure they were understood。 Montgomery and Duncan; Purvis and Carlin; had to be sent for; brought up to the dome and shown the objectives to be aimed at … Hornblower fretted himself weary walking round the gallery while waiting for them to e ashore after he had sent for them。 Mounted messengers; riding in hot haste; brought back a trio of Russian colonels to the gallery; it was their regiments which were detailed to make the landing。 Hornblower explained to them in French; and then explained to his officers in English。 Then he had the job of interpreting the questions which everyone wanted to ask。 Half a dozen Russian subalterns; squatting on the floor of the gallery nursing pieces of board on which sheets of paper were pinned; wrote out the orders which Clausewitz dictated to them。 Essen arrived in the midst of all the bustle; he had given his verbal consent at once to the proposed attack; and when; on his arrival; he found the preparations so far advanced; like a sensible man he left the elaboration of the details to the men who had devised the scheme。 All this went on with the steady roar of the bombardment supplying a loud undertone to every conversation; while the Russian ramparts crumbled steadily under the hail of shot; and while the approach trenches crept steadily nearer。
 It was before noon that Hornblower had made the suggestion to Clausewitz; it was eight in the evening; and the sun had set; before everything was pleted; before Hornblower had had himself rowed to the Dwina mouth to inspect the boats which had been provided; and to watch the Russian grenadiers marching down to be herded into them。
 〃You understand your orders; Duncan?〃 asked Hornblower。
 〃Yes; sir。〃
 〃Let's see your watch。 Set it by mine。〃
 〃Aye aye; sir。〃
 〃Mr Montgomery。 Mr Purvis。 Remember what I said about keeping the landing force together。 You must strike all at once … no landing in driblets。 Make sure the soldiers know the direction in which to advance when they land。〃
 〃Aye aye; sir。〃
 〃Good luck; then。〃
 〃Thank you; sir。〃
 It was quite dark by the time Hornblower set foot again on the little jetty at Daugavgriva; dark; and there was a chilly breath in the air。 So far had the year advanced since he had first cast anchor in Riga Bay。 Midsummer had gone and autumn was at hand。 He had to feel his way along the trenches and up to the church; and his legs felt hardly strong enough to carry him up the interminable dark stairs to the gallery。 He had hardly sat down since the morning; and he had eaten nothing; and his head was swimming with fatigue and hunger。 Clausewitz was still on duty; up in the gallery where the stars shone bravely down upon him; giving a light which seemed bright pared with the pitchy darkness of the stairs Hornblower had just climbed。
 〃The French seem unusually active to…night;〃 was Clausewitz's greeting to him。 〃At dusk they changed the guard of their trenches。〃
 A string of bright orange flames suddenly lit up the French lines; and the roar of a salvo reached their ears。
 〃They are periodically spraying the ditch with grape;〃 explained Clausewitz; 〃to hinder our repair parties。 It is what is always done; but after half a dozen rounds they lose direction and range。〃
 If siege warfare was such a mechanical art; if every step was obvious and could be foreseen; there was always the chance of an original…minded general breaking the rules。 In two days the breaches and approaches would be ripe for an assault … what was to prevent an assailant from making his attack a little prematurely and catching the defender off his guard? Hornblower made the suggestion to Clausewitz。
 〃It is always possible;〃 said Clausewitz; pontifically。 〃But our trench guards are unusually strong to…night because of the sortie at dawn。〃
 Hornblower felt round in the gloom; and found one of the trusses of straw which had been carried up to the gallery in an endeavour to make this advanced headquarters more fortable。 He sat down gratefully; for his legs were actually trembling with fatigue。 He wrapped his cloak closer round him against the chill of the night; and the thought of sleep became inexpressibly alluring。 He stretched himself out on the crackling straw; and then heaved himself up on his elbow again to pinch up a wad of straw as a pillow。
 〃I shall rest a while;〃 he announced; and lay back and closed his eyes。
 There was something more than mere fatigue about this desire for sleep。 Asleep; he would be quit of this siege; of its stinks and perils and bitterness; he would be free of h
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