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Behind the intermediate  lights; he could make out a dark outline of the PBY; sitting forlornly on the  opposite side of the apron like a nesting duck。 The bullet damage to the  Catalina's hull turned out to be slight and the Flight Line Maintenance crew  promised that they would begin repairs first thing in the morning; the  restoration taking three days。 Colonel James Lewis; the base manding officer;  had expressed his apologies at the delay; but he needed the bulk of the  maintenance crew to work on the damaged jets and the remaining C…133  Cargomaster。 In the meantime; Pitt and Giordino elected to accept the Colonel's  hospitality and stay at Brady Field; using the First Attempt's whale boat to  mute between the ship and shore。 The last arrangement worked to everyone's advantage since living quarters aboard the First Attempt were cramped and at a  premium。
 〃Kind of early for a swim; isn't it; buddy?〃
 The voice snapped Pitt from his thoughts; and he found himself standing under  the white glare of floodlights that were perched on top of the guard's shack at  the main gate。 The shack sat on a curb…lined island that divided the ining  and outgoing traffic and was just large enough for one man to sit in。 A short;  burly looking Air Policeman stepped from the doorway and eyed him closely。 〃I couldn't sleep。〃 As soon as he said it; Pitt felt foolish for not being more  original But what the hell; he thought; it's the truth。
 〃Can't say as I blame you;〃 said the AP。 〃After all that's happened today; I'd  be real surprised if anyone on the base was sound asleep。〃 The mere thought of  sleep triggered a reflex; and the AP yawned。
 〃You must get awfully bored; sitting out here alone all night;〃 said Pitt。
 〃Yeah; it gets pretty dull;〃 the AP said; hooking one hand in his Sam Browne  belt and resting the other on the grip of a 。45 Colt automatic; clinging to his  hip。 〃If you're going off base; you'd better let me see your pass。〃
 〃Sorry; I don't have one;〃 Pitt had forgotten to ask Colonel Lewis for a pass to  get on and off Brady Field。
 A swaggering; tough look crossed the AP's face。 〃Then you'll have to go back to  the barracks and get It。〃 He swatted at a moth that flapped by his face; toward  a floodlight。
 〃That would be a waste of time。 I don't even own a pass;〃 said Pitt; smiling  helplessly。
 〃Don't play dumb with me; buddy。 Nobody gets in or out of the gate without a  pass。〃
 〃I did。〃
 The AP's eyes became suspicious。 〃How did you manage that?〃
 〃I flew In。〃
 A surprised look bit the AP。 His eyes beamed in the brightness of the floods。  Another passing moth lit on his white cap; but he did not notice it。 Then it  burst from him。 〃You're the pilot of that Catalina flying boat!〃
 〃Guilty as charged;〃 said Pitt。
 〃Say; I want to shake your hand。〃 The AP's lips opened in a big tooth displaying  smile。 〃That was the greatest piece of flying I've ever seen。〃 He thrust out a  massive hand。
 Pitt took the outstretched hand and winced。 He had a strong grip of his own; but  it seemed puny pared to the AP's。 〃Thank you; but I'd have felt a lot better  about it if my opponent had crashed。〃
 〃Oh hell; he couldn't have gone far。 That old junk pile was smoking up a storm  when it crossed over the hills。〃
 〃Maybe It crashed on the other side?〃
 〃No chance。 The colonel had the whole Air Police squadron chasing all over the island in jeeps; looking for it。 He searched until dark; but didn't spot a  thing。〃 He appeared disgusted。 〃What really pissed me off was getting back to  the base too late for the chow line。〃
 Pitt grinned。 〃It must have gone down in the sea; or else made the mainland  before falling。〃
 The AP shrugged his shoulders。 〃Could be。 But one thing's for sure; it ain't on  Thasos。 You have my personal guarantee on that。〃
 Pitt laughed。 〃That's good enough for me。〃 He swung the towel over his shoulder  and pulled at his swim trunks。 〃Well it's been nice talking to you 。 。 。〃
 〃Airman Second Class Moody; sir。〃
 〃I'm Major Pitt。〃
 The AP's face went blank。 〃Oh; I'm sorry; sir。 I didn't know you were an  officer。 I thought you were one of those civilians with NUMA。 I'll let you out  this time; Major; but I'd appreciate it if you got a base pass。〃
 〃I'll see to it first thing after breakfast。〃
 〃My replacement es on at 0800。 If you're not back by then; I'll leave word so  he'll let you in without any trouble。〃
 〃Thank you; Moody。 Perhaps I'll see you later。〃 Pitt waved and then turned and  walked down the road towards the beach。
 Pitt kept to the right side of the narrow paved road and in about a mile came to  a small cove that was flanked by large craggy rocks。 The moonlight showed him a  path; and he took it until his feet crunched softly in the sandy beach。 He  dropped the towel and walked to the tide line。 A wave broke; and the white of  its crest slid smoothly across the packed sand and licked his feet The dying  wave hesitated for a moment and then fell back; forming the trough for the next  crest There was barely a breath of wind; and the glistening sea was relatively  calm。 The moon cast its glow on the dark water and left a shaft of silver that  traveled over the surface to the horizon where the sea and sky melted together  into absolute blackness。 Pitt soaked up the warm stillness and moved into the  water; swimming along the silver shaft
 An inner feeling always overcame Pitt when he was alone and near the sea。 It was  as though his soul seeped out of his body; and he became a thing without  substance; without form。 His mind was purified and cleansed: all mental labor  ceased and all thoughts vanished。 He was only vaguely aware of hot and cold;  smells; touch; and all the other senses; except hearing。 He listened to the  nothingness of silence; the greatest; but most unknown; treasure of man。  Forgotten for the moment were all his failures; all his victories and all his  loves; even life itself was buried and lost in the stillness。
 He lay dead and floated in the water for nearly an hour。 Finally; a small swell  slapped at his face and he unwittingly inhaled a few drops of salt water。 He  snorted; dispelling the disfort and again became aware of his bodily  sensations。 Without watching his progress; he effortlessly backstroked toward   the shore。 When his hands arched and touched the dense sand; he stopped swimming  and drifted onto the beach like a piece of flotsam。 Then he dragged himself  forward until he was only half…out of the water; letting it swirl around his  legs and buttocks。 The warm Aegean surf rose out of the dim light and flooded up the beach; caressing his skin; and he dozed off。
   The stars were beginning to blink out one by one with the pale light of the  approaching dawn when an inner alarm sounded in Pitt's brain; and he suddenly  became alert to a presence。 Instantly he was awake; but he made no movement;  other than peering through half…open eyes。 He barely could make out a shadowy  form standing over him。 Focusing and straining his eyes in the faint light; he  tried to distinguish a detailed shape。
 Slowly; an outline materialized。 It was a woman。
 〃Good morning;〃 he said and sat up。
 〃Oh my God;〃 the woman gasped。 She threw a hand
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