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subordinate that his superior was under orders to grant him wide discretion was a dangerous thing to do; unless the subordinate was a man of superlative loyalty and mon sense。 Hornblower gulped at that moment … he had honestly forgotten temporarily that he was the subordinate under consideration; maybe the Admiralty credited him with 'superlative loyalty and mon sense'。
 Louis was eyeing him curiously。
 〃Don't you want to hear the size of your mand?〃 he asked。
 〃Yes; of course;〃 answered Hornblower; but he did not mind very much。 The fact that he was going to mand something was much more important than what he was going to mand。
 〃You'll have the Nonsuch; seventy…four;〃 said Louis。 〃That will give you a ship of force should you need one。 For the rest you'll have all the small stuff we can scrape together for you … Lotus and Raven; sloops; two bomb…ketches; Moth and Harvey; and the cutter Clam。 That's all so far; but by the time you sail we might have some more ready for you。 We want you to be ready for all the inshore work that may e your way。 There's likely to be plenty。〃
 〃I expect so;〃 said Hornblower。
 〃Don't know whether you'll be fighting for the Russians or against them;〃 mused Louis。 〃Same with the Swedes。 God knows what's building up; up there。 But His Nibs'll tell you all about that。〃
 Hornblower looked a question。
 〃Your revered brother…in…law; the most noble the Marquis Wellesley; K。P。; His Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs。 We call him His Nibs for short。 We'll walk across and see him in a minute。 But there's something else important to settle。 Who d'you want for captain in Nonsuch?〃
 Hornblower gasped at that。 This was patronage on a grand scale。 He had sometimes appointed midshipmen and surgeon's mates; a parson of shady record had once hungrily solicited him for nomination as chaplain in his ship; but to have a say in the appointment of a captain of a ship of the line was something infinitely more important than any of these。 There were 120 captains junior to Hornblower; men of most distinguished record; whose achievements were talked of with bated breath in the four quarters of the world; and who had won their way to that rank at the cost of their blood and by the performance of feats of skill and daring unparalleled in history。 Certainly half of these; perhaps more; would jump at the suggestion of the mand of a seventy…four。 Hornblower remembered his own joy at his appointment to Sutherland two years ago。 Captains on half…pay; captains with shore appointments eating out their hearts with wailing for a sea mand; it was in his power to change the whole life and career of one of these。 Yet there was no hesitation about his decision。 There might be more brilliant captains available; captains with more brains; but there was only one man that he wanted。
 〃I'll have Bush;〃 he said; 〃if he's available。〃
 〃You can have him;〃 said Louis; with a nod。 〃I was expecting you to ask for him。 That wooden leg of his won't be too serious a handicap; you think。〃
 〃I don't think so;〃 said Hornblower。 It would have been irksome in the extreme to go to sea with any other captain than Bush。
 〃Very well; then;〃 said Louis; looking round at the clock on the wall。 〃Let's walk across and see His Nibs; if you've no objection。〃

 Hornblower sat in his private sitting…room in the Golden Cross inn。 There was a fire burning; and on the table at which he sat there were no fewer than four wax candles lighted。 All this luxury … the private sitting…room; the fire; the wax candles … gave Hornblower uneasy delight。 He had been poor for so long; he had had to scrape and economize so carefully all his life; that recklessness with money gave him this queer dubious pleasure; this guilty joy。 His bill to…morrow would contain an item of at least half a crown for light; and if he had been content with rush dips the charge would not have been more than twopence。 The fire would be a shilling; too。 And you could trust an innkeeper to make the maximum charges to a guest who obviously could afford them; a Knight of the Bath; with a servant; and a two…horse chariot。 To…morrow's bill would be nearer two guineas than one; Hornblower touched his breast pocket to reassure himself that his thick wad of one…pound notes was still there。 He could afford to spend two guineas a day。
 Reassured; he bent again to the notes which he had made during his interview with the Foreign Secretary。 They were in irregular order; jotted down as first one thing and then another had e into Wellesley's mind。 It was quite clear that not even the Cabinet knew for certain whether the Russians were going to fight Bonaparte or not。 No; that was the wrong way to put it。 Nobody knew whether Bonaparte was going to fight the Russians or not。 However much ill will the Tsar bore towards the French … and obviously it was great … he would not fight unless he had to; unless Bonaparte deliberately attacked him。 Certainly the Tsar would make every possible concession rather than fight; at least at present while he was still trying to build up and reorganize his army。
 〃It's hard to think Boney will be mad enough to pick a quarrel;〃 Wellesley had said; 〃when he can get practically all he wants without fighting。〃
 But if there was going to be war it was desirable that England should have a striking force in the Baltic。
 〃If Boney chases Alexander out of Russia; I want you to be on hand to pick him up;〃 said Wellesley。 〃We can always find a use for him。〃
 Kings in exile were at least useful figureheads for any resistance that might still be maintained by countries which Bonaparte had overrun。 Under her protecting wing England had the rulers of Sicily and Sardinia; the Netherlands and Portugal and Hesse; all of them helping to keep alive hope in the bosoms of their former subjects now ground beneath the tyrant's heel。
 〃So much depends on Sweden;〃 was another remark of Wellesley's。 〃No one can guess what Bernadotte will do。 Russia's conquest of Finland has irritated the Swedes; too。 We try and point out to them that of the two Bonaparte's the worse menace to 'em。 He's at the mouth of the Baltic; while Russia's only at the top。 But it can't be fortable for Sweden; having to choose between Russia and Bonaparte。〃
 That was a pretty tangle; one way and the other … Sweden ruled by a Crown Prince who only three years before had been a French general; and some sort of connexion by marriage with Bonaparte at that; Denmark and Norway in the tyrant's hands; Finland newly conquered by Russia; and the south shore of the Baltic swarming with Bonaparte's troops。
 〃He has army camps at Danzig and Stettin;〃 Wellesley had said; 〃and South German troops echelonned all the way back to Berlin; to say nothing of the Prussians and the Austrians and the other allies。〃
 With Europe at his feet Bonaparte was able to drag in his train the armies of his late enemies; if he were to make war upon Russia it seemed as though a substantial part of his army would be foreigners … Italians and South Germans; Prussians and Austrians; Dutchmen and Danes。
 〃There are even Spaniards and Portuguese; they tell me;〃 said Wellesley。 〃I hope they have enjo
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