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 〃Oh yes;〃 said Hornblower; bluffly。 〃I'll trust Vickery to get out of any scrape。〃
 That was a statement made in all sincerity; it occurred to Hornblower as he made it … what he had often thought before … that worry and anxiety were not really connected with the facts of the case。 He had done everything possible。 He remembered his profound study of the charts; his careful reading of the barometer; his painstaking … and now clearly successful … attempts to predict the weather。 If he were pelled to bet; he would bet that Vickery was safe; and moreover he would judge the odds to be at least three to one。 But that did not save him from being anxious; all the same。 What did save him was the sight of Bush's nervousness。
 〃With this breeze there can't have been much surf; sir;〃 said Bush。
 〃Of course not。〃

 He had thought of that fifty times at least during the night; and he tried to look as if it had not been more than once。 The mist was thin enough now to make the land just visible; the gunboats were still stationed along the boom; and he could see a belated guard…boat rowing along it。
 〃The wind's fair for the bomb…ketches; sir;〃 said Bush。 〃They ought to have picked Vickery up by now and be on their way towards us。〃
 Bush turned a searching eye aloft to make sure that the lookouts were at their posts and awake。 It was twelve miles down the Nehrung; the long spit of sand that divided the Haff from the Baltic; that Mound with the bomb…ketches was going to pick up Vickery and his men。 Vickery was going to land in the darkness on the Nehrung; abandon his boats; cross the sandspit; and rendezvous with Mound an hour before dawn。 With their shallow draught the ketches would be safe among the shoals; so that they could send in their boats and bring Vickery off。 Vickery's four ships' boats would all be lost; but that was a small price to pay for the destruction he must have caused; and Hornblower hoped that; what with the distraction of his own demonstrations off Pillau; and what with the fact that the possibility of Vickery abandoning his boats might easily never occur to the enemy's mind; Vickery would find no opposition on the Nehrung。 Even if there were; the Nehrung was fifteen miles long and Vickery with a hundred and fifty determined men could be relied upon to break through any thin cordon of sentries or customs officials。
 Yet if all had gone well the bomb…ketches ought to be in sight very soon。 The next few minutes would be decisive。
 〃We couldn't have heard gunfire in the bay yesterday; sir;〃 said Bush; 〃the wind being where it was。 They may have met with any sort of armed vessel in the bay。〃
 〃So they may;〃 said Hornblower。
 〃Sail ho!〃 yelled the masthead lookout。 〃Two sail on the port beam! It's the bomb…ketches; sir。〃
 They might possibly be ing back; having been unable to pick up Vickery; but it was unlikely that in that case they would have returned so promptly。 Bush was grinning broadly; with all his doubts at an end。
 〃I think; Captain;〃 said Hornblower; 〃you might put the helm down and go to meet them。〃
 It would not be consonant with the dignity of a modore to hang out a signal of inquiry as the vessels closed to visual range; for it to be read the moment a telescope in the Harvey could distinguish the flags。 But Nonsuch was making a good five knots; with the water lapping cheerfully under her bows; and Harvey was doing the same; so that it was only a matter of waiting a few more minutes。
 〃Harvey's signalling; sir;〃 reported the midshipman。 He read the flags and hurriedly referred to the code book; 〃'seamen on board'; sir。〃
 〃Very good。 Make 'modore to Captain。 e on board with Mr Vickery to make your report'。〃
 There was not much longer to wait。 As the two vessels came within hail they rounded…to; and Harvey's gig dropped into the water and came bobbing across to Nonsuch。 It was a weary Vickery who came up the side with Mound beside him; his face was grey; and below his eyes were marks like new scars as proof that he had not slept for three successive nights。 He sat down gratefully when Hornblower gave him permission to do so as soon as they were in his cabin。
 〃Well?〃 said Hornblower。 〃I'll hear you first; Vickery。〃
 〃It went off very well; sir。〃 Vickery dragged a scrap of paper out of his pocket on which apparently he had kept notes。 〃There was no trouble going past the boom on the night of the 15th。 We saw nothing of the enemy。 At dawn on the 16th we were off the mouth of the K?nigsberg river。 There we took and destroyed the … the Fried Rich; coaster; of Elbing; about two hundred tons; seven of a crew; with a cargo of rye and live pigs。 We burned her; and sent the crew ashore in their own boat。 Then we caught the … the … Blitzer; also of Elbing; about one hundred tons; laden with grain。 We burned her; too。 Then the Charlotte; of Danzig。 She was ship…rigged; four hundred tons; twenty…five crew; laden with general cargo of military stores … tents; stretchers; horseshoes; ten thousand stand of small arms; we burned her。 Then the Ritter Horse; powder barge; about seventy tons。 We blew her up。〃
 〃We saw that; I think;〃 said Hornblower。 〃That was Nonsuch's cutter。〃
 〃Yes; sir。 That was all at this end of the bay。 Then we bore down to the westward。 We caught the Weece Ross of Kolberg; two hundred tons。 She carried four six…pounders and showed fight; but Montgomery boarded her over the bows and they threw down their arms。 We had two men wounded。 We burned her。 Then there was …〃
 〃How many altogether?〃
 〃One ship; sir。 Eleven sail of coasting vessels。 Twenty…four barges。 All destroyed。〃
 〃Excellent;〃 said Hornblower。 〃And then?〃
 〃By then it was nigh on dark; sir。 I anchored on the north side of the bay until midnight。 Then I ran over to the sandspit。 We found two soldiers there; and made 'em prisoners。 'Twas easy enough crossing the spit; sir。 We burned a blue light and made contact with the Harvey。 They started taking us aboard at two a。m。; and I was aboard at three; by the first light。 I went back and burned the boats before I embarked; sir。〃
 〃Better still。〃
 The enemy; then; had not even the sorry pensation of the capture of four ships' boats in exchange for the frightful destruction Vickery had wrought。 He turned to Mound。
 〃I have nothing particular to report; sir。 Those waters are shoal; without a doubt; sir。 But I had no difficulty making my way to the rendezvous。 After taking Mr Vickery's party on board we touched bottom; sir。 We had nearly a hundred extra hands on board an' must have been drawing nigh on a foot more water。 But we got off all right。 I had the men run from side to side to rock the vessel; an' I threw all aback an' she came off。〃
 〃I understand。〃
 Hornblower looked at Mound's expressionless face and smiled inwardly at his studied languid manner。 Picking the way in the dark through the shoals to the rendezvous must have been something of an epic achievement。 Hornblower could estimate the seamanship it called for; but it was not in the tradition to lay stress on difficulties surmounted。 And a less reliable officer might have tried to suppress the fact that his ship had touched ground once。 It was to Mound's credit that he had not done 
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