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 〃What would he gain by that?〃 asked Giordino。
 〃Stop and think about it for a moment。〃 Pitt glanced at his watch; then to  Lewis。 〃If this situation looked truly threatening and perilous; Colonel; you'd  have to evacuate all American civilians to the mainland。〃
 〃Yes; that's true;〃 admitted Lewis。 〃But at the moment I see no reason to take  such steps。 The Greek government has assured me they're offering; their plete  cooperation in finding the pilot and plane。〃
 〃But if you thought you had reason;〃 pressed Pitt。 〃Wouldn't you also order  mander Gunn to remove the First Attempt from the Thasos area?〃
 Lewis' eyes narrowed。 〃As a safety precaution; of course。 That white ship makes  one hell of an inviting target for an aerial sniper。〃
 Pitt flicked his Zippo and lit a cigarette。 〃Believe It or not; sir; that's your  answer。〃
 Giordino and Lewis looked at each other and then at Pitt; puzzled。
 Pitt continued。 〃As you know; Colonel; Admiral Sandecker ordered Giordino and  myself to Thasos to investigate the strange mishaps that have occurred during  the NUMA's offshore operations。 This morning; while conversing with mander  Gunn; I discovered evidence of a sabotage which leads me to believe that there's  a definite connection between the raid and the accidents aboard the First  Attempt。 Now; if we take this assumption one step further; we begin to see that  Brady Field was not the main objective of our reincarnated adversary。 The raid  was only an indirect means of removing mander Gunn and the First Attempt from  Thasos。〃
 Lewis looked at Pitt thoughtfully。 〃I suppose the next question is why?〃
 〃I don't have an answer yet;〃 said Pitt。 〃But I'm certain our mysterious friend  and his flair for dramatics has a high powered reason behind his game。 He wouldn't go to such devious lengths for penny ante stakes。 He's most likely  hiding something of great value and the NUMA researchers on the ship are in a  position to stumble onto it。〃
 〃That something you speak of could be sunken treasure;〃 Lewis' lips gleamed wetly。
 Pitt pulled an overseas cap out of his suitcase and set it jauntily on his head。 〃That's one obvious conclusion。〃
 A faraway look came Into Lewis' eyes and he said softly; 〃I wonder what it could  be and how much it's worth?〃
 Pitt turned and faced Giordino。 〃Al; contact Admiral Sandecker and ask him to  research all possible lost or sunken treasure troves in the Aegean Sea within  spitting distance of Thasos and send us the data as soon as possible。 Tell him  it's urgent。〃
 〃Consider it done;〃 Giordino said。 〃It's eleven o'clock in the morning in  Washington so we should have an answer by breakfast。〃
 〃Now we're getting somewhere;〃 Lewis boomed。
 〃The sooner I get answers; the sooner I can get the Pentagon off my back。 Is  there any way I can help?〃
 Pitt glanced at his watch again。 〃As the Boy Scouts say…Be Prepared。 That's all  we can do for the present。 You can bet Brady Field and the First Attempt are  being closely observed。 When it es apparent no one is being evacuated and the oceanography ship still floats out there on the Aegean; we can expect another  visit from the yellow Albatros。 You've had your fun; Colonel It's my guess  mander Gunn's turn is next。〃
 〃Please tell the mander;〃 said Lewis; 〃I'll give him whatever assistance I  have at my disposal。〃
 〃Thank you; sir;〃 said Pitt。 〃But I don't think It would be wise to warn  mander Gunn just yet。〃
 〃For God's sake; why not?〃 gasped Giordino。
 Pitt grinned coldly。 〃So far; all of this is pure conjecture。 Besides; any  preparation on board the First Attempt would be a dead giveaway of our  intentions。 No; we've got to bait our unknown World War I ghost and bring him  out into the open。〃
 Giordino looked at Pitt evenly。 〃You can't risk the lives of the scientists and  ship's crew without giving them a chance to defend themselves。〃 〃Gunn is in no immediate danger。 Our ghost pilot will undoubtedly wait at least  one more day to see if the First Attempt departs before he attacks again。〃 Pitt  smiled until the mirth lines etched into the sides of his eyes。 〃In the  meantime; I'll put my creative talents to work on a plan for a trap。〃
 Lewis got to his feet and faced Pitt。 'For the sake of those men on the ship; I  hope you e up with a good one。〃
 〃No plan is considered foolproof; Colonel;〃 replied Pitt; 〃until after it's been  applied。〃 Giordino walked toward the door。 〃I'll run over to Base Operations and send that  message to the Admiral。〃
 〃When you've finished;〃 said Lewis; 〃drop by my quarters for supper。〃 Twisting  his moustache; he turned to Pitt。 〃You're invited too。 I'll give you men a real  treat and whip up my renowned specialty: scallops with mushrooms in white wine  sauce。〃
 〃It sounds very appetizing;〃 said Pitt。 〃But I'm afraid I must decline。 I have a  previous dinner engagement。 。 。 with a very attractive lady。〃
 Giordino and Lewis could only gawk at him in dazed amazement。 Pitt tried to look nonchalant。 〃She's sending a car to pick me up at the main  gate at six。 I have just two minutes and thirty seconds to get there; so I'd  best be leaving。 Good evening; Colonel; and thank you for your invitation。 I  hope you'll give me a rain check。〃 He faced Giordino。 〃Al; let me know the  minute the Admiral's reply es in。〃 Pitt turned and opened the door and left  the room。
 Lewis slowly shook his head。 〃Is he bull…shitting or does he really have a date  with a girl?〃
 〃I've never known Dirk to bull…shit about women; sir;〃 said Giordino。 He was  beginning to enjoy Lewis' state of shock。
 〃But where did he meet her? To my knowledge he hasn't been anywhere except the  field and the ship。
 Giordino shrugged。 〃Beats me。 But knowing Pitt as I do; It wouldn't surprise me  if he picked up a girl on the hundred yards between the main gate and the First  Attempt's loading dock。〃
 Lewis' booming laugh cracked across the room。 〃Well e along; Captain。 I'm not  a sexy girl but at least I can cook。 How about some of my scallops?〃
 〃Why not?〃 said Giordino。 〃That's the best offer I've had all afternoon。〃
 The furnace…like atmosphere cooled slightly as the fading sun fell to the west  beyond the Thasos mountains。 Long crooked shadows from the mountains' tree…lined  summits had moved down the slopes and were touching the seaward edge of Brady  Field when Pitt passed through the main gate。 He stopped on the outer road and  inhaled the pure Mediterranean air; enjoying the inner sensation of having his  lungs tingle。 The habitual call for a cigarette tugged at his mind; but he  pushed the urge aside and took another deep breath; looking out to sea。 Beyond  the rolling surf; the setting sun painted the First Attempt a colorful golden  orange。 The visibility was crystal clear; and at a distance of two miles his  eyes could pick out an amazing amount of detail on board the ship。 He stood  quiet and still for almost a full two minutes; lost in the beauty of the scene。  Then he glanced about; looking for the car that Teri promised to send for him。 It was there; sitting off to one side of the road like a palatial and sumptuous  yacht resting at anchor。
 〃Well I'll be damned;〃 Pitt muttered; spotting the car。 He m
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