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 〃Well I'll be damned;〃 Pitt muttered; spotting the car。 He moved closer and his face betrayed an admiration for fine automobiles。 It was a Maybach…Zepplin town car; plete with a sliding glass partition  separating the enclosed passenger partment from the driver; who sat in the  open exposed to the sun。 Behind the large double…M ornament on the radiator; the hood stretched back six feet and ended at a low split windshield。 giving the car  an image of great brutish power。 The long flowing fenders and running boards  gleamed black but the coachwork was painted a deep multi…coated silver。 It was a  classic among classics: superb Teutonic craftsmanship evident in every fitting;  every nut and every bolt。 If the 1936 Rolls…Royce Phantom III typified the British ideal of silence and distinguished  mechanical efficiency; then its German counterpart was found in the 1936 Maybach  Zepplin。
 Pitt stepped up beside the car and ran his right hand over a gargantuan spare  tire that sat solidly mounted in the front fender well。 He grinned a grin of  satisfaction and relief as he noted the tire's tread was deeply grooved in a  diamond…shaped pattern。 He patted the big donut…like tire a couple of times and  then turned and looked into the front seat。
 The driver sat slouched behind the wheel; idly drumming his fingers on the door  frame。 He not only looked bored; but he yawned to prove it He was dressed in a  gray…green tunic that strangely resembled the uniform of a World War II Nazi officer。 but the sleeves and shoulders bore  no insignia。 A high brimmed cap covered his head; and the blond color of his  hair was betrayed by the brief hint of his sideburns。 Old fashioned  silver…rimmed spectacles covered his eyes and glinted in the setting sun。 A long  thin cigarette dangled conceitedly from one corner of a curled lip。 giving the  driver an aura of smugness and arrogance; an image he made little effort to  conceal。
 Pitt Instantly disliked the driver。 Putting a foot on the running board; he  stared penetratingly at the uniformed figure behind the steering wheel。 〃I think  you're waiting for me。 My name is Pitt。〃
 The yellow haired driver did not bother to return Pitt's stare。 He merely  flipped his cigarette over Pitt's shoulder onto the road; sat up straight and  turned the ignition switch。 〃if you are the American garbage receiver;〃 he said  in a heavy German accent; 〃you may get in。〃
 Pitt grinned and his eyes hardened。 〃Up front with the foul smelling rabble or in back with the gentry?
 〃Wherever you choose;〃 the driver said。 His face turned crimson but he still did not turn or look up。
 〃Thank you;〃 said Pitt smoothly。 〃I'll take the back。〃 He pushed down on a huge chrome handle; swung the vault…like door open and climbed into the town car。 An old roll style curtain perched over the partition window and Pitt pulled it down; closing off all sight of the driver In front。 Then be settled back fortably into the soft and luxurious morocco leather upholstery; lit a cigarette and prepared to enjoy the early evening ride across Thasos。
 The Maybach's engine quietly came to life and the driver shifted through the whisper silent gears; moving the Immense car over the road in the direction of Liminas。
 Pitt rolled down a door window and studied the fir and chestnut trees dotting the mountain slopes; and the age…old olive trees lining the narrow beaches。 Every so often; small fields of tobacco and wheat broke the uneven landscape and reminded him of the small farms he had often seen when flying over the southern United States。
 Soon the car cruised through the picturesque village of Panaghia; splashing an occasional puddle that marred the elderly cobbled streets。 Most of the houses Were painted white to reflect the summer heat。 The roofs rose into the fading sky and nearly touched as their eaves leaned toward each other over the narrow Streets。 In a few minutes Panaghia was left behind the Liminas soon came into view。 Then the car abruptly turned; skirting the main section of the little city; and pointed its dinosaurian hood up a dusty cliff road。 The incline was gradual at first; but quickly wormed into a series of steep hairpin curves。
 Pitt could sense the driver struggling at the wheel of the Maybach; the lumbering town car was designed more for casual rides on the Unter den Linden than spring…breaking tours up mule trails。 He looked over sheer precipices at the sea and wondered what would happen if another car came from the opposite direction。
 Then he could see it ahead; a huge white square against the darkening gray cliffs。 At last the curves ceased and the big diamond treaded tires slid smoothly onto the hard surface of a drive。
 Pitt was adequately impressed。 In size; the villa nearly matched the splendor of a Roman Forum。 The grounds were well kept and there was an atmosphere of wealth and good taste。 The entire estate nestled in a valley between two high mountain peaks and overlooked a sweeping panorama of the Aegean Sea。 The main gate of a high wall opened mysteriously; apparently pulled by someone unseen; and the 
 chauffeur drove up a neat fir…lined drive without ceremony and braked at a flight of marble steps。 In the center of the stairway a large archaic statue of a woman carrying a child stared down mutely; greeting Pitt as he stepped from the Maybach。
 He started to climb the steps when he stopped suddenly and returned to the car。
 〃I'm sorry driver;〃 said Pitt。 〃But I didn't catch your name。〃
 The driver looked up; puzzled。 〃My name is Willie。 Why do you ask?〃
 〃Willie。 my friend;〃 Pitt said seriously; 〃I must tell you something。 Will you step out of the car for a moment?〃
 Willie's brows wrinkled but he shrugged and stepped from the car; facing Pitt。 〃Now Herr Pitt; what do you wish to tell me?〃
 〃I see you wear jackboots; Willie。〃
 〃Ja; I wear jackboots〃
 Pitt flashed his best used car salesman's smile 〃And jackboots have hobnails; don't they?〃
 〃Ja; jackboots have hobnails。〃 said Willie irritably。 〃Why do you waste my time with such nonsense? I have duties to perform。 What is it you wish to say?〃
 Pitt's eyes grew hard。 〃My friend; I felt that if you want to earn your peeping…Tom merit badge; it's my duty to warn you that silver…rimmed spectacles reflect the sun's rays and can easily give your hiding place away。〃
 Willie's face went blank; and he started to say something; but Pitt's fist slammed into his mouth; cutting off the words。 The impact jerked Willie's head up and back; throwing his cap in the air。 His eyes turned dull and empty; and he slowly swayed like a falling leaf to his knees。 He knelt there looking dazed and lost。 A stream of bloody mucus dropped from his broken nose and splattered over the lapels of his uniform; creating; what Pitt thought; a rather artistic effect against the gray…green material。 Then Willie pitched forward onto the marble steps and folded into an inert heap。
 Pitt rubbed the knuckles of his bruised hand; grinning in cold satisfaction。 Then he turned and jogged up the steps; taking three at a time。 At the top he passed through a stone archway and found himself In a circular courtyard with a glass…like pool in its center。 The entire courtyard wa
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