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ress himself by some devastating act。  The serial profile people at Quantico maintain that he really gets his kicks in the planning stages。  The actual killings are like curtain calls。 They doubt if he realizes the importance of killing。〃 Bond asked if that made sense。
 ‘They say it does。〃 Tanner began to quote written reports by psychiatrists; and a long paper by the head of the psychological profile people。
 ‘We have absolutely no doubt that he's a dangerous crazy。  He is also a very clever crazy; and I don't think we could put him away with what we've got。  ‘But how in the hell does he get his information?
 I mean just take the death of Generale Carrousso。
 Nobody but those really close to the Holy Father had the slightest hint that Carrousso would be in the Vatican at that time。  And the Russian what about the Russian?  His Press conference was called only hours before it took place。〃 ‘Quite。〃 M stirred again。  ‘You should know that; earlier this year; in the spring; Dragonpol visited Rome; London; Paris and Washington。  It is as though he were doing a dry run as we believe he is now for Milan and Athens。  As to how he gets his information; I think you must understand that; during his peak years as an actor; David Dragonpol made many friends in high places。  The German police have already begun to check back on the telephone logs in and out of Schloss Drache。  He gets calls from the most unlikely places。
 Also he makes calls in the same way。〃 ‘And how do we know he's here; in Milan; at this moment?〃 Bond's mind had slipped far away; to the conversation about telephones which Fredericka had heard at Schloss Drache。
 ‘Be assured that he is; Signor Bond。〃 The beautifully dressed Italian spoke for the first time。
 ‘Oh; James;' M actually half rose from his chair; ‘I'd like you to meet Gianne…Franco Orsini。
 Gianne…Franco is; for want of a better word; my opposite number in Italy; and he's been very cooperative。  We owe him a lot; and; by the time we're finished; you might even owe him your life。〃 Gianne…Franco Orsini made a polite little bow。
 ‘Believe me; Mr Bond and you; my dear Fraulein von Grusse this man; this Dragonpol; flew into Milan only a few hours before yourselves; and I have very good reason to believe he is still here。
 ‘Casing the joint in order to kill Dame I&in in December?〃 M winced。 ‘James; please try not to use criminal slang。  It can offend people terribly。  But; yes; it appears that he has approached one person in an attempt to get a private guided tour of La Scala。
 We; or I should say; Gianne…Franco; happens to control that particular person。  So the tour is on hold for a couple of days; though he could easily go with the normal daily tours。  We suspect that he's seeing the sights。  We also believe that; should he catch sight of you; or Fraulein von Grusse; he will switch his plans and dispose of you either here or in Athens。〃 ‘So you think he'll definitely go to Athens?〃 ‘If his December timetable is going to work; he has to go to Athens; but; of course; it could all have changed by now。
 ‘Because of Paris?〃 ‘Maybe。  We sincerely hope not; but maybe。
 No; he really has nowhere else to go。〃 ‘Not even back to Schloss Drache?〃 ‘Most certainly not back to Schloss Drache。  The German police have that tied up; and his sister; the rose…growing Maeve Horton; is being questioned。。
 ‘Has she talked?〃 It was Tanner who replied。  ‘Unfortunately she won't say a thing。  I understand that she's screaming bloody murder and asking for lawyers。
 She just will not say a word about her brother。  By the way; there's one odd thing about Charles and William that you might not know。〃 ‘I know they were trained bodyguards。〃 ‘Yes; they were; but also trained nurses。 They'd seen action in some of the best high…class mental institutions in the world。〃 Nobody spoke。  The silence twisted around the room。  Bond glanced at Fredericka; and she raised her eyebrows at him。  Finally he opened his mouth。
 ‘Basically; what you're saying is that you'd like us to do a trick that I've had to perform several times before?〃 ‘And what trick would that be; James?〃 Coolly; from M。
 ‘The one where I go out and play at being a tethered goat。  A target for the crazy Dragonpol。〃 M nodded like a Buddha。  ‘That was the general idea。  You won't; of course; be in any danger。。
 ‘Of course not。〃 ‘Gianne…Franco ‘5 ladies and gentlemen will always be near at hand。〃 He smiled his foxy smile。
 ‘There's no danger at all。〃 ‘If you'll forgive the expression; sir; balls。〃 M grunted。  ‘Ideally;' he continued as though Bond had never spoken; ‘ideally it would be nice for you and Fraulein von Grusse to take in a bit of sightseeing together; here in Milan; and then; when Gianne…Franco tips you the wink; in Athens。
 But I cannot order you to do that。  I can ask you; James; but I really can't even ask Fraulein von Grusse for she is a pletely;free agent。〃 ‘With respect again; sir; there's no such thing as a free agent。
 ‘Oh; there is in Fraulein von Grusse's case; but she probably doesn't even know about it yet。〃 He turned to Fredericka with the look of a saint。 ‘Has your former service been in touch; Fraulein?〃 ‘No; sir。〃 ‘They will be。  As of yesterday you ceased to work for them。
 Discharged for acts prejudicial to good order and discipline; etc。
 Fredericka gave a little; ‘Oh;' and looked as though she might burst into tears。
 ‘However; I can offer you a job。〃 ‘A job?  With your service?〃 ‘Naturally。  My Chief of Staff brought along the necessary forms; just in case you fancied ing aboard。
 ‘And if I took the job; I would remain on the current assignment with Captain Bond?〃 ‘Officially; Captain Bond is on leave awaiting the result of a board of enquiry; but as he well knows that's a bit of a bluff。〃 It was Bond's turn to grunt。
 ‘Well; my dear; what do you say?  You and Captain Bond seem to make a nice team。  When this business is over; we have plans for reorganization。  You could be a great asset to us。〃 ‘I would still work with Jam…Captain Bond?〃 ‘A consummation devoutly to be wished; to quote the Bard。〃 ‘Then I'll take the job; sir。〃 ‘Good。  Then you'll both go and do some sightseeing; yes?〃 ‘Give us the guidebook; sir。〃 Bond knew it was no good arguing。  ‘But what happens if we haven't got him after his stay in Athens?〃 ‘Do not even think about that; James。〃 M had gone deathly serious; all good humour dropping away like a snake shedding its skin。  ‘If you have to go on to Paris; then we're all in trouble。
 The target there is unmistakable; and refuses to alter plans。
 We have four days before Mr Dragonpol's one possible kill on this particular outing。〃 ‘Don't you mean three possible kills?〃 Bill Tanner asked。
 ‘One or three; it's all the same。  If it came to that; we would face a terrible decision; and the target for Paris just will not budge。〃 ‘Then Fli Fraulein von Grusse and I will have to drag him out either here or in Athens; sir。〃 ‘Your head's in a noose if you don't; 007 M; Bond thought; was all heart。
 Before they left; Bill Tanner produced an expensive…looking briefcase; ‘With the armourer's pliments; James。 He says there's nothing new or special。  But
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