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 ‘If we had rope; James。  e on; let's be practical; there's some kind of space here around the filing cabinets。〃 She was right。  The entire wall of metal files appeared very solid; but; as Fredericka banged on them with her hand; there appeared to be some give; as though they made up a false wall protecting space on the far side。
 Bond stood back; his eyes searching for any possible concealed opening。
 For ten minutes Fredericka moved up and down the wall; while Bond sought a clue from the way the large cabinets were arranged。  ‘It's no good; I can't see any weaknesses;' he said at last。
 ‘Change places;' Fredericka manded。
 ‘Sometimes new eyes。。。〃 She stepped back and saw the answer immediately。 ‘Yes。  Look。  This centre area here。〃 As she pointed he saw what she meant。  In the middle of the wall one section of the cabinets appeared to be surrounded by a darker line; the size and oblong shape of a door。
 ‘The ladder。〃 He went across and drew the sliding ladder over until it was level with the right…hand section of the darker outline。
 ‘No。  No; that's not it。〃 Fredericka stepped to the files on the left of the now obvious door; and began to move the sliding metal drawers in and out。  ‘I'm sure there's a simple way。〃 As she spoke they both heard a click from the file she was pulling out。
 ‘That's it。。。〃 She pushed and pulled and the drawer seemed to click into some hidden position; but nothing else happened。  She tried the drawers above and below。  They also clicked and stuck in place。
 ‘I'm sure。。。〃 she began; then Bond leaned against the oblong of cabinets and they moved; swinging inwards。
 ‘Open Sesame;' he whispered; as they walked through into a cold and clinically white chamber; one side of which was given over to a long console with an array of inlaid puter monitors; controls; a switchboard and two large TV monitors。  The wall facing this large control panel contained row upon row of large mainframe puter tape machines; while in the wall in front of them was a door marked ‘Gantry。
 Danger High Voltage。〃 Conversation was superfluous。  It was obvious that they stood in the main control room for Dragonpol's theatre museum。  In the centre of the long console a glass panel covered a detailed electronic map of the exhibits; with winking lights to show exactly where the various sections lay in relation to the entire display。  It was now clear that each of the many spectacles was activated by heat and movement sensors; so that the approach of visitors immediately turned on the various projections; holograms; sound; smell and the lifelike automata。  At the moment the master switch was in the ‘off' position and the two large TV monitors gave a panoramic view of what seemed like a jumble of small theatres; cycloramas and lighting battens; all joined together by the walkway over which the unhappy Charles had been pushed。
 ‘Look。〃 A flicker of movement caught Bond's eye。  His hand hesitated over the controls until he found a small joystick that operated one of the many closed…circuit TV cameras。  He gently moved the stick; focusing and then zooming in on the movement。  There on the walkway; William was climbing down to help Charles to his feet。  The latter looked shaky and a little stunned; while the pair of them were obviously talking and trying to decide what should be done。
 The walkway itself broadened and sloped on to firm ground at each exhibit; so that visitors were able to move directly from this main path around the museum into each presentation which would e to life at their approach and; cunningly; direct them back on to the higher metal path when the show was over。  Groups of people would be automatically led from one exhibit to the next; probably in a state of disorientation which would lead to a greater sense of wonder。
 Bond's hand worked the joystick again; tilting the hidden camera up to view the walls of the museum。  High above the exhibits was a second catwalk obviously the gantry which would be used for maintenance and possibly security。  At intervals; metal ladders led straight down from the gantry giving access to the main walkway and the plex set pieces。
 ‘The man's got a goldmine here once it's pleted。〃 Fredericka moved behind him; her voice almost a whisper of awe; adding; ‘If it's ever pleted。〃 ‘I vote we use the master switch; turn on all the fun of the fair and go down to hunt that pair of heavies on their own ground。〃 Bond bent over the controls memorizing the layout and making sure he could lead them through the maze of exhibits。
 ‘It says; 〃Danger; high voltage〃 ‘ Fredericka inclined her head towards the door to the gantry。
 ‘So have you got some other magic way out of here?〃 ‘No; but I'm not really partial to getting a ;few thousand volts of electricity run through me。
 ‘Then don't touch anything。  Keep away from the wall。  Look。。。
 He began to carefully outline his plan; moving the closed…circuit TV camera around with the joystick to show her exactly which way they should go。
 ‘I always wanted to be in a big Broadway musical;' she said; for the plan was to surface from the rear of the display which took visitors on to the stage of a musical…one of the exhibits they had not seen on their short tour which had been interrupted by Charles。
 Once more Bond moved the camera to focus on to the area in which he had last seen the two supposed male nurses。  They were still there; with Charles rubbing a bruised shoulder and testing the strength of an injured leg。
 ‘William's on the ball。〃 Fredericka nodded at the screen as William handed a spare automatic pistol to his colleague。  ‘Thinks of everything。  I imagine you want to get this show on the road before they both e dashing up here and do unspeakable things to us?〃 ‘I think it would be the wisest move。  Ready?〃 She nodded; and Bond's hand once more hovered over the console; finally stopping just above the lever that bore the legend ‘master switch'。  He hesitated again。  ‘Just for the hell of it; Flick; cold you make sure that door to the gantry is open。〃 She opened the door and found herself looking down into an elevator shaft。
 ‘There's a call button;' she nodded back towards Bond。  ‘How very thoughtful。  If we had rushed in; we would've been clawing air。〃 She pressed the button and they heard the whine of machinery。
 Bond kept one eye on the TV monitor to check on Charles and William who seemed undecided about the next course of action and appeared to be arguing。  William; he considered; was probably all in favour of doing away with them; while Charles probably wanted to at least wait until Maeve was back before taking any drastic action。
 The cage rose and Fredericka pulled back its sliding door。
 ‘Okay; let's go。
 He pulled the master switch; saw the museum plunged into darkness on the monitor and walked quickly into the cage; which smoothly descended at a touch of the ‘down' button。  The elevator stopped and they found that they were in a narrow sloping passage which would clearly lead down into the main part of the castle; and the gantry high above the museum。
 They went forward at a jog trot。  ‘Remember we have no spare ammunition。 If they start shooting; make every round count。〃 Bond checked the Col
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