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iam fleming.for your eyes only-第6章

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 The clearing was about as big as two tennis courts and floored in thick grass and moss。 There was one large patch of lilies of the valley and; under the bordering trees; a scattering of bluebells。 To one side there was a low mound; perhaps a tumulus; pletely surrounded and covered with brambles and brier roses now thickly in bloom。 Bond walked round this and gazed in among the roots; but there was nothing to see except the earthy shape of the mound。
 Bond took one last look round and then went to the corner of the clearing that would be nearest to the road。 Here there was easy access through the trees。 Were there traces of a path; a slight flattening of the leaves? Not more than would have been left by the gipsies or last year's picnickers。 On the edge of the road there was a narrow passage between two trees。 Casually Bond bent to examine the trunks。 He stiffened and dropped to a crouch。 With a fingernail; he delicately scraped away a narrow sliver of caked mud。 It hid a deep scratch in the tree…trunk。 He caught the scraps of mud in his free hand。 He now spat and moistened the mud and carefully filled up the scratch again。 There were three camouflaged scratches on one tree and four on the other。 Bond walked quickly out of the trees on to the road。 His car had stopped on a slight slope leading down under the autoroute bridge。 Although there was some protection from the boom of the traffic on the autoroute; Bond pushed the car; jumped in and only engaged the gears when he was well under the bridge。
 And now Bond was back in the clearing; above it; and he still did not know if his hunch had been right。 It had been M's dictum that had put him on the scent … if it was a scent … and the mention of the gipsies。 〃It was the gipsies the dogs smelled 。 。 。 Most of the winter 。 。 。 they went last month。 No plaints 。 。 。 One morning they just weren't there any more。〃 The invisible factor。 The invisible man。 The people who are so much part of the background that you don't know if they're there or not。 Six men and two girls and they hardly spoke a word of French。 Good cover; gipsies。 You could be a foreigner and yet not a foreigner; because you were only a gipsy。 Some of them had gone off in the caravan。 Had some of them stayed; built themselves a hide…out during the winter; a secret place from which the hijacking of the top secret dispatches had been the first sortie? Bond had thought he was building fantasies until he found the scratches; the carefully camouflaged scratches; on the two trees。 They were just at the height where; if one was carrying any kind of a cycle; the pedals might catch against the bark。 It could all be a pipedream; but it was good enough for Bond。 The only question in his mind was whether these people had made a one…time…only coup or whether they were so confident of their security that they would try again。 He confided only in Station F。 Mary Ann Russell told him to be careful。 Head of F; more constructively; ordered his unit at St Germain to co…operate。 Bond said goodbye to Colonel Schreiber and moved to a camp bed in the unit's HQ … an anonymous house in an anonymous village back street。 The unit had provided the camouflage outfit and the four Secret Service men who ran the unit had happily put themselves under Bond's orders。 They realised as well as Bond did that if Bond managed to wipe the eye of the whole security machine of SHAPE; the Secret Service would have won a priceless feather in its cap vis…à…vis the SHAPE High mand; and M's worries over the independence of his unit would be gone for ever。
 Bond; lying along the oak branch; smiled to himself。 Private armies; private wars。 How much energy they siphoned off from the mon cause; how much fire they directed away from the mon enemy!
 Six…thirty。 Time for breakfast。 Cautiously Bond's right hand fumbled in his clothing and came up to the slit of his mouth。 Bond made the glucose tablet last as long as possible and then sucked another。 His eyes never left the glade。 The red squirrel that had appeared at first light and had been steadily eating away at young beech shoots ever since; ran a few feet nearer to the rose…bushes on the mound; picked up something and began turning it in his paws and nibbling at it。 Two wood pigeons that had been noisily courting among the thick grass started to make clumsy; fluttering love。 A pair of hedge sparrows went busily on collecting bits and pieces for a nest they were tardily building in a thorn…bush。 The fat thrush finally located its worm and began pulling at it; its legs braced。 Bees clustered thick among the roses on the mound; and from where he was; perhaps twenty yards away from and above the mound; Bond could just hear their summery sound。 It was a scene from a fairytale … the roses the lilies of the valley; the birds and the great shafts of sunlight lancing down through the tall trees into the pool of glistening green。 Bond had climbed to his hide…out at four in the morning and he had never examined so closely or for so long the transition from night to a glorious day。 He suddenly felt rather foolish。 Any moment now and some damned bird would e and sit on his head!
 It was the pigeons that gave the first alarm。 With a loud clatter they took off and dashed into the trees。 All the birds followed; and the squirrel。 Now the glade was quiet except for the soft hum of the bees。 What had sounded the alarm? Bond's heart began to thump。 His eyes hunted; quartering the glade for a clue。 Something was moving among the roses。 It was a tiny movement; but an extraordinary one。 Slowly; inch by inch; a single thorny stem; an unnaturally straight and rather thick one; was rising through the upper branches。 It went on rising until it was a clear foot above the bush。 Then it stopped。 There was a solitary pink rose at the tip of the stem。 Separated from the bush; it looked unnatural; but only if one happened to have watched the whole process。 At a casual glance it was a stray stem and nothing else。 Now; silently; the petals of the rose seemed to swivel and expand; the yellow pistils drew aside and sun glinted on a glass lens the size of a shilling。 The lens seemed to be looking straight at Bond; but then very; very slowly; the rose…eye began to turn on its stem and continued to turn until the lens was again looking at Bond and the whole glade had been minutely surveyed。 As if satisfied; the petals softly swivelled to cover the eye and very slowly the single rose descended to join the others。
 Bond's breath came out with a rush。 He momentarily closed his eyes to rest them。 Gipsies! If that piece of machinery was any evidence; inside the mound; deep down in the earth; was certainly the most professional left…behind spy unit that had ever been devised … far more brilliant than anything England had prepared to operate in the wake of a successful German invasion; far better than what the Germans themselves had left behind in the Ardennes。 A shiver of excitement and anticipation … almost of fear … ran down Bond's spine。 So he had been right! But what was to be the next act?
 Now; from the direction of the mound; came a thin high…pitched whine … the sound of an electric motor at very high revs。 The rose bush trembled slightly。 The be
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