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I mean when he left Schloss Drache while we were there。〃 ‘Sure。  Maeve went out to the greenhouse; I think。  Worked out what was missing。
 ‘Three;' Bond half murmured; remembering the overheard conversation between Dragonpol and his sister。
 ‘Three?〃 ‘This time he took three。〃 ‘Six。〃 ‘I was there; Daniel。
 I heard you talking to your sister before you went after David。
 She told you he had taken three。〃 ‘You have to be mistaken。  He took six。。。〃 He trailed off; then brightened。  ‘Oh; yes。  I remember now。
 On the previous jaunt we discovered; for the first time; that he always backed up on the roses。
 You heard Maeve tell me three?〃 ‘Clearly。〃 ‘Then she meant there were three targets。  He always took double the amount。  She would have said three; meaning three targets which; in turn; meant six buds。〃 A picture of Maeve Horton came into Bond's mind。  Tall; agile with the slim dancer's body and the predatory dark eyes; her skin smooth and clear。
 Everyone called her Hort; he recalled; yet all through the interrogation; Daniel had spoken of her as Maeve。
 ‘Daniel?〃 he asked。  ‘When I first met you; at Schloss Drache; you indicated to me that there was something funny about Hort's husband。
 Actually; you said that you'd tell me about it if you had time。
 Would you care to share that with us now?〃 ‘Hort;' he repeated; as though savouring the word。  ‘Yes; poor old Hort。  I only call her that when I'm around her。  Yes; there was a problem regarding her husband。〃 ‘Killed in an accident; as I understand it;' M broke in。  He shuffled through some papers that Bill Tanner had placed in front of him。  ‘Yes。
 Killed in a riding accident near the Dragonpol house in Drimoleague; West Cork; Republic of Ireland。
 January sixth nineteen…ninety。  So what was the problem; Daniel?〃 ‘Please; I'm very tired。  I need to rest。〃 ‘What was the problem?〃 ‘Only a suspicion。
 ‘What kind of suspicion?〃 ‘David was there when it happened。
 Maeve's husband 。。  They were having difficulties。  He was talking about a divorce。  My sister used to be a little headstrong as far as men were concerned。〃 ‘Meaning that she put it about?〃 Bond remembered Maeve's X…ray eyes; wide and dark; looking at him as though she was undressing him。
 ‘That's a crude way of putting it。
 ‘How else should I put it?〃 ‘She liked men。  Yes。  Okay。
 ‘And her husband was talking about a divorce?〃 ‘Yes。〃 ‘And she didn't want one?〃 ‘No。  No; she didn't。
 ‘Why?〃 ‘Look; I'm exhausted。  I。。。
 ‘Just a little longer。  Please answer Mr Bond。〃 M leaned forward over the table。
 ‘He had money。  Was very wealthy。  She would've been the guilty party。 Wouldn't have got a cent。〃 ‘And you think your brother David had something to do with his death?  You were going to tell me about it during my visit?〃 He sounded almost shocked。
 ‘I've already told you。  I was on the verge of putting an end to my brother when you and Fraulein von Grusse arrived at Schloss Drache。
 I was off balance。  It was in my mind to say something to you 。。。
 But Well Yes; okay。
 David was there; and when I went dashing over for the funeral; there was some whispering and giggling between him and Maeve。  It didn't feel right; that's all。  Maeve hinted later; but they were only hints; so I don't know for certain。  Anyway; it's all over now。  ‘I hardly think it's all over; Mr Dragonpol。  You knew what David was doing; though you did little to stop him。〃 ‘Please。  I'm。。。
 ‘Tired; yes。  Yes; we're all tired。  One more question。〃 M had bee peevish。  ‘A question regarding your sister; Maeve。  What did she think of David?〃 ‘She'd have done anything for him。  She adored him。〃 ‘Even though she also had more than an inkling about his killing trips?〃 ‘Yes。 Naturally she wanted that to stop。  She wanted him treated。  But she really would have done anything to help him。
 ‘Like yourself?〃 ‘No。  I saw only one way。  To have him permanently removed。  Maeve 。。。  Hort 。。。  would never have condoned that。  She loved him very much。〃 ‘And she did know he was a killer?
 That he went out; planned assassinations; and then came back to get on with building the museum?〃 ‘Yes; she knew。  I think she would have killed for him: to keep him safe。〃 ‘Really。〃 M looked at his watch and seemed surprised by the time。  ‘Enough for now。  We'll convene again at midday。  You can take him away。
 Crisp; as though on the bridge of a Royal Navy ship。
 Daniel Dragonpol sagged with fatigue and allowed himself to be led from the room。
 ‘This is all very interesting。〃 M scanned the papers Tanner had put in front of him。  Then he looked up at Bond。  ‘You know that we had an address from Daniel Dragonpol?  I mean an address for David?〃 ‘No; sir。〃 Bond felt waves of fatigue rolling in over him。  He thought his old Chief's stamina was quite extraordinary for a man of his age。
 ‘When the Italians first brought him in; they asked if he knew where his brother had been staying。  It was some hole…in…the…wall hotel tucked away behind La Scala。  They searched it。  Found odd clothes; bits of disguise; but no flowers either in or out of a cooler。〃 ‘Really?〃 He could not summon up a great deal of enthusiasm。
 ‘Really; James; yes。  Not even a petal; let alone a bud; or six buds。 By the way; I'm truly sorry about the Chantry girl。  Decent member of our sister service; I think。  Really pretty terrible。〃 ‘I haven't pletely bought the accidental shooting; sir。〃 ‘No。  Neither have I; to tell the truth。
 ‘Why did you send her directly to us last night; sir?〃 ‘Send her。?‘ ‘She was at the hotel when we got back from o。  Said you'd sent her。〃 M looked grimly concerned。  ‘Said I'd sent her?
 No。  I didn't even know she was here in Milan。
 That's rum。  ‘Very。〃 Bond passed a hand over his brow; and M looked at him closely; like a doctor examining a patient。
 ‘You look all in; James。〃 He peered closer。
 ‘Look; why don't you and that nice von Grusse girl take some tine off。 You've been working quite hard after all。
 Through the fog of his weariness; Bond felt surprised。  It was unlike M to even suggest something like this; for he strongly disapproved of his agent's way of life。  It struck him as being particularly odd now that Fredericka had been weled into the service over which M held total authority。  The Old Man rarely condoned anything even hinting at a liaison between two members of the service unless he had some ulterior motive。
 ‘Are you sure; sir?〃
 〃Course I'm sure; James。  Wouldn't give you time off if I wasn't sure。 Take the rest of the week。
 It's only; what?  Tuesday morning?  Report back to me in London on Monday。  Leave your whereabouts with the Duty Officer; though; just in case。  Right?〃 ‘Thank you; sir。  Yes。  He turned and nodded Fredericka towards the door。
 ‘Oh; James?〃 ‘Sir?〃 ‘Maeve Horton?〃 ‘What about her; sir?〃 ‘She strike you as being odd?〃 ‘Not really。  Gave me a bit of a e…on。
 Attractive enough; in a gipsyish kind of way。  Why?〃 ‘I'm unhappy about what Dragonpol said。  Just a hunch。  A thought。〃 He sniffed the air; as an old seaman will sniff for signs of a change in the weather。
 ‘I'm going to have her pulled in by our German friends。  Maybe get them to take her to London。  We'll be moving Daniel back 
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