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 〃That's one way to look at It;〃 Pitt had said。 He'd figured she would think that; and he'd been right。
 Pitt went up the anchor chain; copying the style of a Polynesian native climbing a palm tree after coconuts。 He soon reached the hawserhole and peered over the rail He hesitated; listening and watching for any movement in the shadows。 Not a soul was visible。 The foredeck was deserted。
 He swung over the side; crouched low and moved silently across the deck to the foremast。 The blacked…out ship was a blessing。 If the cargo loading lamps had been on; the midships and foredeck would have been bathed in a flood of white light; not the best circumstances for sneaking around unnoticed。 Pitt was also thankful that the darkness blotted out his dripping water trail across the foredeck。 He paused; waiting for the expected sounds and movements that never came。 It was quiet; far too quiet。 There was something else about the ship that didn't jell in Pitt's subconscious mind; but he couldn't pin it down。 It eluded him for the present
 Pitt reached down; unsheathing the diver's knife strapped to his calf; and moved aft; holding the seven inch stainless blade well out in front of him。
 It seemed incredible; but Pitt had a clear view of the bridge and; as far as he could see; it was abandoned。 He melted into the shadows and climbed the ladder to the bridge; his feet padding noiselessly on the steel steps。 The wheelhouse was dark and empty。 The spokes of the wheel reached out in dark loneliness; and the binnacle stood like a mute; brass…plated sentinel。 Pitt couldn't make out the wording; but he knew from the angle of the pointers that; the telegraph stood at All Stop。 In the dim light from the stars he was able to make out a rack attached to the ledge below the port window。 His fingers。 played over the contents; Aldis lamp; flare gun; flares。 Then he got lucky。 His hand touched the familiar cylindrical shape of flashlight。 He slipped out of his swim trunks and wrapped them around the lens till the light offered nothing but a faint glow。 Then he checked every foot of the wheelhouse; deck; bulkheads; equipment The tiny indicator lights of; the control console showed the only glimmer of life。
 The curtains were drawn in the chartroom at the back of the wheelhouse。 It was inconceivable that any chartroom could be so clean。 The charts lay in orderly stacks; their fields of squares and numbers crossed by precisely drawn pencil lines。 Pitt slipped the knife back in its sheath; propped the flashlight against a copy of Brown's Nautical Almanac and scanned the chart markings。 The lines coincided exactly with the Queen Artemisia's known course from Shaughai。 He noted the fact that there were no mistakes or erasures by whoever figured the pass corrections。 It was neat; too much so。
 The log book was open at the last entry: 03。52 hour's … Brady Field Beacon bearing 312°; approximately eight miles。 Wind southwest; 2 knots。 The God's protect Minerva。 The time showed that this entry had been made Less than an hour before Pitt swam out from the beach。 But where was the crew? There was no sign of the deck watch and the lifeboats were secure in their davits。 The abandoned helm didn't make sense。 None of it made sense。
 Pitt's mouth was dry…a dusty cavern in which his tongue lay like a rubber sponge。 A hammer pounded in his head; blurring his thinking; He left the wheelhouse; softly closing the door behind him; and found an alleyway leading to the captain's cabin。 The door was ajar。 He gently eased it full open and stepped soundlessly and sideways into the steel cubicle。
 A movie set; it looked like a movie set That was the only way Pitt could describe it。 Everything was neat and tidy; and exactly where it should have been。 Across the far bulkhead; the Queen Artemisia loomed in tranquil splendor from an amateurish oil painting; Pitt shuddered at the choice of colors; the ship sailed on a purple sea。 The signature in the lower right corner was signed by a Sophia Remick。 There was the usual photograph on the desk with a matronly; round…faced woman staring out of a cheap metal frame。 The inscription read: To the Captain of my heart from his loving wife。
 It was unsigned; but obviously written by the same hand that had autographed the painting; And next to the photograph; on an otherwise barren desk top; a carefully laid pipe reposed in an empty ashtray。 Pitt picked it up and smelled the blackened bowl; it hadn't been smoked in months。 Nothing looked used or handled。 It was a museum without dust; a house without odor。 And; like the ship herself; quiet as a graveyard。
 He returned to the alleyway; closing the door behind him; almost wishing some strange voice; any voice; would shout; 〃Who goes there?〃 or 〃What are you doing here?〃 The stillness made his sweat run cold。 Pitt began to imagine vague shapes in shadowy corners。 His heartbeat thumped at an accelerating pace。 It couldn't have been more than ten seconds that he stood there not moving a muscle; forcing his mind back into rational control。
 It'll be dawn soon; he thought。 Hurry; must hurry。 He ran down the port alleyway; ignoring any attempt at stealth and secrecy; and threw open the other cabin doors。 Each small partment was like the black Hole of Calcutta。 One quick sweep of the hooded light told the same story as the captain's cabin He also searched the radio cabin。 The transmitter was warm and pre…set on a VHF frequency; but the radio operator was conspicuous by his absence。 Pitt slipped the door shut and headed aft。
 panionways; port and starboard alleyways; they all seemed to merge into one long black; underground tunnel。 It was an effort not to lose his sense of direction in the maze。 A naked man; except for the flotation vest; in a dark nightmare of gray paint and steel walls。 He tripped over a bulkhead step and fell; banging a shin and dropping the flashlight; all in harmony with an uttered; 〃Goddamn!〃
 The flashlight had fallen on the hard deck; shattering the lens and blinking out。 He knelt on his hands and knees; muttering additional curses and searching frantically。 After agonizing seconds his hands grasped the aluminum…plated case。 The glass of the lens tinkled with grim foreboding inside the cloth cover。 He picked it up and pushed the switch forward。 The bulb blinked on as dull as ever。 Pitt uttered a gasp of relief and shined the subdued beam down the passage。 It dimly illuminated a door that was titled Fire Passage … Number Three Hold。
 The great chambers of Carlsbad Caverns couldn't have looked much less formidable than Number Three Hold。 All that Pitt's light showed was a vast steel cave crammed with countless sacks and stacked from deck to hatch cover on wooden tiers。 The air was permeated with a sweet Incense kind of odor。 The cocoa from Ceylon; Pitt surmised。 He took the diver's knife and cut a small half inch hole in the coarse cloth of one of the sacks。 A flow of stony hard beans fell to the deck; bouncing and rattling like a hail on a quonset hut。 A quick examination under the flashlight proved the parchment skinned beans to be the genuine article。
 Suddenly he heard a noise。 It was faint and indistinct; but it was there。 He froze; listening。 Then it stopp
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