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iam fleming.for your eyes only-第5章

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 sort of disguise that would fit in with the set…up here … something your man would accept even at that hour of the morning。〃
 A small frown had been gathering across Colonel Schreiber's smooth forehead。 〃mander;〃 there was an edge of tension in the voice; 〃we have; of course; been considering every angle of this case; including the one you mention。 At midday yesterday the manding General declared emergency in this matter; standing security and security ops mittees were set up; and from that moment on every angle; every hint of a clue; has been systematically run to earth。 And I can tell you; mander;〃 the Colonel raised one well…manicured hand and let it descend in soft emphasis on his blotting…pad; 〃any man who can e up with an even remotely original idea on this case will have to be closely related to Einstein。 There is nothing; repeat nothing; to go on in this case whatsoever。〃
 Bond smiled sympathetically。 He got to his feet。 〃In that case; Colonel; I won't waste any more of your time this evening。 If I could just have the minutes of the various meetings to bring myself up to date; and if one of your men could show me the way to the canteen and my quarters 。 。 。〃
 〃Sure; sure。〃 The Colonel pressed a bell。 A young crew…cutted aide came in。 〃Proctor; show the mander to his room in the VIP wing; would you; and then take him along to the bar and the canteen。〃 He turned to Bond。 〃I'll have those papers ready for you after you've had a meal and a drink。 They'll be in my office。 They can't be taken out; of course; but you'll find everything to hand next door; and Proctor will be able to fill you in on anything that's missing。〃 He held out his hand。 〃Okay? Then we'll meet again in the morning。〃
 Bond said goodnight and followed the aide out。 As he walked along the neutral…painted; neutral…smelling corridors; he reflected that this was probably the most hopeless assignment he had ever been on。 If the top security brains of fourteen countries were stumped; what hope had he got? By the time he was in bed that night; in the Spartan luxury of the visitors' overnight quarters; Bond had decided he would give it a couple more days … largely for the sake of keeping in touch with Mary Ann Russell for as long as possible … and then chuck it。 On this decision he fell immediately into a deep and untroubled sleep。
 Not two; but four days later; as the dawn came up over the Forest of St Germain; James Bond was lying along the thick branch of an oak tree keeping watch over a small empty glade that lay deep among the trees bordering D98; the road of the murder。
 He was dressed from head to foot in parachutists' camouflage … green; brown and black。 Even his hands were covered with the stuff; and there was a hood over his head with slits cut for the eyes and mouth。 It was good camouflage which would be still better when the sun was higher and the shadows blacker; and from anywhere on the ground; even directly below the high branch; he could not be seen。
 It had e about like this。 The first two days at SHAPE had been the expected waste of time。 Bond had achieved nothing except to make himself mildly unpopular with the persistence of his double…checking questions。 On the morning of the third day he was about to go and say his goodbyes when he had a telephone call from the Colonel。 〃Oh; mander; thought I'd let you know that the last team of police dogs got in late last night … your idea that it might be worth while covering the whole forest。 Sorry〃 … the voice sounded un…sorry … 〃but negative; absolutely negative。〃
 〃Oh。 My fault for the wasted time。〃 As much to annoy the Colonel as anything; Bond said: 〃Mind if I have a talk with the handler?〃
 〃Sure; sure。 Anything you want。 By the way; mander; how long are you planning to be around? Glad to have you with us for as long as you like。 But it's a question of your room。 Seems there's a big party ing in from Holland in a few days' time。 Top level staff course or something of the kind; and Admin says they're a bit pushed for space。〃
 Bond had not expected to get on well with Colonel Schreiber and he had not done so。 He said amiably: 〃I'll see what my Chief has to say and call you back; Colonel。〃
 〃Do that; would you。〃 The Colonel's voice was equally polite; but the manners of both men were running out and the two receivers broke the line simultaneously。
 The chief handler was a Frenchman from the Landes。 He had the quick sly eyes of a poacher。 Bond met him at the kennels; but the handler's proximity was too much for the Alsatians and; to get away from the noise; he took Bond into the duty…room; a tiny office with binoculars hanging from pegs; and waterproofs; gumboots; dog…harness and other gear stacked round the walls。 There were a couple of deal chairs and a table covered with a large…scale map of the Forest of St Germain。 This had been marked off into pencilled squares。 The handler made a gesture over the map。 〃Our dogs covered it all; Monsieur。 There is nothing there。〃
 〃Do you mean to say they didn't check once?〃
 The handler scratched his head。 〃We had trouble with a bit of game; Monsieur。 There was a hare or two。 A couple of foxes' earths。 We had quite a time getting them away from a clearing near the Carrefour Royal。 They probably still smelled the gipsies。〃
 〃Oh。〃 Bond was only mildly interested。 〃Show me。 Who were these gipsies?〃
 The handler pointed daintily with a grimy little finger。 〃These are the names from the old days。 Here is the Etoile Parfaite; and here; where the killing took place; is the Carrefour des Curieux。 And here; forming the bottom of the triangle; is the Carrefour Royal。 It makes;〃 he added dramatically; 〃a cross with the road of death。〃 He took a pencil out of his pocket and made a dot just off the crossroads。 〃And this is the clearing; Monsieur。 There was a gipsy caravan there for most of the winter。 They left last month。 Cleaned the place up all right; but; for the dogs; their scent will hang about there for months。〃
 Bond thanked him; and after inspecting and admiring the dogs and making some small talk about the handler's profession; he got into the Peugeot and went off to the gendarmerie in St Germain。 〃Yes; certainly they had known the gipsies。 Real Romany…looking fellows。 Hardly spoke a word of French; but they had behaved themselves。 There had been no plaints。 Six men and two women。 No。 No one had seen them go。 One morning they just weren't there any more。 Might have been gone a week for all one knew。 They had chosen an isolated spot。〃
 Bond took the D98 through the forest。 When the great autoroute bridge showed up a quarter of a mile ahead over the road; Bond accelerated and then switched off the engine and coasted silently until he came to the Carrefour Royal。 He stopped and got out of the car without a sound; and; feeling rather foolish; softly entered the forest and walked with great circumspection towards where the clearing would be。 Twenty yards inside the trees he came to it。 He stood in the fringe of bushes and trees and examined it carefully。 Then he walked in and went over it from end to end。
 The clearing was about as big as two tennis courts and floored in thick grass and moss。 There was one large patch of lilies of t
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