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owns who must be the Empress and Empress…Mother; and the rest in plumes。 Braun would have had the easiest shot heart could desire。 All round the vast room the Court was making obeisance; the men bowing low and the women curtseying; as Hornblower looked they rose all together; plumes and uniforms like a breaking wave of flowers。 Hornblower tore his eyes from the spectacle; sheathed his sword; and picked up the pistol from the floor; stuffing it down into his waistband。 Mound; his eternal nonchalance replaced by swift catlike movements; had his long arms round Braun; who was leaning against him。 Hornblower snatched out his handkerchief and put it in Mound's hand; but there was not time to do more。 He turned away and hastened back along the gallery。 The lesser courtiers up here had straightened up from their bows and their curtseys and were beginning to look around them again and resume their conversation。 It was lucky that at the moment of crisis they had had no eyes or ears for anything save the royal party。 Hurst and Somers were about to start talking to the women again when Hornblower caught their eyes。
 〃Go back there to Mound;〃 he said。 〃He needs your help。〃 Then he walked quickly down the stairs again; found the door into the audience hall; and pushed past the footman on guard there。 A glance showed him the position of the group he had left; and he sidled round to it and took up his position at the Countess's side。 The royal party was making the circle of the room; making the usual conventional remarks to distinguished individuals; and it was only a matter of a few minutes before they reached Hornblower。 The Grand Marshal presented him; and Hornblower; his head swimming with his recent excitement so that he felt as if he was in a nightmare; bowed to each crowned head in turn and to Bernadotte。
 〃It is a pleasure to meet modore Hornblower;〃 said Alexander pleasantly。 〃We have all of us heard of his exploits。〃
 〃Your Majesty is too kind;〃 gulped Hornblower。
 Then the royal group passed on; and Hornblower turned to meet the Countess's glance again。 The fact that the Tsar had addressed a few words to him personally evidently confirmed her suspicions that he was a man of potential influence; and there was a considering look in her eyes。
 〃Will you be making a long stay in Russia?〃 she asked。
 It was very hard; during this period of intense reaction; to keep his mind on anything。 All he wanted to do was to sit down and rest quietly。 He flogged his mind into making a polite rejoinder; and when the men of the party began to ply him with questions about the British Navy and about maritime affairs in general he tried to answer sensibly; but it was a forlorn hope。
 Footmen were rolling in long buffet tables; glittering with gold and silver; Hornblower forced himself to watch keenly; so as to mit no breach of etiquette。 To one side the royal party had taken their seats。 Empresses and Tsar in armchairs and the princes and princesses in upright chairs; and everyone had to be careful always to face in that direction so as not to mit the heinous crime of letting royalty see a human back。 People were beginning to take food from the buffets; and; try as he would; Hornblower could see no sign at all of any attention to precedence。 But there was the Persian Ambassador munching something from a gold plate; so that he was justified in making a move in the same direction。 Yet all the same this was the most curious dinner he had ever attended; with everyone standing up except royalty: and royalty; he could see; were eating nothing at all。
 〃May I offer you my arm; Countess?〃 he said; as the group began to drift towards a buffet。
 The courtiers by dint of long practice had seemingly mastered the art of eating while standing up and while holding their hats under their arms; but it was not easy。 His dangling sword was liable to trip him; too; and that infernal pistol in his waistband was digging unfortably into his side。 The footmen serving at the buffets understood no French; and the Countess came to Hornblower's rescue with an order。
 〃That is caviare;〃 she explained to him; 〃and this is vodka; the drink of the people; but I think you will find that the two are admirably suited to each other。〃
 The Countess was right。 The grey; unappetizing…looking stuff was perfectly delicious。 Hornblower sipped cautiously at the vodka; and in his present highly…strung condition hardly noticed the fierce bite of the liquor; but there was no doubt that vodka and caviare blended together exquisitely。 He felt the warm glow of the alcohol inside him; and realized that he was desperately hungry。 The buffet was covered with foods of all kinds; some being kept warm in chafing dishes; some cold; under the tutelage of the Countess; Hornblower went a fair way towards tackling them all。 There was a dish apparently of stewed mushrooms that was excellent; slices of smoked fish; an unidentifiable salad; some varieties of cheese; eggs both hot and cold; a sort of ragout of pork。 There were other liquors as well; and Hornblower ate and drank with his spirits rising momentarily; playing his part in the conversation and feeling more and more warmly grateful to the Countess。 It might be a queer way to have dinner; but Hornblower thought he had never tasted such delicious food。 His head began to whirl with the liquor; he knew that danger signal of old; although this time he did not resent it quite so bitterly as usual; and he checked himself in the midst of a laugh in time not to be too unrestrained。 Laughter; chatter; and bright lights; this was one of the jolliest parties he had ever attended … he felt as if it had been someone else who had slashed Braun's wrist open with a sword an hour ago。 Hornblower replaced his lovely porcelain plate on the buffet; among the gold dishes; and wiped his mouth with one of the silken napkins that lay there。 He was fortably replete; with the gratifying sensation of having eaten just too much and having drunk just enough; he supposed coffee would be served soon; and a cup of coffee was all he needed to plete his internal gratification。
 〃I have dined extremely well;〃 he said to the Countess。
 The most remarkable expression passed over the Countess's face。 Her eyebrows rose; and she opened her mouth to say something and then shut it again。 She was smiling and puzzled and distressed all at the same time。 She again started to speak; but her words were cut short by the ceremonial opening of yet another pair of doors from which twenty or thirty footmen emerged to form an avenue leading into the next room。 Hornblower became conscious that the royal party had risen from their chairs and were falling into formation; and the plete cessation of conversation told Hornblower that some specially solemn moment had arrived。 Couples were moving about the room like ships jockeying for position。 The Countess laid her hand on his arm with a gentle pressure as if to lead him。 By George; a procession was forming behind the royal party! There went the Persian Ambassador; a smiling girl on his arm。 Hornblower just had time to lead his own partner forward to join the procession next; and after two or three more couples had joined behind him the proce
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