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 〃Quick;〃 snapped Gunn。 〃Get that film to the lab and have it developed。〃
 〃Yes sir。〃 The fellow turned and dashed out of the door; spraying Pitt with a  few drops of saltwater as he passed。
 Guns's face had a happy but determined look。
 'My God。 To think I was about to give up; throw my tail between my legs and set  a course for home。 Now; dammit; I'm going to stay anchored here until I die of  old age or catch a Teaser。〃 His eyes twinkled as he glanced at Pitt。 'Well;  Major; what do you think of that?〃
 Pitt merely shrugged。 〃Personally; I prefer angling for girls。〃 With very little  effort his mind dropped the business at hand and formed a tantalizing picture of  Teri standing on the beach in her red bikini。
 It was a few minutes past five when Pitt arrived back at his quarters on Brady  Field。 Within seconds of discarding his sticky clothing; he was firmly  entrenched on his back in a narrow shower stall。 It was a tight fit; his head  was crooked into one corner; his back pressed flat on the wet tile floor; and  his hairy legs and feet thrust upward on a ninety degree angle in the opposite  corner。
 To anyone who might have peeked; it looked like a contorted and bone torturing  position; but Pitt found it thoroughly fortable and immensely satisfying。  When time allowed; he always relaxed in the shower in this manner。 Sometimes he  dozed off; but mostly he used the simulated rainy atmosphere and the solitude to  think。 At this moment his mind simmered with a multitude of perplexing  questions。
 He mentally juggled the facts and unknowns together; seeking a pattern and  trying to concentrate on the most important problems。 It was no use。 His mind  eluded his grasp and stubbornly chewed on the minor and inconsequential riddle  of the noiseless truck by the beach。
 For some inexplicable reason the riddle irritated him and he endeavored vainly  to shake it; but it remained。 Finally he gave in to it and closed his eyes and  recreated the scene; hoping to visualize a sign or solution。
 Suddenly a blurred form appeared on the other side of the shower door。
 〃Hello in the shower;〃 Giordino's voice rumbled over the running water。 〃You've  been in there nearly half an hour。 You must be thoroughly water…logged by now。〃
 Pitt resigned himself to the interruption and reached up and turned the faucet  to off。
 〃You better hurry;〃 Giordino shouted。 Then it occurred to him that the water was  no longer running。 He lowered his voice。 〃Colonel Lewis is on his way over…  he'll be here any second。
 Pitt sighed。 Pushing his body to a sitting position; he awkwardly struggled to  his feet; nearly slipping on the slick tile floor。 A towel sailed over the  shower door; falling in folds around his head。 The mere thought of being prodded  and pushed in order to impress a higher ranking officer made the hairs on his  neck bristle。 He glared through the fuzzy glass panel。
 〃Tell Colonel Lewis he can play with himself while he waits。〃 His voice had a  nice frost to it。 〃I'll e out when I damn well feel like it;〃 he said succinctly。 〃Now get the hell out of my bathroom; you bastard; before I cram a  bar of soap up your anal canal。〃 Abruptly; Pitt felt his checks heating。 He  hadn't really meant to be rude to his old friend。 Immediately sorry。 he felt a wave of guilt 〃I'm sorry; Al。 My mind was elsewhere。〃
 〃Forget it。〃 Without another word Giordino shrugged and left the bathroom;  closing the door behind him。 Pitt briskly dried his lean body and then shaved。 After he finished; he blew the  tiny black hairs out of the Cordless electric shaver and patted his face with  British Sterling after shave lotion。 When he stepped into the bedroom; Giordino  and Colonel Lewis were waiting。
 Lewis sat on the edge of the bed and twisted one end of an immense red handlebar  moustache。 His large rosy face and twinkling blue eyes along with the large bush  on his upper lip gave him the appearance of a jolly lumberjack。 His movements  and his speech were rapid; almost jerky; giving Pitt the impression that the  Colonel had a pound of ground glass in his crotch。
 〃Sorry to break in on you like this;〃 boomed Lewis。 〃But I'm interested in  knowing whether or not you've run onto anything substantial concerning the  attack yesterday。〃
 Pitt was nude; but he didn't give a damn。 〃No; nothing positive。 I've several  hunches and a couple of ideas; but very few absolute facts to build an airtight  case with。〃
 〃I was hoping you might have stumbled on a lead。 My Air Investigation Squadron  has struck out。〃
 〃Have you found any remains of the Albatros?' asked Pitt。
 Lewis rubbed a hand across his sweaty forehead。 〃If that old crate crashed into  the sea; it left no trace; not even a small oil slick。 It and its pilot must  have vanished into thin air。〃
 〃Maybe it reached the mainland;〃 said Giordino。 〃Negative;〃 replied Lewis。 〃We  can't find a soul over there who saw it going or ing。〃
 Giordino nodded in agreement。 〃An old plane painted bright yellow with a top  speed of only one hundred and three miles an hour couldn't help but be noticed  if it crossed over the strait into Macedonia。〃
 Lewis took out a package of cigarettes。 〃What really confuses me is the fact  that the attack was well planned and executed。 Whoever raided the field knew no  aircraft were scheduled to land or take off during his strafing runs。〃
 Pitt buttoned his shirt and adjusted the gold oak leaves on his shoulders。 〃Obtaining information would be easy since everyone on Thasos probably knows  that Brady Field bees a ghost town on Sundays。 Actually this whole affair is  very similar in strategy to the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese down to the detail of sneaking in through a pass in the island mountain range。〃
 Lewis lit his cigarette; being careful not to singe his moustache。 〃You're  right; of course but there's no doubt that your unexpected arrival in the flying  boat: caught our attacker; as well as ourselves; off guard。 Our own radar failed  to track your Catalina because you flew the last two hundred miles on the deck。〃  He exhaled a cloud of smoke。 〃I can't begin to tell you what a wele surprise  it was to see your old bird e thundering down out of the sun。〃
 〃It must have surprised our friend in the Albatros too;〃 Giordino grinned。 〃You  should have seen his jaw drop when he turned and saw us for the first time。〃Pitt finished knotting his tie。 〃No one expected us because my flight plan did  not include Brady Field。 I originally planned to set down in the sea next to the  First Attempt。 That's why our flying ghost and Brady Control were both unaware  of our ETA。〃 He paused; reflecting as he looked down at Lewis。 〃I strongly  suggest; Colonel; that you take extreme defensive measures。 I've a feeling we  haven't seen the last of the yellow Albatros。〃
 Lewis stared up at Pitt curiously。 〃What makes you so certain he'll return?〃
 Pitt's eyes glinted。 〃He had a definite purpose for attacking the field; and it  wasn't to kill men or destroy aircraft belonging to the United States。 His plan  was simply to throw you into a panic。〃
 〃What would he gain by that?〃 asked Giordino。
 〃Stop and think about it for a moment。〃 Pitt glanced at his watc
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