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ste at the thought of spending the fashionable season in London; even though Barbara would be beside him all the time。
 These disorderly thoughts of Hornblower's were suddenly broken into。 Something had been said which should not have been said; and as the parson was the only person speaking; he must have said it; although he was still droning along in obvious ignorance of any blunder。 Hornblower stole a glance at Barbara; her white teeth showed for a moment against her lower lip; clear proof of her vexation to anyone who knew her well。 Otherwise she was exhibiting the stoical calm of the British upper classes。 What was it that had been said to upset her? Hornblower raked through his subconscious memory to recall the words the parson had been using; and which he had heard without attending。 Yes; that was it。 The stupid fool had spoken about Richard as though he were the child of both of them。 It irritated Barbara unbearably to have her stepson taken to be her own child; and the more fond she grew of him the more it irritated her; curiously enough。 But it was hard to blame the parson for his mistake; when a married pair arrives with a sixteen…months…old baby it is only natural to assume it to be their child。
 The parson had finished now; and an awkward pause had already begun。 Clearly something must be said in reply; and it was Hornblower's business to say it。
 〃Ha…h'm;〃 said Hornblower … he had still not been married long enough to Barbara to have pletely mastered that old habit … while he groped wildly for something to say。 He ought to have been ready for this; of course; he ought to have been preparing a speech instead of standing day…dreaming。 〃Ha…h'm。 It is with pride that I look over this English countryside …〃
 He managed to say all that was necessary。 The Corsican tyrant。 The yeomen stock of England。 The King and the Prince Regent。 Lady Barbara。 Richard。 When he finished there was another awkward pause while people looked at each other; before one of the farmers stepped forward。
 〃Three cheers for 'Er Ladyship!〃
 Everyone cheered; to Richard's astonishment; expressed in a loud yell。
 〃Three cheers for Sir Horatio! One; two; three; an' a tiger!〃
 There was nothing left to do now; except to withdraw gracefully into the house again and leave the tenantry to disperse。 Thank God it was all over; anyway。 John; the footman; stood at what obviously he thought was attention in the hall。 Hornblower made a weary mental note to teach him to keep his elbows into his sides。 If he were going to employ a footman he would make a good footman out of him。 Here came the nurse; swooping down to find out how wet Richard had made himself。 And here came the butler; hobbling along with a letter on a salver。 Hornblower felt a rush of blood into his face as he saw the seal; that seal and that thick linen paper were only used by the Admiralty; as far as he knew。 It was months; and it seemed like years; since he had last received any letter from the Admiralty。 He snatched the letter from the salver; and only by the mercy of Providence remembered to glance at Barbara in apology; before breaking the seal。
 The Lords missioners of the Admiralty;
 10th April; 1812
 I am manded by the Lords missioners to inform you that their Lordships desire to employ you immediately as modore with a Captain under you on a service which their Lordships consider worthy of an officer of your seniority and standing。 You are hereby directed and required; therefore; to inform their Lordships through me as speedily as possible as to whether or not you will accept this appointment; and in the event of your accepting it you are further directed and required to present yourself in person at this office without delay in order to receive verbally their Lordships' instructions and also those of any other Minister of State whom it may be judged necessary you should address。
 Your obed't servant;
 E。 NEPEAN; Secy to the Lords missioners
 of the Admiralty
 Hornblower had to read the letter twice … the first time it conveyed no meaning to him at all。 But at the second reading the glorious import of the letter burst in upon him。 The first thing he was conscious of was that this life here in Smallbridge or in Bond Street need not continue。 He was free of all that; he could take a bath under a wash…deck pump instead of in a damned hip…bath with a kettleful of water in it; he could walk his own deck; breathe the sea air; take off these damned tight trousers and never put them on again; receive no deputations; speak to no damned tenants; never smell another pigsty or smack another horse's back; And that was only the first thing; the second was that he was being offered appointment as modore … a modore of the first class; too; with a captain under him; so that he would be like an Admiral。 He would have a broad pennant flying at the mainmast…head; pliments and honours … not that they mattered; but they would be outward signs of the trust reposed in him; of the promotion that was his。 Louis at the Admiralty must have a good opinion of him; clearly; to appoint him modore when he was hardly more than half…way up the Captains' list。 Of course; that phrase about 'worthy of his seniority and standing' was merely formula; justifying the Admiralty in anticipation in putting him on half…pay should he decline; but … those last words; about consulting with Ministers of State; had enormous import。 They meant that the mission to be entrusted to him would be one of responsibility; of international importance。 Waves of excitement broke over him。
 He hauled out his watch。 Ten…fifteen … the day was still young by civilian standards。
 〃Where's Brown?〃 he snapped at Wiggins。
 Brown materialized miraculously in the background … not too miraculously; perhaps; the whole house must be aware; of course; that the master had received a letter from the Admiralty。
 〃Get out my best uniform and my sword。 Have the horses put…to in the chariot。 You had better e with me; Brown … I shall want you to drive。 Have my things for the night ready and yours too。〃
 The servants scattered in all directions; for not merely must the weighty orders of the master be obeyed; but this was an affair of State and doubly important in consequence。 So that as Hornblower came out of his preoccupation Barbara was standing there alone。
 God; he had forgotten all about her in his excitement; and she was aware of it。 She was drooping a little; and one corner of her mouth was down。 Their eyes met then; and that corner of her mouth went up for a moment; but then it went down again。
 〃It's the Admiralty;〃 explained Hornblower lamely。 〃They'll appoint me modore with a captain under me。〃
 It was a pity that Hornblower could see her try to appear pleased。
 〃That's a high pliment;〃 she said。 〃No more than you deserve; my dear; all the same。 You must be pleased; and I am too。〃
 〃It will take me away from you;〃 said Hornblower。
 〃Darling; I have had six months with you。 Six months of the kind of happiness you have given me is more than any woman deserves。 And you will e back to me。〃
 〃Of course I will;〃 said Hornblower。
 Chapter Two

 This was typical April weather。
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