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 They dined well; Dragonpol explaining that they preferred to eat English food when they were at the castle。  ‘Essentially the Dragonpols are AngloSaxon; with a strong Irish underlay。〃 He chuckled。
 ‘In my grandfather's time; nobody would dare put German food on the table here; no matter how good。
 So they were served a delicious vegetable soup; turbot; very rare roast beef with all the traditional English trimmings a Yorkshire pudding; correctly placed on the table in a large separate dish; Brussels sprouts and roast potatoes。  The horseradish sauce was not the creamed variety; but real; making the eyes stream; and a truly hot English mustard banished all thoughts of the more bland Dijon or American varieties。
 For dessert; a huge trifle was brought in with much ceremony。  ‘An old recipe of my mother's; Maeve told them; and this was followed by an old…fashioned savoury; Angels on Horseback fat oysters; wrapped in bacon and grilled; set on fingers of toast before the cheese board and fruit made the rounds。  The wines; however; were all German and of exceptional quality; while the entire meal was served by Lester with the assistance of one of the so…called ‘boys'; whom Dragonpol referred to as Charles。
 ‘You must have a very large staff。  Unusual these days。〃 Fredericka was fishing。
 ‘No。〃 Dragonpol appeared indifferent。  ‘Apart from Lester and 〃the boys〃; plus the gardeners; of course; we have a general maid and a very good Irish cook whose mother was married to a German; and spent her entire working life in my father's employ。  The Nazis left her alone; and she cared for this place during the Second World War。
 It's an odd old family relationship; but it works well。
 On four occasions during dinner; Bond tried to touch on Dragonpol's career and referred to some of his more famous individual performances。 Each time; the actor if indeed he was such managed to deflect the conversation; turning it back to the one subject which appeared to be close to his heart; that of transforming Schloss Drache into what he called ‘the definitive theatrical museum in the world'。
 It appeared that; while the servants lived in a set of rooms in the basement of the castle; both Maeve and himself occupied only this; the first the ground floor。  ‘We have all we need here;' he said。
 ‘There is this dining hall; the library; our drawing…room and two large suites of rooms which we have converted into private quarters。
 The Turret suites are there for guests; and this leaves the remaining three levels at my disposal for the museum。  Everything I own has been invested in the museum; and I have already amassed an incredible collection。  It will draw experts and fans from all over the world。〃 He went on at some length about how every stage in the development of theatre would be represented; from the ancient Kabuki theatre of Japan; and the staging of the early miracle plays in Europe; to the theatre of the present day in all its diverse forms。
 Dragonpol claimed to have many unique and priceless exhibits upon which he had lavished millions。
 ‘He's always dashing off after some new find;' Maeve chipped in; and Dragonpol gave her an evil little smile; then said he would take them through the pleted rooms tomorrow。
 ‘That will be most interesting;' Bond sounded offhand。  ‘What I really want to see is the view from your main tower。  Now that must be incredible。
 There was a small but anxious silence; and he thought he detected a brief signal pass between Dragonpol and his sister。
 ‘Unfortunately。。。〃 Dragonpol began; and his sister cut in with; ‘You can't。  …‘ then closed her mouth like a trap。
 ‘Unfortunately that is not possible; the actor continued as though nothing had happened。  ‘The great tower is; alas; unsafe。  We are waiting for a master builder to arrive from Cologne。  It's going to need much work; and we are a little concerned。  It requires at least scaffolding to be in place before the winter; and I am told the entire business will take some two years。  Nobody…not even myself…is allowed into the tower。  I'm sorry。〃 ‘But you must have been to the top at one time or another?〃 ‘Oh; yes。  It was only two years ago that we discovered the cracks; and the architects examined it last year well; really only eight months ago。  It was put out of bounds immediately。
 ‘And the view?〃 ‘Is; as you say; quite spectacular。  You have a standing invitation to return when all the work is done。  Then you; James; will be able to see for yourself。〃 ‘I'm disappointed; of course; but I look forward to it。
 When the port was placed on the table; Maeve Horton suggested that she and Fredericka should retire to the drawing…room; and for a few moments there was an embarrassed pause with Fredericka on the verge of protest; not willing to give up her liberated status。  Several exchanges of eye signals eventually saved the day and; at last; Dragonpol and Bond were left alone。  Lester also retired and there was a long charged silence between the two men until Dragonpol spoke。
 ‘Obviously you want to talk to me about poor Laura。〃 ‘That is the reason we re here; David。  Do you mind?〃 ‘I'd be only too glad to help if I can。〃 He hesitated; and there was a catch in his voice as he continued。 ‘You see; I feel responsible somehow。
 ‘In what way?〃 ‘If our engagement had not been broken off Well; she would have been here。  That was what we planned。  It was to be our wedding。  If I hadn't。。。〃 He stopped and looked up。  His eyes were distinctly moist。
 ‘If you hadn't what?〃 ‘If I hadn't broken off the engagement 。。。
 If I hadn't done that; she might still be alive today。  Of course I feel responsible。〃 ‘But you did break off the engagement; David?〃 ‘In the end we accepted it mutually。〃 ‘But you said。。
 ‘I know。  I said if 1 hadn't broken off。。。  I said 1。
 Sure。  It was I who first brought up the problem。
 We spent a weekend sorting it out; and I suggested that it might be the only answer。  In the end; Laura agreed。  It was a very painful parting; James。  Very painful。  We still loved each other。  Even today; although she's gone; I still love Laura; and I'm sure that on the day she died she still loved me。〃 ‘Then why ?‘ ‘Why was the engagement called off?〃 He gave a little shrug and an odd gesture; his head cocking from side to side。  ‘It is difficult to explain。  I don't know how much you know about Laura's background。  I don't wish to break family confidences。
 ‘She had no family left; so there are few confidences to break。
 But I presume we're talking about her parents and her brother。  Is that right?
 Her brother who had the same name as yourself David?〃 ‘Ah。〃 He raised his hands a few inches from the table; then quietly lowered them again。 ‘Ah; you know about the skeletons in her family closet。〃 ‘In some detail。〃 Dragonpol took a deep breath which turned into a long sigh。 ‘We were deeply in love and we both wanted children。  The Dragonpol line; on the male side; runs out with me。  There are no other male Dragonpols。  I know this will seem old…fashioned; and not a little pretentious; James; but ours is an old family。
 ‘You go back to the Domesday Book; yes; I know。
 ‘The Domesday Book and a lot of other history as well。  Dragonpol
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