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?〃 ‘Yes; sir; only we called it He。 There was a dangerous variation known as Chain He。〃 ‘Well; be that as it may; to quote from our various childhoods; you; James; are He or It; or whatever other designation。  You're the one who's going to get us out of this。
 ‘I don't suppose I have any right of appeal?〃 ‘None at all。
 You're going to be the white knight who saves the beautiful princess。
 After all; you know the man Dragonpol better than we do。
 You've been close; sniffed his lair and all that。  So you get the plum job。〃 ‘And what I am to do; sir?  Specifically; I mean。
 ‘Catch the blighter。  Kill him if you have to。
 ‘There are no alternatives?〃 ‘Tell me what else we can do if we're not going to see an assassination on Sunday morning?〃 ‘There is one other way; sir。  We could remove the target。
 ‘No。  We try to remove the assassin。〃 ‘Everybody really believes this man Dragonpol will attempt an assassination?〃 mander Robb sounded dubious。  ‘I mean he must know that their Royal Highnesses'll be protected in an unprecedented。。
 ‘With all due respect;' Bond's eyes hardened; you could put every member of the NATo Forces; plus the SAS and GIGN into the theme park。
 You could even dress Her Royal Highness; and the princes; in bullet…proof underwear; and Dragonpol would still probably hit them。
 ‘With him it's a vocation。  It's what he does best。
 I've simply got to look at the thing logically。  We know what he's done before。  We had him though we didn't realize it at the time and we've let him go。  He's a specialist; and he does this for the fun of it。 It's his job; and he takes pride in it。  The killing is a by…product。  The main thrill for him is setting things up。  For David Dragonpol this is better than any drug high; better than sex; better than anything。  He's going to kill the Princess and the two young princes。。。
 ‘Unless we stop him; or I should say; James; unless you stop him; and beat him at his own game。  Now; do you think that can be done?〃 Bond heard himself; as though from a long way off; saying; ‘Possibly。〃 ‘Then we have some kind of a chance。  As I said before; we came to an understanding before you arrived; James。  If you cannot; or do not; take Dragonpol before the royal party actually arrives at Euro Disney; then we will force a change of schedule。  The GIGN; SAS and her own detectives will head her off at the pass; so to speak…it's our only fail…safe。  They'll manufacture a problem with the aircraft; or the helicopter: something which makes it impossible。
 ‘If that has to be done; sir; then I shall not be alive to see it。
 You should know that; in all probability; if she does not put in an appearance; he'll only get her somewhere else。  Now; let me look at the arrangements for Sunday。
 Once more; within the room; there was a sense of tension released; and Bond knew what many of them were thinking…'Thank God it's not me。〃 ‘What do you need; James?  Ask for anything。
 ‘A few hours alone with Ben; here。〃 He indicated the roly…poly Head of Disney Security。  ‘Then; when we've talked; I want a couple of hours on my own to work it out。  After that can we talk again; sir?〃 * * * They were given a large empty office on the third floor where Ben spread out a chart of the entire Disney area; and began to recite the arrangements which had been coordinated between the Disney organization and those who advised the Princess。
 He talked for a long time; showing exactly where the royal party would arrive; and what exhibits and rides had been selected。  He added that the bulk had been chosen by young Prince William and Prince Harry。
 ‘Our own people and the French police will be there for crowd control。。。
 ‘You mean the park is going to be open to the public as usual?〃 Bond looked up sharply。
 ‘Oh; yes。  It's one of Princess Diana's stipulations。  She wants her party to mingle with the public for as long as possible。  We; of course; are arranging that one car of each ride is specially set aside; and decorated; for her and the children; but the rides will run normally and there will be other people on them at the same time as the royal party。 Naturally; they get to queue…jump。〃 He gave a nervous little laugh; which Bond did not return。
 ‘The Disney Board of Directors is very worried about all this。〃 Ben did not lose his smile。  ‘It would be terrible publicity for the entire pany。
 ‘It wouldn't actually make the Royal Family's day either。〃 He gave Ben a sham; unsmiling look; but the security chief maintained his cheerful expression。  Probably the happy face came with the territory。
 ‘You know; the first time I went to the Magic Kingdom; in Orlando; I didn't think I was going to like it。〃 Bond thought he might put the man at ease by telling him the truth。  ‘Funny; I went with a girlfriend and we only booked for two days。  I thought the whole thing would be tasteless; tawdry and a bit phony。  In the end we stayed for a week。
 The great thing about Disneyland is that it works。
 The moment they walk through those gates and find themselves in the Town Square and Main Street; the visitors know that they're going to have one hell of a good time。  The rides are a knockout; and it does bee wonderful。
 ‘I'm pretty case…hardened; Ben; but there's a child in all of us; and that place brings out all the wonder of childhood。  I noticed then that there were as many adult couples having a good time as there were children。  I tend to get a bit angry when people knock your outfit。
 ‘You don't work there unless you feel like that。 Ben's smile broadened。
 ‘Is the Euro plex the same as the others Orlando; Anaheim; Tokyo?〃 ‘If you know the layout of those; then you'll recognize Euro Disney。  We have the same distinct areas Main Street USA; Adventureland; Frontierland; Fantasyland; Discoveryland; with the Sleeping Beauty's Castle dominating the whole thing though it's called Le Ghdteau de la Belle all Bois Dovmant; like we've also got Blanche…Neige et les Sept Na ins; and La Cabine des Robinsons。  But you'll recognize it all; even with the few additions Star Tours which is a terrific ride through the Star Wars experience; with a novice robot at the controls of your space vehicle。〃 ‘So; which areas will the royal party be seeing?〃 Ben went through his list: they were to arrive at eight…thirty on the Sunday morning; an hour before the park opened。
 The tour was to include Main Street USA; the Euro Disney Railroad; which circles the entire hundred and thirty…six acres; Phantom Manor…the Euro Disney name for the Haunted Mansion Star Tours; Pirates of the Caribbean; the Carousel and a trip on the sternwheel steamboat Mark Twain。
 ‘That's a two…hour schedule;' Ben told him; ‘but we've left a half…hour at each end in case the princes persuade their mama to let them go on something else。
 Bond questioned him about the way security worked; learned about the underground tunnels which allowed maintenance and emergency access to any part of the park; while employees also kept a strict eye on each of the rides and experiences。
 ‘There are people down there watching all the time tending the TV monitors; the puters that run the main shows; and the audio…animatronics; the robot people and animals。
 The accent
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