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h had the clear skin and regular features of an Irish girl。  ‘I'd have talked for longer if I'd known how good looking you were。
 ‘e on; Hort; not so much of the blarney。〃 Apart from the doublet and hose; Dragonpol was fully recognizable now; raking his fingers through the mane of straw…coloured hair; revealing the face which had captured the imagination of millions; the actor who could transform himself into any character he chose。  ‘You probably know we have Irish family connections。〃 He gave them both that winning smile; brimming with a near tangible charisma。  ‘Hort plays the Irish colleen to the hilt。
 Everyone calls her Hort; by the way; never Maeve。〃 Maeve Horton made a tutting sound; part way between ‘whisht' and ‘ocht'。  Then she turned to Fredericka; as Dragonpol took Bond's elbow and steered him away from the women; speaking softly。
 ‘I always try to be delicate in these matters。  In this day and age one has to be blunt。  I wasn't certain of the sleeping arrangements; Mr Bond …‘ ‘Call me James。〃 He was trying to take in as much as possible; from the obvious charms of Hort; to the concealed lighting around the bookshelves and forward of the tall window。  He now understood why they had been almost blinded with light as they had e into the library; for there were two rows of baby spots; neatly concealed by a valance; one row pointing down; the others focused towards the library door。
 ‘James; what I need to know is …。  Well; to be blunt; sleeping arrangements 。。。  are you and Fraulein von Grusse merely colleagues or are you an item; as they say?
 ‘The latter; David I may call you David; yes?〃 ‘Of course。  Glad I asked; because I can now give you the East Turret room。  It's a regular bridal suite。  Hort spent the bulk of her honeymoon there; poor dear。。
 ‘Mrs Horton is widowed; I believe?〃 Dragonpol gave him a wry smile。 ‘It's a sad story; yes。  Her husband was; oh; it's difficult。
 Maybe I'll tell you the whole story later if we have time。〃 He turned to the two women who seemed to be chatting amicably enough。
 ‘e along; I'll get Lester to show you to your quarters。  Lester used to be my dresser。  He really wanted to be an actor and I think he has now taken the butler's role quite well。  He enjoys the snobbery of it all。〃 He strode out down the corridor; shouting for Lester at the top of his voice an eccentric English country squire: or was that also a piece of role…playing?  Over the years; Bond had known many actors; and had never met one who was averse to playing parts of his own choice in private。
 Many of them could not really face normal everyday lives without putting on that second skin of a character; and he had quickly made the assessment that David Dragonpol was one of these。  After all; Fredericka had pointed out that he sometimes travelled in disguise。
 Lester appeared from some servants' quarters with his two flunkies looking like bodyguards。
 ‘Two for the East Turret; Lester。  You lads take the luggage up。
 Lester gave a majestic bow and indicated; in a somewhat superior manner; that Bond and Fredericka should follow him。  He was a tall; dignified man who seemed to think that smiling had bee a mortal sin。
 ‘It's good to have you here; James。  And you; Fraulein von Grusse 。。。 er。
 ‘Oh; call me Fredericka; everyone does。  It isn't every day that I get to meet a famous actor。  It's a real thrill to be here; and to see you in the flesh。〃 She almost simpered。
 ‘An ex…actor; my dear。  A former thespian。
 Dragonpol even talked like some Edwardian actor…manager。  ‘We'll see you both for dinner; then。  Seven…thirty for eight o'clock。  Please don't bother to dress; we're very informal here。〃 He began to move away; then stopped; turning back。
 ‘I'll send Lester; or one of the boys; to bring you down。  You need an Indian guide to get around this place。The East Turret turned out to be anything but Edwardian。  As they had judged when looking down on the castle from a distance; the turrets were exceptionally roomy; and the East Turret was particularly sumptuous; with its own private lift and two sets of rooms; one above the other; connected by a cleverly designed staircase which was totally enclosed。  The treads were huge oblongs。  As Fredericka said; ‘We could dance on these individually。〃 The elevator took them directly into the circular sitting…room。  The decor looked very expensive blue and white; with large easy chairs; a long settee and marble tables。  The wall above the bar was decorated with theatrical drawings which looked like original charcoal sketches for stage sets。
 The unusually wide flight of steps took Bond into the bedroom。
 Here the design changed。
 Instead of following the circular line of the walls; the bedroom had been squared off; the windows set very deeply into the walls。  The bed itself was the centre piece a vast four…poster; like an island in the midst of a green and gold sea。
 Bond prowled around; opening doors; and taking in the views from the windows。  The bathroom; he realized; was slightly above the bedroom and at the very top of the turret。  From its main window he could see right across the shallow…sloping roof to the great tower; with clear arched windows set in it at intervals。  He returned to the circular sitting…room。
 ‘It's a real thrill to be here; and to see you in the flesh。〃 He imitated Fredericka's awed voice。
 ‘Well;' she said。  ‘What about you and the Irish flirt 〃I'd have talked for longer if I'd known how good looking you were〃 Jesus; this place is creepy; James。〃 ‘All huge castles are creepy。  What's so different about this one?〃 Fredericka stood close to the elevator doors。
 ‘You do realize that we're virtually prisoners in this place。〃 She demonstrated by pressing the buttons。  The small indicator did not light up; neither could they hear the usual whirr of machinery。  ‘What do you make of that; James?〃 ‘What do I make of the whole business?〃 he asked himself。  ‘I'm beginning to wonder if some of those stories about Dragonpol's retirement are true。〃 ‘Which ones in particular?〃 ‘That he had a plete breakdown。  Was unable to perform: unhinged by his own talent。  I mean that whole extraordinary business of the painting all that dressing up; the make…up and the lights shone directly in our eyes。 That was for our benefit: an act for us。  He knew we were on our way。 Did you get a look at Hort's easel?〃 ‘No; she moved me right away from it。〃 ‘Right。  You want to know why?  It was a daub; a squiggle of lines; paint splashed on to the canvas; no painting of the great man as Richard III。  They were both playing with us。  I think his first intention was to put the fear of God into us。  Maybe he changed his mind at the last minute; but I think we should be prepared for some further bits of fantasy。〃 ‘He's living in another world; that's for sure 〃Please don't bother to dress; we're very informal here。〃 When did you last hear a line like that?〃 Bond walked back into the great circular room; his restless eyes looking for possible hiding places for security cameras; or listening devices。  There were many and there was no way he could possibly sweep the suite without the proper equipment。
 ‘And what about Lester and 〃the boys〃?〃 he asked。  
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