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tto and nothing more; no traces of man…made equipment。 Pitt felt as though he had entered a deserted cathedral whose spires stood in ruined desolation from a World War I artillery shelling or a World War II aerial bombardment The walls were twisted and broken in jagged fissures; and。 the shattered rocks at their base showed that another rock fall could e at any time。 Then the mist returned and smothered all vision。
 Pitt; in the few seconds it took to survey the cavern; was conscious of nothing but the gnawing fear of self…doubt。 Then came a creeping wave of numbed disbelief; then the chagrin that he had bungled it。
 〃It can't be;〃 he muttered。 〃It just can't be。〃 Pitt's free hand curled into a white knuckled fist; and he pounded the water in an outburst of temper and despair。 〃This cavern had to be von Till's base of operations。 God help us from the mess that I've surely caused。〃。
 〃I'd still vote for you; Major;〃 Knight reached out and touched Pitt on the shoulder。 〃The geology bears out your hunch。 This would seem the most logical spot。〃
 〃It's a dead end。 Except for the tunnel; there's no openings; anywhere。〃
 〃I saw a ledge on the far end of the cave。 Maybe if
 〃No time for that;〃 Pitt interrupted impatiently。 〃We must get back out as fast as we can and keep searching。〃
 〃Excuse me; Major!〃 Hersong had caught Pitt's arm; an action that surprised Pitt by seemingly ing out of nowhere。 〃I found something that might be of interest。〃
 The mist went through its cycle and then cleared again; revealing a peculiar expression on Hersong's face that caught Pitt's attention。 He grinned at the lanky botanist。
 〃OK; Hersong。 let's make it quick。 We hardly have time for a lecture on marine flora。〃
 〃Believe it or not; that's just what I had in mind;〃 Hersong grinned back; the glistening water trickled through the strands of his red beard。 〃Tell me; did you notice that growth of Macrocystis pyrifera on the wall opposite the tunnel?〃
 〃I might have;〃 Pitt answered flatly; 〃if I knew what you were talking about〃
 〃Macrocystis pyrifera is a brown algae of the Phaeophyta family; perhaps; better known as kelp。〃
 Pitt stared at him; considering; and let him continue。
 〃What it boils down to; Major; is that this particular species of kelp is native only to the Pacific Coast of the United States。 The water temperature in this part of the Mediterranean is far too warm for Macrocystis pyrifera to survive。 On top of that; kelp; like in land plant cousins; needs sunlight to provide the process for photosynthesis。 I can't imagine kelp thriving in an underwater cave。 Nope; if you'll forgive the vernacular; it just ain't done。〃
 Pitt was slowly treading water。 〃Then if it isn't kelp; what is it?〃。
 The mist was back; and Pitt couldn't see Hersong's face。 He could only hear the botanists rumbling voice。
 〃It's art; Major。 pure art。 Without a doubt; the finest plastic replica of Macrocystis pyrifera I've ever beheld。〃
 〃Plastic?〃 Knight boomed; his tone echoing around the cavern。 〃Are you sure?〃
 〃My dear boy;〃 Hersong said disdainfully。 〃Do I question your。 analysis of' core samples or…〃
 〃That red slime on the tunnel walls;〃 Pitt cut in。 〃What do you make of that?〃
 〃Couldn't say for sure;〃 Hersong said。 〃Looked like some type of' paint or coating。〃
 〃I'll back him。 Major。〃 The face of Stun Thomas suddenly materialized out of the fading mist。 〃Red anti…fouling paint for ship hulls。 It contains arsenic; that's why nothing grows in the tunnel。〃
 Pitt glanced at his watch。 'Time is running out。
 This must be the place。〃
 〃Another tunnel behind the kelp? Knight asked in a careful sort of voice。 〃Is that it; Major?〃
 〃It's beginning to look encouraging。〃 Pitt said quietly。 〃A camouflaged second tunnel that leads to a second cavern。 Now I can see why von Till's operation was never discovered by any native of Thasos。〃
 〃Well;〃 Hersong purged the water from his mouthpiece。 〃I guess we keep going。〃
 〃We have no other option;〃 Pitt said。 〃Are we all ready for another go?〃
 〃All present and accounted for; except for Woodson;〃 Spencer answered。
 Suddenly; at that instant; a flashbulb flooded the cavern in a bright blue light
 〃Nobody smiled;〃 Woodson observed sourly。 He had drifted off to the far wall of the cavern; trying for the widest possible lens angle。
 〃Next time; yell sex。〃 Spencer joked back。
 〃It wouldn't matter;〃 Woodson grunted。 〃None of you know what it means anyway。〃
 Pitt grinned and moved off。 He rolled forward and jackknifed。 diving to the bottom like an airplane on a strafing run。 The others followed; spaced out at ten…foot intervals。
 The forest of counterfeit kelp was thick and nearly impenetrable。 Thin branches rose from the bottom to the surface; flaring into a wide; spreading canopy。 Hersong was right: it was a work of art。 Even at arm's length Pitt couldn't have told the plastic from the real thing。 He unsheathed the knife and began slicing his way through the brown swaying stems。 Working his way forward; stopping only to untangle his air tank; he finally broke into another tunnel。 The second had a larger diameter than the first but was much shorter in length。 After four stout kicks; Pitt surfaced in a new cavern; only to be enveloped in the unending white。 mist Every few moments; the splash of a head breaking the water; announced the arrival of another member of the team。
 〃See anything?〃 The voice was Spencer's。
 〃Not yet;〃 Pitt replied。 Mechanically; his eyes strained unblinkingly into the damp gloom。 He thought he saw something now; something more imagined than。
 real。 Gradually; he became aware of a dark shape; materializing out of the fog。 And then suddenly; it was absolutely and concretely there the smooth; black metal hull of a submarine。 Pitt spat out his mouthpiece; swam over to the sub and grabbed hold of' the bow planes;。 pulling himself onto the deck。
 Pitt's mind became absorbed in the submarine。 At least ten times he'd wondered how he'd react; how he would feel when he finally touched the heroin's underwater carrier。 Elation at being proved right…that and more。 Anger and disgust flooded over him。 If they could only talk; what tales of insidious tragedies these steel plates could relate。
 〃Please drop your spear on the deck and keep very; very still。〃 The voice behind Pitt was hard; and so was the gun barrel that dug into his spine。 He eased the pole spear slowly to the wet deck。 〃Good。 Now order your men to drop their weapons on the bottom。 No tricks。 A concussion grenade in the water can turn a swimmer into an ugly mass of jelly。〃
 Pitt nodded at the five floating heads。 〃You heard the man。 Drop the spear guns 。 。 。 the knives too。
 There's no sense in antagonizing these nice people。 I'm sorry men。 It looks like I've blown it。〃
 There was nothing else left to say。 Pitt had led these five men into a trap from which they might never escape alive。 All emotion left him; he was conscious now only of time。 On cue; Pitt raised his hands over his head and slowly turned around。
 〃Major Pitt; you are an unmonly aggravating young man。〃
 Bruno von Till stood on the deck of the submarine; grinning like Fu Manchu about to feed a victim to the croc
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