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 〃By the mark five!〃
 They must be shaving the point of the shoal。 There were the Amager batteries in plain sight … the starboard…side guns; with the additional elevation due to the heel of the ship; should be able to reach them。 Both broadsides together; this time; an ear…splitting crash; and the smoke from the starboard guns billowed across the deck; bitter and irritant。
 〃And a half five!〃
 That was better。 God; Harvey was hit。 The bomb…ketch; two cables' length ahead of Nonsuch; changed in a moment from a fighting vessel to a wreck。 Her towering mainmast; enormous for her size; had been cut through just above her deck; mast and shrouds; and the huge area of canvas she carried; were trailing over her quarter。 Her stumpy mizzen…topmast had gone as well; hanging down from the cap。 Raven as her orders dictated; swept past her; and Harvey lay helpless as Nonsuch hurtled down upon her。
 〃Back the main…tops'l!〃 roared Bush。
 〃Stand by with the heaving…line; there!〃 said Hurst。
 〃And a half five!〃 called the leadsman。
 〃Helm…a…lee;〃 said Bush; and then in the midst of the bustle the starboard broadside bellowed out again; as the guns bore on the Amager batteries; and the smoke swept across the decks。 Nonsuch heaved over; her backed topsail caught the wind and checked her way as she recovered。 She hovered with the battered Harvey close alongside。 Hornblower could see Mound; her captain; directing the efforts of her crew from his station at the foot of her mizzenmast。 Hornblower put his speaking…trumpet to his lips。
 〃Cut that wreckage away; smartly; now。〃
 〃Stand by for the line!〃 shouted Hurst。
 The heaving…line; well thrown; dropped across her mizzen shrouds; and Mound himself seized it; Hurst dashed below to superintend the passing across of the towline; which lay on the lower gun…deck all ready to be passed out of an after gun…port。 A splintering crash forward told that one shot at least from Amager had struck home on Nonsuch。 Axes were cutting furiously at the tangle of shrouds over the Harvey's side; a group of seamen were furiously hauling in the three…inch line from Nonsuch which had been bent on the heaving…line。 Another crash forward; Hornblower swung round to see that a couple of foremast shrouds had parted at the chains。 With the Nonsuch lying nearly head to wind neither port…side nor starboard…side guns bore to make reply; but Carlin had a couple of guns' crews hard at work with hand…spikes heaving the two foremost guns round … it would be as well to keep the batteries under fire so as not to allow them to indulge in mere target practice。 Hornblower turned back; Nonsuch's stern was almost against Harvey's quarter; but some capable officer already had two spars out from the stern gallery to boom her off。 The big cable itself was on its way over now; as Hornblower watched he saw Harvey's men reach and grasp it。
 〃We'll take you out stern first; Mr Mound;〃 yelled Hornblower through his speaking…trumpet … there was no time to waste while they took the cable forward。 Mound waved acknowledgement。
 〃Quarter less five;〃 came the voice of the leadsman; the leeway which the two vessels were making was carrying them down on the Saltholm shoals。
 On the heels of the cry came the bang…bang of the two guns which Carlin had brought to bear on the Amager batteries; and following that came the howl of shot passing overhead。 There were holes in main and mizzen…topsails … the enemy were trying to disable Nonsuch。
 〃Shall I square away; sir?〃 came Bush's voice at Hornblower's side。
 Mound had taken a turn with the cable's end round the base of the Harvey's mizzenmast; which was stepped so far aft as to make a convenient point to tow from。 He was waving his arms to show that all was secure; and his axemen were hacking at the last of the mainmast shrouds。
 〃Yes; Captain。〃 Hornblower hesitated before dropping a word of advice on a matter which was strictly Bush's business。 〃Take the strain slowly; or you'll part the tow or pluck that mizzenmast clear out of her。 Haul your headsails up to starboard; then get her slowly under way before you brace up your main…tops'l。〃
 〃Aye aye; sir。〃
 Bush showed no resentment at Hornblower's telling him what to do; for he knew very well that Hornblower's advice was something more valuable than gold could ever buy。
 〃And if I were doing it I'd keep the towline short … stern first; with nothing to keep her under control; Harvey'll tow better that way。〃
 〃Aye aye; sir。〃
 Bush turned and began to bellow his orders。 With the handling of the headsails the Nonsuch turned away from the wind; and instantly Carlin brought his guns into action again。 The ship was wrapped in smoke and in the infernal din of the guns。 Shots from Amager were still striking home or passing overhead; and in the next interval of parative silence the voice of the leadsman made itself heard。
 〃And a half four!〃
 The sooner they were away from these shoals the better。 Fore… and mizzen…topsails were filling slightly; and the head…sails were drawing。 The towline tightened; and as the ears recovered from the shock of the next broadside they became aware of a vast creaking as the cable and the bitts took the strain … on the Nonsuch's quarter…deck they could overhear Harvey's mizzenmast creaking with the strain。 The ketch came round slowly; to the acpaniment of fierce bellowings at Nonsuch's helmsman; as the two…decker wavered at the pull across her stern。 It was all satisfactory; Hornblower nodded to himself … if Bush were stealing glances at him (as he expected) and saw that nod it would do no harm。
 〃Hands to the braces!〃 bellowed Bush; echoing Hornblower's thoughts。 With fore… and mizzen…topsails trimmed and drawing well Nonsuch began to increase her speed; and the ketch followed her with as much docility as could be expected of a vessel with no rudder to keep her straight。 Then she sheered off in ugly fashion to starboard before the tug of the line pulled her straight again to a feu de joie of creaks。 Hornblower shook his head at the sight; and Bush held back his order to brace up the main…topsail。
 〃Starboard your helm; Mr Mound!〃 shouted Hornblower through his speaking…trumpet。 Putting Harvey's rudder over might have some slight effect … the behaviour of every ship being towed was an individual problem。 Speed was increasing; and that; too; might affect Harvey's behaviour for better or worse。
 〃By the mark five!〃
 That was better。 And Harvey was behaving herself; too。 She was yawing only very slightly now; either the increase in speed or the putting over of the rudder was having its effect。
 〃That's well done。 Captain Bush;〃 said Hornblower pompously。
 〃Thank you; sir;〃 said Bush; and promptly ordered the main…topsail to be braced up。
 〃By the deep six!〃
 They were well off the Saltholm shoal; then; and Hornblower suddenly realized that the guns had not fired for some time; and he had heard nothing of any more firing from Amager。 They were through the channel; then; out of range of the batteries; at a cost of only a single spar knocked away。 There was no need to e within range of any other hostile gun … they could round Falsterbo well clear of the Swedish batteries。
 〃By the deep nin
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