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tains。  The bedroom windows looked out on to a tiny garden; with a red brick wall surrounding the lawn and flowerbeds behind the house。  The three sections of the wall formed simple divisions between the gardens of the houses on either side; and; at the end; the garden of the property at the rear。  It was this far wall that interested him。  The view from his windows included the back of the slightly larger Regency house which stood in another cul…de…sac running roughly parallel to the one in which Bond lived。
 There was a drop of some eight feet from the bedroom windows; and the wall that separated the neighbouring garden was around twelve feet high; with no barbs; broken glass or other deterrents to a would…be climber。 This house was owned by a merchant banker and his family who; to his certain knowledge; had left for their annual summer holiday in Cyprus on the previous Saturday。  Bond liked to keep track of all his neighbours。 It was something he did automatically when in London; and; over the years; his personal watch was one of second nature。  He also knew that the house had a side entrance giving access from the garden along the gable end to a gravelled turning circle and the street。
 He opened one of the long sash windows in the bedroom; then went back to the rubbish bin。  Even a careftil team of watchers were unlikely to have any spare people loitering in the parallel street; anywhere near the merchant banker's home; and he considered that; should the ruse in mind work; he could get from his bedroom window; across the wall and out into the street through the garden door in a maximum of one and a half minutes。  It would be a race; for the watchers would certainly react very quickly; but he considered the odds were just in his favour。
 Squeezing past the rubbish bin; he opened a drawer in the ornate clothes stand; which stood against one wall of the entrance lobby; and took out a pair of black leather driving gloves。  Thirty seconds later; Bond set light to the paper towels in the bin。
 Initially; the metal container blazed alarmingly with flame。  Then the fire tried to claw its way into the damp garbage; the flames died and dense white smoke began to billow from the container。  Within thirty seconds the smoke began to fill the lobby; and Bond hesitated; wondering how much the smoke damage would cost him in refurbishing; then he stepped back heading for the kitchen to activate the alarm system which would shriek into action almost immediately because of the open window in his bedroom。  A second before the bells went off; the smoke detectors triggered their separate shrill siren; and he made his way to the bedroom with ears humming from the din。
 There would not be much time; for the watchers in the van; plus the phony road sweeper would almost certainly make for the front of the house; intent on breaking down the door。  This would be flushing…out with a vengeance; for the team s instinctive reaction would be to assist in what should appear to be a true emergency; and to blazes with their cover。  Once they broke down the door; the source of the predicament would be all too apparent; and by then Bond would have to be long gone。
 He dropped from the window and hit the ground running; taking a flying leap at the brick wall; his gloved hand rocketing up as he reached the apogee of his jump; scrabbling to get a firm grip on the topmost bricks of the wall。  His hands took hold; his body hitting the wall; chest first; knocking the wind out of him so that; for a second; he almost lost his grasp。  Then; with one muscle…wrenching haul; he lifted himself over the wall and dropped into a carefully tended flowerbed on the far side。
 Not looking back to see what damage he might have caused to the banker's hardy annuals; he plunged across the manicured lawn; running for the large wooden gate that would take him along the side of the house and into the street。
 The gate was firmly bolted and locked; and he lost precious seconds in slipping the bolts and smashing the lock with three mighty kicks。 Finally; some two minutes after dropping from the bedroom window; he emerged into the street; brushing himself off with one hand; and struggling to get control of his breathing。
 In the distance he could hear the fire engines; and he thought he could detect the frantic shouts of the watchers。  Smiling to himself; Bond reached the King's Road and hailed the first available taxi。
 ‘Looks like a drama somewhere around here; guy'nor;' the cabbie observed。
 ‘It's quite near my place; I'm afraid。〃 Bond was still flicking brick dust from his navy blue blazer。
 ‘I'll know soon enough。  Brown's Hotel please; and I'm in a bit of a hurry。〃 ‘You'll be lucky this time of day; guy'nor; but I'll do me best。
 * It was exactly ten minutes to six when they pulled up in front of the hotel's unpretentious entrance; for Brown s still does its best to be a home…from…home to the gentry even though a large slice of its current clientele now es from Britain's former major colony。  Yet that was also in its tradition; for Teddy Roosevelt was married from the hotel; and FDR and his new wife; Eleanor; spent part of their honeymoon there。 Mr Brown himself; originally butler to Lord Byron; would probably still smile down on his creation。
 He headed straight for the fortable; panelled lounge to the right of the foyer; where afternoon tea was served in a truly traditional manner。 There were only half a dozen people still in the room; and a waiter came up to quietly tell him that they had finished serving tea。
 ‘It's all right; I'm supposed to meet someone 。。。
 His voice trailed off for he saw her raise a hand and smile at him。  She was sitting in a corner; near the fireplace decorated with flowers now in summer where she had a total controlled view of the room; and as he moved closer; he still could not place her。
 She wore an elegant black business suit and the short skirt rode up high; showing an almost erotic amount of thigh。  When he had last seen her; she had her black hair pulled severely back from her forehead and fastened in a bun at the nape of her neck。  Now the smooth and glossy hair fell down to her shoulders and curled provocatively。  The granny glasses had gone and he presumed she was wearing contact lenses; for the deep brown eyes looked up at him; wide and delighted; with just a hint of anxiety。
 ‘Captain Bond; I'm so glad you could make it。  I hope you didn't bring anybody with you。〃 The voice was husky and distinctive。
 ‘Please call me James; His Chantry。  This is quite a surprise。  You look different。〃 The last time he had seen her was in M's office with her superior officer from MIS; the fussy Mr Grant。
 ‘Then you should call me Carmel…a strange name for a good British girl; I know。〃 She smiled and the entire room seemed to brighten。  ‘You did manage to slip our little phantom friends; I hope。
 He smiled and sat next to her; his nostrils noting the subtle trace of a very expensive scent。  ‘They were dealing with a fire in my flat when I left。〃 ‘Good。  Might I suggest we go somewhere a little more private。  I have a great deal to tell you; and I really don't think I'm going to have all that much time。  I fear my immediate 
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