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sweep the suite without the proper equipment。
 ‘And what about Lester and 〃the boys〃?〃 he asked。  ‘They look like ordinary servants to you particularly in this day and age when servants are a thing of the past?〃
 〃‘The boys〃 give off a certain something that I recognize。  Fredericka was pacing around the room; brow creased and hands moving nervously。
 ‘They're more like bodyguards than flunkies。〃 ‘Quite。  Bodyguards or male nurses。  A pair of very tough bantam weights; and I'd put money on them knowing a lot of tricks designed to damage your health。  Lester could well have been his dresser; but his own clothes leave much to be desired。〃 ‘How?〃 ‘You didn't notice the bulge?  The man's carrying。
 Shoulder holster; and something pretty lethal in it。  The other strange thing is that I've seen Dragonpol on stage and screen; admittedly cloaked in the great acting roles; but I don't really recognize him。〃 ‘You don't?  I'd recognize him anywhere。〃 ‘I'm not talking about physical recognition。
 There's something not quite right with the man。
 That spark isn't there。〃 ‘Oh; e on; James。  You know actors; they're like watchers when they're off stage; nude; as it were。  Mostly they appear to be terribly ordinary people when they're off。  With watchers; it's the other way around。  They go invisible when they're working and seem larger than life when they're off。
 Surely it's normal enough?〃 Bond frowned。  ‘Maybe。  Maybe you're right; but David Dragonpol was not your run…of…the…mill actor; and this man just doesn't feel right。  If I didn't know it was him; I'd swear he was a ringer。〃 ‘Or; perhaps you're right about the mental collapse。
 You've seen people after a breakdown: they look the same; but something vital has gone。〃 ‘Could be。〃 He did not sound convinced; nor; in fact; was he。  While Fredericka went off to take a bath and; to use her words; ‘Pretty myself up;' he wandered around the rooms of the East Turret; poking and prying into every drawer and closet; his mind quietly wrestling with the enigma that was David Dragonpol。  The truth; he considered; lay in the man's relationship with Laura March who had been; according to those who knew and worked with her; a person of high intellect and nobody's fool。  If the facts were correct; she had loved this man unless the break…up was really of her making and because he had bee so strange。
 He thought again of Carmel Chantry's description of that very break…up。 How she had been called here; to Schloss Drache 。。。。  she came into my office looking ill…white; unsteady。  It was a Friday afternoon and she said D。  D。  had called her。  There was some drama and he was sending his private aircraft for her。  On the Monday she came in and told me it was all over。〃 That was what Carmel had told him; so it was unlikely that Laura had taken the initiative。  Private aircraft?
 He wondered。  Now where would he keep that?
 Carmel had intimated that there was some kind of landing strip nearby。 Well; it could not be within walking distance; the terrain was too rocky for that。
 He continued to think; going round in circles until Fredericka called out that she was finished in the bathroom。
 When he reached the bedroom; he saw that she had laid out a long; black; backless evening gown。
 ‘So; you are going to be formal。
 ‘Of course。  What about you?  Did you by chance bring a dinner jacket?〃 ‘Like certain credit cards; I never leave home without it;' he smiled。 Then; ‘Flick; when your people spotted the Dragonfly passing in and out of Switzerland; did he travel by normal mercial airlines?〃 ‘Yes。 Usually; that is。
 ‘What do you mean; usually?〃 ‘He does have a private aircraft; but he's pretty sparing in its use。  He also has problems with it。〃 ‘What kind of problems?〃 ‘He hasn't got any clearance to bring it into Switzerland。  I remember we checked that out。  He has landing rights in England and France; but none of the other countries。  Why?〃 ‘Why; yourself?  Why hasn't he got landing rights?〃 ‘Because we nobbled him。
 Look; James; we've been watching this guy for some time; and my immediate boss was convinced that he had contacts with terrorist groups and dodgy arms dealers。  He's been up to no good; so we put the word out in certain quarters。  He can use this country Germany France and the UK; but we managed to put a block on him elsewhere。  If he wants to go into the Scandinavian countries; or Spain; Portugal and Italy; he has to fly the friendly skies by the nearest friendly carrier。
 ‘What excuse did you give him?〃 ‘For not getting landing rights?
 Oh; I guess the various countries used all kinds of excuses doubts about the safety of his aircraft; or the aircrew。  He can huff and puff as much as he likes; but there's no law that says any country has to tell him the reason he's been banned。  Sometimes; I guess they wouldn't tell him at all; they'd just reject his flight plan; and refuse any alternatives he presented。  He'd soon get the message。
 ‘But you have nothing solid against him?  No really firm evidence?〃 ‘No; and as far as I know he's never made a fuss about being refused landing rights。  I can check if you think the phones are safe。〃 ‘Leave it for now。〃 ‘I love Dragonfly。  I think we should use that as his crypto。
 Bond unpacked his garment bag; hung his spare suit and the dinner jacket; placed other articles in drawers and retreated into the bathroom。
 They were both dressed and ready by seven…fifteen; and once more they tried to summon the elevator without success。  At exactly seven…thirty they heard the mechanism whirr。  The cage came up; stopped; and the door opened to reveal the grave Lester; his head tilted as if something unpleasant had been placed directly under his nose。  He showed no surprise on seeing the guests dressed formally。
 Without a word; he ushered them into the cage; and he remained silent through the lengthy trek along the many passages and corridors that took them finally into a large oval room: light; airy with a full twenty…five…foot bow window taking up the far end; which looked out on to the large walled garden they had seen from above。
 ‘I said we dined informally。〃 Dragonpol's voice was brimming with surprise; even though he wore a dark blue silk dinner jacket and Maeve; by his side; looked coolly exquisite in a white full…length gown into which she might have had to be sewn。
 At her throat a single diamond drop hung from a heavy gold chain; while around half…a…million pounds' worth of rings flashed from her fingers。
 ‘Isn't this informal?〃 Bond feigned surprise。  ‘I naturally thought you meant I didn't have to wear tails。〃 Dragonpol gave a little shrug; then turned to a nearby drinks table。  ‘It's such a pleasant evening; I thought we might take our drinks into Maeve's garden。  What will you have?〃 Fredericka asked for a screwdriver; while Bond chose his usual vodka martini。  Dragonpol then led them through a small door to the right of the tall window。  A few seconds later they emerged into the garden which seemed to be enveloped by the sweetest meld of smells。
 Bond thought of England in June; and cloudless early July days among the most beautiful gardens in Europe。  It was late August; the time when the scent of flowers fa
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