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iam fleming.for your eyes only-第23章

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at sparkled with mischievous fun。 Knowing Wales; he guessed that she had Welsh blood in her; and this was confirmed by her name; Rhoda Llewellyn; which; when he went to wash his hands before luncheon; he found printed at the bottom of the crew list above the magazine rack beside the lavatory door。 He speculated deeply about her。 She would be near him now for nearly two days; but how could he get to see her again? She must have hundreds of admirers。 She might even be married。 Did she fly all the time? How many days off did she get between trips? Would she laugh at him if he asked her out to dinner and a theatre? Might she even plain to the captain of the aircraft that one of the passengers was getting fresh? A sudden vision came to Masters of being turned off the plane at Aden; a plaint to the Colonial Office; his career ruined。〃
 〃Luncheon came; and reassurance。 When she fitted the little tray across his knees; her hair brushed his cheek。 Masters felt that he had been touched by a live electric wire。 She showed him how to deal with the plicated little cellophane packages; how to get the plastic lid off the salad dressing。 She told him that the sweet was particularly good … a rich layer cake。 In short she made a fuss of him; and Masters couldn't remember when it had ever happened before; even when his mother had looked after him as a child。〃
 〃At the end of the trip; when the sweating Masters had screwed up his courage to ask her out to dinner; it was almost an anticlimax when she readily agreed。 A month later she resigned from Imperial Airways and they were married。 A month after that; Master's leave was up and they took ship for Bermuda。〃
 Bond said: 〃I fear the worst。 She married him because his life sounded exciting and 'grand'。 She liked the idea of being the belle of the tea parties at Government House。 I suppose Masters had to murder her in the end?〃
 〃No;〃 said the Governor mildly。 〃But I daresay you're right about why she married him; that and being tired of the grind and danger of flying。 Perhaps she really meant to make a go of it; and certainly when the young couple arrived and settled into their bungalow on the outskirts of Hamilton we were all favourably impressed by her vivacity and her pretty face and by the way she made herself pleasant to everyone。 And; of course; Masters was a changed man。 Life had bee a fairytale for him。 Looking back; it was almost pitiful to watch him try to spruce himself up so that he could live up to her。 He took trouble about his clothes; put some dreadful brilliantine on his hair and even grew a military…type moustache; presumably because she thought it looked distinguished。 At the end of the day; he would hurry back to the bungalow; and it was always Rhoda this and Rhoda that and when do you think Lady Burford … who was the Governor's wife … is going to ask Rhoda to lunch?〃
 〃But he worked hard and everyone liked the young couple; and things went along like a marriage bell for six months or so。 Then; and now I'm only guessing; the occasional word began to drop like acid in the happy little bungalow。 You can imagine the sort of thing: 'Why doesn't the Colonial Secretary's wife ever take me out shopping with her? How long must we wait before we can give another cocktail party? You know we can't afford to have a baby。 When are you due for promotion? It's awfully dull here all day with nothing to do。 You'll have to get the dinner tonight。 I simply can't be bothered。 You have such an interesting time。 It's all right for you 。 。 。' and so on and so forth。 And of course; the cosseting quickly went by the board。 Now it was Masters; and of course he was delighted to do it; who brought the air hostess breakfast in bed before he went off to work。 It was Masters who tidied up the house when he came back in the evening and found cigarette ash and chocolate papers all over the place。 It was Masters who had to give up smoking and his occasional drink to buy her new clothes so that she could live up to the other wives。 Some of this showed; at any rate to me who knew Masters well in the Secretariat。 The preoccupied frown; the occasional enigmatic; over…solicitous telephone call in office hours; the ten minutes stolen at the end of the day so that he could take Rhoda to the cinema; and; of course; the occasional half joking questions about marriage in general: What do other wives do all day long? Do most women find it a bit hot out here? I suppose women (he almost added 'God bless 'em') are much more easily upset than men。 And so forth。 The trouble; or at least most of it; was that Masters was besotted。 She was his sun and his moon and if she was unhappy or restless it was all his fault。 He cast about desperately for something that would occupy her and make her happy; and finally; of all things; he settled … or rather they settled together … on golf。 Golf is very much the thing in Bermuda。 There are several fine links … including the famous Mid…Ocean Club where all the quality play and get together at the club afterwards for gossip and drinks。 It was just what she wanted … a smart occupation and high society。 God knows how Masters saved up enough to join and buy her the clubs and the lessons and all the rest; but somehow he did it and it was a roaring success。 She took to spending all day at the Mid…Ocean。 She worked hard at her lessons and got a handicap and met people through the little petitions and the monthly medals; and in six months she was not only playing a respectable game but had bee quite the darling of the men members。 I wasn't surprised。 I remember seeing her there from time to time; a delicious; sunburned little figure in the shortest of shorts with a white eyeshade with a green lining; and a trim pact swing that flattered her figure; and I can tell you;〃 the Governor twinkled briefly; 〃she was the prettiest thing I've ever seen on a golf course。 Of course the next step didn't take long。 There was a mixed…foursome petition。 She was partnered with the oldest Tattersall boy … they're the leading Hamilton merchants and more or less the ruling clique in Bermudan society。 He was a young hellion … handsome as be damned; a beautiful swimmer and a scratch golfer; with an open MG and a speedboat and all the trimmings。 You know the type。 Got all the girls he wanted; and; if they didn't sleep with him pretty quickly; they didn't get the rides in the MG or the Chriscraft or the evenings in the local night clubs。 The couple won the petition after a hard fight in the final and Philip Masters was in the fashionable crowd round the eighteenth green to cheer them home。 That was the last time he cheered for many a long day; perhaps for all his life。 Almost at once she started 'going' with young Tattersall; and once started she went like the wind。 And believe me; Mr Bond〃 … the Governor closed a fist and brought it softly down on the edge of the drinks table … 〃it was ghastly to see。 She didn't make the smallest attempt to soften the blow or hide the affair in any way。 She just took young Tattersall and hit Masters in the face with him; and went on hitting。 She would e home at any hour of the night … she had insisted that Masters should move into the spare room; some pretext about it being too hot t
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