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 You see I did not tell your people everything。  This afternoon; my conscience Well; I felt bad about it; so I got in touch with your office。  They put me through to your Chief and I gave him the gist of what I had left out。  He told me to contact you; tell you everything。
 You see; I might possibly be able to lead you to David。  To Dragonpol。〃 ‘Really?〃 Fredericka remained cool and distant。  ‘How could you do that; His 。。。  er 。。。  Chancy?〃 ‘Chantry;' Carmel said with a sweetness that could have withered flowers。
 They raided the bulging mini…bar again and opened a couple of half bottles of wine; drinking while Carmel Chantry told her story。
 ‘When they debriefed me…after the business at Brown's Hotel I was quite frightened;' she began。  ‘I knew far more than I even told you; so I let them have a little of it。〃 ‘According to my Chief; you said that it was Laura who broke off the engagement。〃 ‘Yes; that was part of it。  What I didn't tell him was that I really became quite close to Laura; and to David。  I visited the castle with her several times。
 Got to know David and Maeve quite well。  Yes; it was Laura who broke it off。。
 ‘You were with her that weekend?〃 ‘No。  No; I didn't go; though she asked me to e along as moral support。  The point was that David finally told her there was a history of mental instability in his family。  He even confessed the full reason for giving up acting。  David Dragonpol had a plete nervous breakdown。  During the year before he announced his retirement he had twice gone through memory losses; and on occasions; he would pletely lose control of his temper。〃 ‘And?〃 ‘He was afraid。  Very frightened of what might happen; but he did hope that Laura would help him。  He felt that; with her as his wife; he could return to normality。  He really needed care and treatment。
 ‘He wasn't getting treatment?〃 ‘Only a self…imposed treatment。  He had a pair of male nurses。。。
 ‘We met them;' Fredericka murmured。
 ‘A pair of male nurses who were with him; or near him; at all times。 Also he had a secure room built into the Great Tower at Schloss Drache ‘We saw that as well。
 ‘When he began to get hyperactive; or there were signs that he was about to go into what he called one of his 〃lost phases〃; they would take him up to the secure room in the tower and make sure he was looked after and kept safe。  But Laura couldn't take the strain。  They really did care for each other; and they wanted children; though when she found out the extent of his condition; she knew the engagement had to be broken off as soon as possible。  David was fine for ninety percent of the time; but the other ten percent was truly frightening。  And it was dangerous。 There's no doubt about that; it was very dangerous。〃 ‘So the only new things you're telling us are that you know him quite well and that it was Laura who broke off the engagement?  You've told nobody else about your side of the relationship?〃 She gave a little nod。  ‘I knew him very well。  Too well; in fact; and he knew me; in all senses。  He also knew about my 。。。  well; my preferences。  Laura never had any idea that there was a kind of relationship between David and myself; but I went out to see him the weekend after she broke it off。
 He was being very hyperactive。  Charles that was one of the nurses…said he was concerned。
 David had begun saying that if he couldn't have Laura; nobody else would。  James; I knew he had killed Laura as soon as I heard the news of her death。  I then got worried that he might just e after me。‘So why are you really here; Carmel?  You haven't flown all the way to Milan; just to unburden your soul; and make your confession to me。〃 ‘No。  I think this all has to end。  I talked to Maeve on the telephone before I spoke to your Chief。  I have a pretty good idea where David will be。〃 ‘Then tell us; and we can do something about it。〃 She shook her head again。  ‘No。  I don't want him hurt; or hunted down。〃 ‘He won't be hurt。 The orders are to get him alive。〃 ‘He won't know that; nor will he believe it。  But I can probably lead you to him。  If anyone can talk him down; I can。  Maeve never could。  Laura was good with him; but I can really do the trick。〃 ‘So what do you propose?〃 ‘I'm going to try to contact him。  Then I'll bring him to you。  I'll arrange things so that he'll suspect nothing; and I'll bring him to somewhere open; a public place。〃 ‘You really think you can do this?〃 ‘I'm a hundred percent certain I can。〃 ‘Where do you plan to spend the night?〃 Fredericka asked; making it perfectly clear that she wanted the girl out of their room。
 ‘I have somewhere。  It's okay; I'm going now。  I'll be in touch tomorrow: probably some time in the afternoon。  If I'm lucky; I'll have got hold of him and talked him into a meeting with you。〃 There was silence for a full minute; then Bond asked; ‘Carmel; what's your true relationship with him?〃 ‘With David?  I suppose I'm now like a sister different to Maeve; because she could never control him。  I can calm David when the going gets rough for him。  It really works。  I can influence him in a way that neither Maeve nor the nurses ever could nor Laura really。〃 She gave a bitter little laugh。  ‘I suppose he looks on me as a sister; and; as such; I am my brother's keeper。〃 ‘Do we trust her?〃 Fredericka asked after Carmel Chantry had left。
 ‘We have no other option。〃 ‘I don't buy her whole story。〃 ‘Neither do I。 But we can't check her out; and we re on our own。  I suggest that; in the morning; we do what we've been told to do。  We go out and behave as though nothing has happened。  We buy ourselves tickets on the first flight out to Athens on Thursday which will give us the full three days。
 Maybe we can take one of the Scala tours as well。
 Then we e back here and wait。  If Carmel doesn't get in touch by; say; three tomorrow afternoon; then we go out again。  Show ourselves; and hope that we spot him before anything desperate happens。〃 Below them; Carmel Chantry walked slowly across the foyer of the Palace Hotel。 She wore a stylish white; belted; thin trenchcoat that had cost her a fortune in Paris。
 Outside; the doorman asked if she wanted a cab。
 ‘No;' she nodded to him; looking left and right up and down the street。 Even at this time in the morning there was still a fair drizzle of traffic。  ‘No; I'm waiting for someone。
 ‘I'll stay out here; until your friend arrives; signorina。〃 The doorman thought she might possibly be a high…class whore; and he was really letting her know that she should move on。
 Five minutes later; she saw the car flash its headlights as it approached。  When it came to a stop; the doorman ran across to open the passenger…side door for her。  She tipped him with a smile。
 ‘It worked?〃 the driver asked as she settled next to him。
 ‘I did just as you told me。  They bought most of it; I think。〃 He nodded; put the car in gear and smoothly pulled out into the traffic。
 ‘Then we only have to draw all the threads together。
 ‘You think it's going to work?〃 ‘I hope so。  It's a last chance。
 Possibly the only chance we're going to get。  Thank you for ing at such short notice。〃 She looked at him in the dim light。  Nobody would recognize him now; dressed and disguised as he was
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