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 〃History never fails to repeat itself。〃 Pitt said confidently; glaring at the nearing plane。
 Even in this moment of tense anxiety Gunn found time to marvel at Pitt's plete transformation since dawn: the man who staggered on board the First Attempt in such fearful physical condition was not the same man who now stood on the bridge with gleaming eyes and the expectant posture of a war horse inhaling the scent of battle through flaring nostrils。 It seemed strange; but Gunn couldn't stop his mind from drifting back many months ago to the bridge of another ship; a tramp steamer called the Dana Gail。 He remembered as though it was only an hour ago; seeing the same expression on Pitt's face just before the old rusty hulk cast off to find and destroy a mysterious seamount In the Pacific; north of Hawaii。 Abruptly he was pulled back to the reality of the present by a strong grip on his arm。
 〃Get down。〃 Pitt said urgently; 〃or the shock wave will blow you overboard。 Be ready to join the contacts the instant I give the word。〃
 The bright yellow plane was banking now; circling around the ship; testing it for defenses。 The drone of its noisy engine tore across the water; causing a vibration in Pitt's eardrums。 He watched it through a pair of borrowed binoculars; smiling with satisfaction as he noted small round patches in the fabric of the wings and fuselage; a record of Giordino's hits with the carbine。 Moving the glasses in a near vertical angle he focused on the black wire that led upward; and all at once he felt a hope that began to amount to plete conviction。
 〃Steady 。 。 。 steady;〃 he said quietly。 〃I think he's going to nibble at the cheese。〃
 The cheese; Gunn thought wonderingly。 He calls that damn balloon up there the cheese。 Who would have ever thought that Pitt wanted a damn weather balloon when he asked whether the First Attempt carried meteorological gear。 Now the damn balloon floated up there in the damn sky with a one hundred pound charge of explosives from the damn seismic lab tied to it。 Gunn peered above the railing at the big silvery airborne ball and the lethal package dangling beneath it The cable holding the captive balloon and the electrical wire attached to the explosives both stretched eight hundred feet high and four hundred feet astern; a total distance of four football fields away。 He shook his head; it was ironic that the explosive charge; normally utilized for producing underwater shockwaves to analyze the bottom of the sea; would now be used to blow an airplane out of the sky。
 The roar of the plane's engine grew louder; and for one brief moment Pitt thought it was going to dive straight…on at the ship; but then be realized that its angle of descent was too low。 The pilot was lining the Albatros up for a pass at the balloon。 He stood up for a better view; knowing he was a tempting and exposed target The engine turned into a high pitched snarl and the gun sights aimed for the lazy gas bag; waiting above the sparkling water。 There was no delay; no adjusting for range; the yellow wings glistened in the sun; obscuring the flashes from the two guns mounted on the cowling; The sound of the staccato bursts and the whine of the bullets signaled the beginning of the attack。
 The rubberized nylon skin of the helium filled bag shuddered under the onslaught of the rapid gunfire。 It sagged at first; then wrinkled like a prune and collapsed; flapping in lose folds toward the sea。 The yellow Albatros swept over the dropping balloon; making a beeline for the First Attempt。
 〃Now!〃 Pitt yelled; hitting the deck。
 Gunn threw the switch。
 The next instant seemed to march on to infinity。 Then there was a gigantic blast which shock the ship from keel to mast。 The early morning silence was shattered 
 with a violent sound like the breaking of a thousand windows by a tornado。 And; in the sky; a tower of dense smoke and flame swirled in a huge bursting mass of orange and black。 The concussion from the explosion knocked the wind from Pitt and Gunn; squeezing internal organs against spines with the sudden punch of a battering ram。
 Slowly; moving with painful stiffness from the bandages and struggling for breath; Pitt rose to his feet and peered Into the expanding cloud for signs of the Albairos。 Shaken for a moment; his eyes darted too high; and he could see nothing but curling smoke; the plane and Its pilot were gone。 Then he realized what had happened。 The brief lag between his shouted signal and the actual explosion saved the plane from instant disintegration。 Swinging his gaze down to the horizon he spotted it The craft was gliding clumsily through the air; its engine dead。
 Pitt snatched at the binoculars and quickly sighted them on the Albatros。 It was trailing smoke and fiery fragments in a meteoric frail。 He watched in morbid fascination as one of the lower wings suddenly folded backward and fell away; causing the plane to tumble in a series of wild gyrations; like a piece of paper thrown from a high office building。 Then It seemed to bang suspended for a moment before plunging into the sea; leaving a signature of smoke melting into the warm air。
 〃It's down;〃 said Pitt excitedly。 〃We've scored。〃
 Gunn was lying against the far bulkhead corner。
 He crawled across the deck and lifted his head dazedly。
 〃How far and what heading?〃
 〃About two miles abaft the starboard beam;〃 replied Pitt He lowered the glasses and looked at Gunn's pale face。 〃Are you all right?〃
 Gunn nodded。 〃Just lost a little wind; that's all。〃
 Pitt smiled; but there was little humor in his eyes。 He was smugly satisfied with himself; very pleased with the oute of his plan。 〃Send the double…ender and some men out there to dive on the wreck。 I'm anxious to find out what our ghost looks like。〃

 〃Of course;〃 said Gunn。 〃I'll personally lead the diving party。 But; only on one condition。 。。 you get your ass down to my cabin immediately。 The doc hasn't finished with you yet。〃
 Pitt shrugged; 〃You're the captain。〃 He turned back to the rail and looked again at the spot that marked the grave of the yellow Albatros。
 He was still at the rail ten minutes later when Gunn and four of the First Attempt's crew loaded their diving gear on the double…ender whaler and cast off。 The little boat made no attempt to circle and search the general surface area but moved straight to the spot where the plane disappeared。 Pitt waited until be could see the divers drop into the sparkling blue water at intervals to converge together underwater at the final resting place of the wreck。
 〃e along。 Major;〃 said a voice at his elbow。
 He slowly turned and looked into the face of the bearded doctor。 〃It's no use chasing me Doc。 I won't marry you。〃 Pitt said; a wide grin riding his face。
 The blue…eyed old ship's surgeon did not grin back。 He merely pointed down the ladder at Gunn's cabin。
 Pitt had no choice but to wearily resign himself and turn his battered body over to the doctor's care。 In the cabin he fought a half…hearted battle against unconsciousness; but the administered sedatives won a beachhead; and soon he was sheathed in a deep sleep。
 Pitt stared at the gaunt and repulsive face that echoed his image from a small 
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