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es; punctuated occasionally by the shriek of a solitary gull。 Above the rocky cliffs; a herd of cattle grazed on a sloping green pasture; like tiny immovable shapes in a Rembrandt landscape。 And below; in sheltered coves among the lesser cliffs; piles of sun…bleached driftwood lay dead and still on tiny shell carpeted beaches。
 Pitt nearly lingered too long。 He tugged his mind back to the job at hand。 That mysterious area of calm water was ing up now; only three quarters of a mile away off the port bow。 He laid a hand on Gunn's shoulder and pointed。
 〃The flat pond。〃
 Gunn nodded。 〃OK; got it。 At our present speed we should be alongside in ten minutes。 Is your team ready?〃
 〃All set and primed;〃 Pitt answered briefly。 〃They know what to expect。 I've got them stationed along the starboard cabin deck; out of sight to any prying eyes from the villa。〃
 Gunn replaced his cap。 〃Be sure you order them to leap plenty clear of the hull。 Getting sucked into a prop can be a very messy business。〃
 〃I doubt that they have to be ordered;〃 Pitt said quietly。 〃They're all good men。 You told me so yourself。〃
 〃Damn right;〃 Gunn snorted。 He turned to Pitt。 〃I'm going to keep the ship close…in to the shoreline for another three miles。 We might fool von Till into thinking we're on a routine sounding course to chart the shallows。 It might work; I don't know。 For your sake I hope he's taken in。〃
 〃Well soon find out。〃 Pitt checked his watch against the ship's chronometer。 〃What time do you make your rendezvous?〃
 〃I'll run a series of doglegs on the return course and arrive back here at 1410。 That gives you exactly fifty minutes to find the sub and get out。〃 Gunn dug a cigar out of a breast pocket and lit it 〃You and my men be waiting for the ship; you hear me?〃
 Pitt didn't answer immediately。 A broad smile broke across his lips; and his vivid green eyes seemed to be laughing。
 Gunn looked puzzled。 〃What did I say that's so funny?〃
 〃For a moment you reminded me of my mother。 She always used to say that when my ship came in I'd probably be waiting at the bus depot〃
 Gunn ruefully shook his head。 〃If you don't e back at least I'll know where to look。 Well; let's get on with it。 You had better climb into your diving gear。〃
 Pitt simply waved in acknowledgment; left the hot confine of the wheelhouse and dropped down the ladder to the First Attempt's starboard cabin deck。 He found five deeply tanned men waiting for him; probably。 Pitt reflected; the five most eager and intelligent men he'd ever known。 Like himself; they wore only black bikini swim trunks。 All were busily engaged in adjusting breathing regulators and strapping on air tanks; each man rechecked the other's equipment; making certain the tank valves and harness webbing were in their proper position。
 The nearest diver; Ken Knight; looked up at Pitt's arrival。 〃I have your gear all ready for you; Major。 I hope a single hose regulator will be OK; NUMA didn't issue us any doubles this trip。〃
 〃A single hose will do fine;〃 Pitt replied。 He pulled on a pair of fins and strapped a knife to his right calf; then he slipped a mask over his head and adjusted the snorkel。 The mask was the wide…angle type that gave the wearer a one hundred and eighty degree range of vision。 Next came the air tank and the regulator。 He was about to struggle with the tank harness when suddenly the forty pound outfit was swept from the deck and held at his back by two massive; hairy arms。
 〃How you could ever get through a day without my services;〃 said the voice of Giordino pompously; 〃is a mystery to me。〃
 〃The real mystery is why l put up with your jackhammer mouth and overabundant ego;〃 Pitt said sourly。
 〃There you go; picking on me again;〃 Giordino tried to sound wounded but couldn't quite pull it off。 He turned and looked down at the passing water and; after a long pause; muttered very slowly; 〃Christ! Look at the clarity of that water。 It's sharper than a goldfish bowl。〃
 〃So I've noticed。〃 Pitt unsheathed the barbed tip of a six foot pole spear and checked the elasticity of the rubber sling attached to the butt end。 〃Have you studied your lesson?〃
 〃The old gray matter;〃 Giordino said; pointing to his head; 〃has all the answers filed and indexed。〃
 〃As usual; it's forting to know you're so sure of yourself。〃
 〃Sherlock Giordino knows all; sees all No secret can escape my probing mind。〃
 〃Your probing mind better be well oiled;〃 Pitt said: earnestly。 〃You've got a tight schedule to keep。〃
 〃Just leave it to me;〃 Giordino said straight faced。 'Well; it's about that time。 I wish I was ing along。 Enjoy your swim and have fun。〃
 〃I intend to;〃 Pitt murmured。 〃I intend to。〃
    Two chimes from the ship's bell sounded Gunn's one minute warning signal。 Pitt; walking awkwardly in his fins; moved onto a small platform that extended over the side of the hull。
 〃At the sound of the next tone; gentlemen; we go!〃 He said no more; partly because each man knew what he had to do; partly because there was nothing else to say that had any meaning。
 The divers gripped their spear guns a little tighter and silently exchanged glances。 One thought and only one thought was on all their minds at this minute: if the jump isn't far enough; a leg could be lost in the whirling propeller。 At a gesture from Pitt; they arranged themselves in a line behind the platform。
 Before he lowered the mask over his eyes; Pitt took another look at the men around him and for the tenth time studied their identifying features; features he would be able to recognize at a distance under water。 The man nearest him; Ken Knight; the geophysicist; was the only blond in the group; Stan Thomas; the short; runty ship's engineer; wore blue fins and was the only member; Pitt surmised; who could probably handle himself in a tough fight。 Next came a red…bearded marine biologist; Lee Spencer; then Gustaf Hersong; a lanky six…foot…six marine botanist…both those men seemed to be grinning at each other over a private joke。 The anchor man was the expedition's photographer; Omar Woodson; as true a deadpan character as Pitt had ever seen and who genuinely appeared bored by the whole show。 Instead of a spear gun; Woodson carried a 35 mm Nykonos with flash; swinging the expensive underwater unit over the railing; negligently; as if it were an old used box camera。
 Pitt pulled the mask down over his eyes; whistling softly to himself; and gazed once more at the water。 It was passing beneath the platform at a much more leisurely rate now…Gunn had cut the First Attempt's speed to a crawling three knots…slow enough; Pitt decided; for a feet first entry。 His eyes turned past the bow; looking forward with trance…like fixity at the approximate point in the sea where at any moment now he must dive。
 At almost the same instant; Gunn scrutinized the fathometer and the jagged cliffs for the last time。 His。 hand slowly raised; groped for the bell line; found it;。 paused; then gave one hard pull。 The metallic clang burst into the hot afternoon air and carried across the surf to the steep coastal wall; echoing in a muted undertone back toward the ship。
 Pitt; poised on the platform; didn't wait for the echo。 Holding the mask firmly 
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