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iam fleming.for your eyes only-第10章

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 The leading man slid past the housekeeper。 He was still wearing his hat; a panama with a short very up…curled brim。 He took this off with his left hand and held it against his stomach。 The rays of the sun glittered on hair…grease and on a mouthful of smiling white teeth。 He went up to Colonel Havelock; his outstretched hand held straight in front of him。 〃Major Gonzales。 From Havana。 Pleased to meet you; Colonel。〃
 The accent was the sham American of a Jamaican taxi…driver。 Colonel Havelock had got to his feet。 He touched the outstretched hand briefly。 He looked over the Major's shoulder at the other two men who had stationed themselves on either side of the door。 They were both carrying that new holdall of the tropics … a Pan American overnight bag。 The bags looked heavy。 Now the two men bent down together and placed them beside their yellowish shoes。 They straightened themselves。 They wore flat white caps with transparent green visors that cast green shadows down to their cheekbones。 Through the green shadows their intelligent animal eyes fixed themselves on the Major; reading his behaviour。
 〃They are my secretaries。〃
 Colonel Havelock took a pipe out of his pocket and began to fill it。 His direct blue eyes took in the sharp clothes; the natty shoes; the glistening fingernails of the Major and the blue jeans and calypso shirts of the other two。 He wondered how he could get these men into his study and near the revolver in the top drawer of his desk。 He said: 〃What can I do for you?〃 As he lit his pipe he watched the Major's eyes and mouth through the smoke。
 Major Gonzales spread his hands。 The width of his smile remained constant。 The liquid; almost golden eyes were amused; friendly。 〃It is a matter of business; Colonel。 I represent a certain gentleman in Havana〃 … he made a throw…away gesture with his right hand。 〃A powerful gentleman。 A very fine guy。〃 Major Gonzales assumed an expression of sincerity。 〃You would like him; Colonel。 He asked me to present his pliments and to inquire the price of your property。〃
 Mrs Havelock; who had been watching the scene with a polite half…smile on her lips; moved to stand beside her husband。 She said kindly; so as not to embarrass the poor man: 〃What a shame; Major。 All this way on these dusty roads! Your friend really should have written first; or asked anyone in Kingston or at Government House。 You see; my husband's family have lived here for nearly three hundred years。〃 She looked at him sweetly; apologetically。 〃I'm afraid there just isn't any question of selling Content。 There never has been。 I wonder where your important friend can possibly have got the idea from。〃
 Major Gonzales bowed briefly。 His smiling face turned back to Colonel Havelock。 He said; as if Mrs Havelock had not opened her mouth: 〃My gentleman is told this is one of the finest estancias in Jamaica。 He is a most generous man。 You may mention any sum that is reasonable。〃
 Colonel Havelock said firmly: 〃You heard what Mrs Havelock said。 The property is not for sale。〃
 Major Gonzales laughed。 It sounded quite genuine laughter。 He shook his head as if he was explaining something to a rather dense child。 〃You misunderstand me; Colonel。 My gentleman desires this property and no other property in Jamaica。 He has some funds; some extra funds; to invest。 These funds are seeking a home in Jamaica。 My gentleman wishes this to be their home。〃
 Colonel Havelock said patiently: 〃I quite understand; Major。 And I am so sorry you have wasted your time。 Content will never be for sale in my lifetime。 And now; if you'll forgive me。 My wife and I always dine early; and you have a long way to go。〃 He made a gesture to the left; along the veranda。 〃I think you'll find this is the quickest way to your car。 Let me show you。〃
 Colonel Havelock moved invitingly; but when Major Gonzales stayed where he was; he stopped。 The blue eyes began to freeze。
 There was perhaps one less tooth in Major Gonzales's smile and his eyes had bee watchful。 But his manner was still jolly。 He said cheerfully; 〃Just one moment; Colonel。〃 He issued a curt order over his shoulder。 Both the Havelocks noticed the jolly mask slip with the few sharp words through the teeth。 For the first time Mrs Havelock looked slightly uncertain。 She moved still closer to her husband。 The two men picked up their blue Pan American bags and stepped forward。 Major Gonzales reached for the zipper on each of them in turn and pulled。 The taut mouths sprang open。 The bags were full to the brim with neat solid wads of American money。 Major Gonzales spread his arms。 〃All hundred dollar bills。 All genuine。 Half a million dollars。 That is; in your money; let us say; one hundred and eighty thousand pounds。 A small fortune。 There are many other good places to live in the world; Colonel。 And perhaps my gentleman would add a further twenty thousand pounds to make the round sum。 You would know in a week。 All I need is half a sheet of paper with your signature。 The lawyers can do the rest。 Now; Colonel;〃 the smile was winning; 〃shall we say yes and shake hands on it? Then the bags stay here and we leave you to your dinner。〃
 The Havelocks now looked at the Major with the same expression … a mixture of anger and disgust。 One could imagine Mrs Havelock telling the story next day。 〃Such a mon; greasy little man。 And those filthy plastic bags full of money! Timmy was wonderful。 He just told him to get out and take the dirty stuff away with him。〃
 Colonel Havelock's mouth turned down with distaste。 He said: 〃I thought I had made myself clear。 Major。 The property is not for sale at any price。 And I do not share the popular thirst for American dollars。 I must now ask you to leave。〃 Colonel Havelock laid his cold pipe on the table as if he was preparing to roll up his sleeves。
 For the first time Major Gonzales's smile lost its warmth。 The mouth continued to grin but it was now shaped in an angry grimace。 The liquid golden eyes were suddenly brassy and hard。 He said softly: 〃Colonel。 It is I who have not made myself clear。 Not you。 My gentleman has instructed me to say that if you will not accept his most generous terms we must proceed to other measures。〃
 Mrs Havelock was suddenly afraid。 She put her hand on Colonel Havelock's arm and pressed it hard。 He put his hand over hers in reassurance。 He said through tight lips: 〃Please leave us alone and go; Major。 Otherwise I shall municate with the police。〃
 The pink tip of Major Gonzales's tongue came out and slowly licked along his lips。 All the light had gone out of his face and it had bee taut and hard。 He said harshly。 〃So the property is not for sale in your lifetime; Colonel。 Is that your last word?〃 His right hand went behind his back and he clicked his fingers softly; once。 Behind him the gun…hands of the two men slid through the opening of their gay shirts above the waistbands。 The sharp animal eyes watched the Major's fingers behind his back。
 Mrs Havelock's hand went up to her mouth。 Colonel Havelock tried to say yes; but his mouth was dry。 He swallowed noisily。 He could not believe it。 This mangy Cuban crook must be bluffing。 He managed to say thickly: 〃Yes; it is。〃
 Major Gonzales nodded curtly。 〃In that case; Co
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