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iam fleming.for your eyes only-第22章

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ist air。
 He said carefully: 〃This man … I'll call him Masters; Philip Masters … was almost a contemporary of mine in the Service。 I was a year ahead of him。 He went to Fettes and took a scholarship for Oxford … the name of the college doesn't matter … and then he applied for the Colonial Service。 He wasn't a particularly clever chap; but he was hard working and capable and the sort of man who makes a good solid impression on interview boards。 They took him into the Service。 His first post was Nigeria。 He did well in it。 He liked the natives and he got on well with them。 He was a man of liberal ideas and while he didn't actually fraternize; which;〃 the Governor smiled sourly; 〃would have got him into trouble with his superiors in those days; he was lenient and humane towards the Nigerians。 It came as quite a surprise to them。〃 The Governor paused and took a pull at his cigar。 The ash was about to fall and he bent carefully over towards the drink tray and let the ash hiss into his coffee cup。 He sat back and for the first time looked across at Bond。 He said: 〃I daresay the affection this young man had for the natives took the place of the affection young men of that age in other walks of life have for the opposite sex。 Unfortunately Philip Masters was a shy and rather uncouth young man who had never had any kind of success in that direction。 When he hadn't been working to pass his various exams he had played hockey for his college and rowed in the third eight。 In the holidays he had stayed with an aunt in Wales and climbed with the local mountaineering club。 His parents; by the way; had separated when he was at his public school and; though he was an only child; had not bothered with him once he was safe at Oxford with his scholarship and a small allowance to see him through。 So he had very little time for girls and very little to remend him to those he did e across。 His emotional life ran along the frustrated and unhealthy lines that were part of our inheritance from our Victorian grandfathers。 Knowing how it was with him; I am therefore suggesting that his friendly relations with the coloured people of Nigeria were what is known as a pensation seized on by a basically warm and full…blooded nature that had been starved of affection and now found it in their simple kindly natures。〃
 Bond interrupted the rather solemn narrative 〃The only trouble with beautiful Negresses is that they don't know anything about birth control。 I hope he managed to stay out of that sort of trouble。〃
 The Governor held up his hand。 His voice held an undertone of distaste for Bond's earthiness 〃No; no。 You misunderstand me。 I am not talking about sex。 It would never have occurred to this young man to have relations with a coloured girl。 In fact he was sadly ignorant of sexual matters。 Not a rare thing even today among young people in England; but very mon in those days; and the cause; as I expect you will agree; of many … very many … disastrous marriages and other tragedies。〃 Bond nodded。 〃No。 I am only explaining this young man at some length to show you that what was to e fell upon a frustrated young innocent with a warm but unawakened heart and body; and a social clumsiness which made him seek panionship and affection amongst the Negroes instead of in his own world。 He was; in short; a sensitive misfit; physically uninteresting; but in all other respects healthy and able and a perfectly adequate citizen。〃
 Bond took a sip of his brandy and stretched out his legs。 He was enjoying the story。 The Governor was telling it in a rather elderly narrative style which gave it a ring of truth。
 The Governor continued: 〃Young Master's service in Nigeria coincided with the first Labour Government。 If you remember; one of the first things they got down to was a reform of the foreign services。 Nigeria got a new Governor with advanced views on the native problem who was surprised and pleased to find that he had a junior member of his staff who was already; in his modest sphere; putting something like the Governor's own views into practice。 He encouraged Philip Masters; gave him duties which were above his rank; and in due course; when Masters was due for a move; he wrote such a glowing report that Masters jumped a grade and was transferred to Bermuda as Assistant Secretary to Government。〃
 The Governor looked through his cigar smoke at Bond。 He said apologetically: 〃I hope you aren't being too bored by all this。 I shan't be long in ing to the point。〃
 〃I'm very interested indeed。 I think I've got a picture of the man。 You must have known him well。〃
 The Governor hesitated。 He said: 〃I got to know him still better in Bermuda。 I was just his senior and he worked directly under me。 However; we haven't quite got to Bermuda yet。 It was the early days of the air services to Africa and; for one reason or another; Philip Masters decided to fly home to London and so have a longer home leave than if he had taken ship from Freetown。 He went by train to Nairobi and caught the weekly service of Imperial Airways … the forerunner of BOAC。 He had never flown before and he was interested but slightly nervous when they took off; after the air hostess; whom he noticed was very pretty; had given him a sweet to suck and shown him how to fasten his seat…belt。 When the plane had levelled out and he found that flying seemed a more peaceful business than he had expected; the hostess came back down the almost empty plane。 She smiled at him。 'You can undo the belt now。' When Masters fumbled with the buckle she leant down and undid it for him。 It was an intimate little gesture。 Masters had never been so close to a woman of about his own age in his life。 He blushed and felt an extraordinary confusion。 He thanked her。 She smiled rather saucily at his embarrassment and sat on the arm of the empty seat across the aisle and asked him where he had e from and where he was going。 He told her。 In his turn; he asked her about the plane and how fast they were flying and where they would stop; and so forth。 He found her very easy to talk to and almost dazzlingly pretty to look at。 He was surprised at her easy way with him and her apparent interest in what he had to say about Africa。 She seemed to think he led a far more exciting and glamorous life than; to his mind; he did。 She made him feel important。 When she went away to help the two stewards prepare lunch; he sat and thought about her and thrilled to his thoughts。 When he tried to read he could not focus on the page。 He had to be looking up the plane to catch a glimpse of her。 Once she caught his gaze and gave him what seemed to him a secret smile。 We are the only young people on the plane; it seemed to say。 We understand each other。 We're interested in the same sort of things。〃
 〃Philip Masters gazed out of the window; seeing her in the sea of white clouds below。 In his mind's eye he examined her minutely; marvelling at her perfection。 She was small and trim with a milk…and…roses plexion and fair hair tied in a neat bun。 (He particularly liked the bun。 It suggested that she wasn't 'fast'。) She had cherry red smiling lips and blue eyes that sparkled with mischievous fun。 Knowing Wales; he guessed that she had Welsh blood in her; and thi
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