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ed for。  The head again contained a breech block; but this time of a much smaller bore; while the mechanism contained a CO2 cartridge。  In the chamber they could just see a tiny gelatin capsule。
 The two firearms men both agreed that there had to be another; smaller bore; barrel somewhere; and that the capsule would have to be examined by forensics。  ‘But with the information we have been given; I think it's obvious what this one does; gentlemen; and what the capsule contains。  We're handling it with great care。〃 ‘Diabolical!〃 Gianne…Franco used his favourite word again。  When the firearms people had left; Bond decided it was time to eat。  He bit into one of the large ham…filled baguettes and M winced at the crunching noise。
 Eventually they all ate; as it was obviously going to be a long night。 They had almost cleared the large plate of sandwiches when several security men and two senior police officers came in with the man they now knew as Daniel Dragonpol。  He looked tired and haggard; but it was quite clear that; as far as build and features were concerned; he was identical to his brother; David。  He looked around the room; and gave Bond a bleak smile of recognition。
 Nobody tried to restrict his movements; and one of the police officers passed a small stack of typewritten pages over to Gianne…Franco Orsini。
 ‘I have told these gentlemen everything;' Dragonpol said; sitting down at the table as though holding a Press conference。  The voice had the same timbre known to theatre and movie aficionados all over the world as that of the great actor。  ‘I'm quite willing to answer any questions; and I realize that I might well have to stand trial for the murder of my brother; and the; admitted; manslaughter of Carmel Chantry。  I don't know what happened。  I was aiming at my brother and she shouted something。  It must have been a reflex。: He hesitated。  ‘I was very fond of His Chantry who like you; James…thought I was my brother; David。〃 ‘And I must thank you for saving my life; Day Daniel。
 Is that correct?  Daniel?〃 Daniel Dragonpol nodded。  ‘Quite correct; James。  I'm very sorry to have misled you; and a lot of other people。
 Our family is close and proud。
 Wrongly; we tried to keep David's condition hidden。〃 Something stirred in Bond's mind。
 Daniel; he thought; sounded as though he was on autopilot。
 Perhaps it was some kind of shock。  He remembered Dragonpol at Schloss Drache talking about his family's pride。
 ‘That's what I want to know about。〃 M had moved to the table; shoulders hunched; and his chin in his hands。  ‘Why did nobody know that the famous David Dragonpol had an identical twin?〃 ‘Many people did know。 It was a fact to everybody in Drimoleague; where we were born; and older folk in Cornwall knew。  But they were also very loyal; and after a couple of years the family put it about that one of the twins had died。
 Anybody who cared to take a good look through the public records…births; deaths; that sort of thing could have found out。〃 He paused; looking around the table; as though seeking support。  ‘It amazed me that the fact of us being identical twins never once appeared in the Press。 Later; of course; it became very useful。  You see; David was born without the power of speech; and was unable to hear。  He was born a deaf mute。
 While I; on the other hand; was a normal little boy。
 The family; being what they always were; found that facing the fact of David's huge handicap was more than they could bear。  Doctors; at that time; were convinced and my family believed it that David would spend a short life within a world of his own。  They regarded him as a vegetable; utterly lost to all of us。  So; they did what so many old aristocratic families used to do。  They covered their embarrassment by hiding it; refusing to accept it。〃 ‘So; they put him away?
 Institutionalized him?〃 Dragonpol slowly shook his head。  ‘No;' he said in almost a whisper。  ‘Telling the story makes it sound like one of those old Victorian melodramas。
 David became the little boy shut away in an attic: the Grace Poole of Jane Eyre or the boy Colin in The Secret Garden。  He was an embarrassment; cared for by three nurses until the accident。〃 ‘Accident?〃 ‘As children; Maeve and myself were educated by a series of governesses。  We moved between Ireland and Cornwall。  Wherever the family went; so David was brought along。  Nobody dared leave him behind。 If we were in Cornwall; so was he。  In Ireland; he was also there。  The accident happened in Ireland when we were three years old David and I; that is。  Three years old;' he repeated; as though momentarily lost。
 ‘You would see your brother regularly?〃 M asked。
 ‘Yes。  Yes; I saw him; though I don't remember a great deal about it。  I have a vague recollection of this other little boy who was kept apart; but most of our childhood was spent together。  After the accident。
 ‘You want to tell us about that?〃 M used his best interrogator's voice; as if it did not matter to him one way or the other。
 Dragonpol asked if he could have a cup of coffee。  More coffee was ordered; and until it arrived he simply sat there; looking sad。  Bond recalled his Hamlet; and almost saw him sitting with the same melancholy look on his face。  Then he realized that it had not been this man; but his brother。
 When he had taken a few sips of coffee; Dragonpol started again。
 ‘Most of what I can tell you is from family talk the family tradition; if you like。  Though I do recall the sense of drama and of wonder。  My life also changed after the accident。〃 Once more he sipped the coffee; and it was as though he were playing for time; building tension。
 ‘We were in Ireland。  At the house in Drimoleague; and a cold; stone; dreary place that was。  David was kept; literally; at the top of the house。  There were two attics; one on either side of a large landing; and two sets of stairs。  One went right down to the front of the house; but there was a little trap door with a kind of ladder that dropped to a tiny landing with a narrow flight of stairs that went right down to the servants' quarters。
 ‘The three nurses looked after him very well; but I can't remember this; it's what I was told later one of them had to leave。  Someone sick in her family or something。  David needed constant attention because he was a danger to himself。  Two people were not enough to manage him。  It was tiring; trying work。
 ‘Odd; I do remember a woman's name Bella。
 You don't often hear the name Bella nowadays。
 Well; Bella was supposed to be on duty and she fell asleep; it appears。 David somehow got to the trapdoor and the ladder contraption…it's not there now; we had it taken out years ago。  He fell。  What?
 Twelve?  Fifteen feet?  Fell right on to his head。  I do remember the fuss。  The local doctor ing out; and I recall being told to be very quiet。  Told that David was probably dying。
 ‘But he didn't die。〃 M sounded as though he were accusing Daniel of some gross and terrible act。  ‘Instead of dying; he got better; didn't he? Got pletely better?〃 ‘Yes。  You sound as though you know all of this。〃 ‘It's a good old Victorian novelist's plot; Mr Dragonpol。〃 ‘Maybe。  But it's true。  All of it's true; and; yes。
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