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t; and the landing gear bumped and  emitted an audible screech of rubber that signaled the touch…down。
 Pitt angled clear of the flames and taxied to the far side of the apron。 When  the Catalina stopped rolling he clicked off the Ignition switches; and the two  silver bladed propellers gradually ceased their revolutions and came to rest;  gleaming in the Aegean sun。 All was quiet。
 He and Giordino sat stone still for a few moments and absorbed the first  fortable silence to penetrate the cockpit after thirteen hours of noise and  vibration。
 Pitt flipped the latch on his side window and pushed it open; watching with  detached interest as the base firemen fought the inferno。 Hoses were lying  everywhere; like highways on a roadmap; and men scurried about shouting; adding to the stage of confusion。 The flames on the F…105 jets were almost contained;  but one of the C…133 Cargomasters still burned fiercely。
 〃Take a look over here;〃 said Giordino pointing;
 Pitt leaned over the instrument panel and stared out of Giordino's window at a  blue Air Force stationwagon that careened across the runway in the direction of  the PBY。 The car contained several officers and was followed by thirty or forty  wildly cheering enlisted men who chased after it like a pack of braying hounds。
 〃Now that's what I call one hell of a reception mittee;〃 Pitt said amused and  broadly smiling;
 Giordino mopped his bleeding cut with a handkerchief。 When the cloth was soaked  through with red ooze he wadded it up and threw it out of the window to the  ground。 His gaze turned toward the nearby coastline and became lost in the  Infinity of thought for a moment Finally he turned to Pitt。 〃I guess you know  we're pretty damn lucky to be sitting here。〃
 〃Yes; I know;〃 said Pitt woodenly。 〃There were a couple of times up there when I  thought our ghost had us〃
 〃I wish I knew who the hell he was and what this destruction was all about?〃Pitt's face was a study in speculative curiosity。
 〃The only clue is the yellow Albatros。〃
 Giordino eyed his friend questioningly。 〃What possible meaning could the color  of that old flying derelict have?〃
 〃If you'd studied your aviation history;〃 Pitt said with a touch of good…natured  sarcasm; 〃You'd remember that German pilots of the First World War painted their  planes with personal; but sometimes outlandish; color schemes。〃
 〃Save the history lesson for later;〃 Giordino growled。 〃Right now all I want to  do is get out of this sweat box and collect that drink you owe me。〃 He rose from  his scat and started for the exit hatch。
 The blue stationwagon skidded to a halt beside the big silver flying boat and  all four doors burst open。 The occupants leaped out shouting and began pounding  on the plane's aluminum hatch。 The crowd of enlisted men soon engulfed the  aircraft; cheering loudly and waving at the cockpit。
 Pitt remained seated and waved back at the cheering men below the window。 His  body was tired and numb but his mind was still active and running at full  throttle。 A title kept running through his thoughts until finally he muttered it  aloud。 〃The Hawk of Macedonia。〃
 Giordino turned from the doorway。 〃What did you say?〃
 〃Oh nothing; nothing at all;〃 Pitt let his breath escape in a long audible sigh。 〃e on…I'll buy you that drink now。〃
 When Pitt awoke; it was still dark。 He did not know how long he had slept。 Perhaps he just dozed off。 Perhaps he bad been lost under the black cloak of  sleep for hours。 He did not know; nor did he care。 The metal springs of the Air  Force cot squeaked as he rolled over; seeking a more fortable position。 But  the fort of deep sleep eluded him。 His conscious mind dimly tried to analyze  why。 Was it the steady humming noise of the air conditioner; he asked himself?  He was used to drifting off under the loud din of aircraft engines; so that  couldn't be it。 Maybe it was the scurrying cockroaches。 God knows Thasos was  covered with them。 No; it was something else。 Then he knew。 The answer pierced  the fog of his drowsy brain。 It was his other mind; the unconscious one that was  keeping him awake。 Like a movie projector; it flashed pictures of the strange  events from the previous day; over and over again。
 One picture stood out above all the rest。 It was the photograph in a gallery of  the Imperial War Museum。 Pitt could recall it vividly。 The camera had caught a  German aviator posing beside a World War I fighter plane。 He was garbed in the  flying togs of the day; and his right hand rested upon the head of an immense  white German Shepherd。 The dog; obviously a mascot; was panting and looking up  at his master with a patronizing; doe…like expression。 The flyer stared back at  the camera with a boyish face that somehow looked naked without the usual  Prussian dueling scar and monocle。 However; the proud Teutonic military bearing  could be easily seen in the hint of an insolent grin and the ramrod straight  posture。
 Pitt even remembered the caption under the photo:
 The Hawk of Macedonia
 Lieutenant Kurt Heibert; of Jagdstaffel 91; attained 32 victories over the  allies on the Macedonian Front; one of the outstanding aces of the great war。  Presumed shot down and lost in the Aegean Sea on July 15; 1918。 For some time; Pitt lay staring in the darkness。
 There would be no more sleep tonight he thought。 Sitting up and leaning on one  elbow; he reached over a bedside table; groped for his Omega watch and held it  in front of his eyes。 The luminous dial read 4:09。 Then he sat up and dropped  the bare soles of his feet on the vinyl tile floor。 A package of cigarettes sat  next to the watch; and he pulled out one and lit it with a silver Zippo lighter。  Inhaling deeply; he stood up and stretched。 His face grimaced; the muscles of  his back stung from the back slapping he had received from the cheering men of  Brady Field right after he and Giordino had climbed from the cockpit of the PBY。  Pitt smiled to himself in the dark as he thought about the warm handshakes and  congratulations pressed upon them。
 The moonlight; beaming in through the window of the Officers' Quarters; and the  warm clear air of early morning made Pitt restless。 He stripped off his shorts  and rummaged through his luggage in the dim light。
 When his touch recognized the cloth shape of a pair of swim trunks; he slipped  them on; snatched a towel from the bathroom and stepped out into the stillness  of the night。
 Once outside; the brilliant Mediterranean moon enveloped his body and laid bare  the landscape with an eerie ghost…like emptiness。 The sky was all studded with  stars and revealed the milky way in a great white design across a black velvet  backdrop。
 Pitt strolled down the path from the Officers' Quarters toward the main gate。 He paused for a minute; looking at the vacant  runway; and he noticed a black area every so often in the rows of multi…colored  lights that stitched the edges。 Several of the lights in the signal system must  have been damaged in the attack; he thought。 However; the general pattern was  still readable to a pilot making a night landing。 Behind the intermediate  lights; he could make out a dark outline of the PBY; sitting forlornly on t
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