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have absolutely no idea; sir。  She was a shade put out when we couldn't plete the search of the late His March's room。  Apart from that; she did seem slightly belligerent from the moment we arrived。〃 ‘In what way?〃 ‘She made it pretty clear; by her manner; that she did not believe our cover story。  I think if you can get the local Interlaken police to look into her story perhaps even interview the people who are supposed to have plained you will find it's Fraulein Bruch who's telling fairy tales。
 M made an harrumphing sound; half clearing of throat; half dubious grunt。
 ‘In fact; sir; I think I must insist that Fraulein Bruch's accusations are followed up; even if it means chasing former guests halfway around Europe。  I repeat; sir; there was no noise from our suite。〃 He looked at his Chief; locking eyes with him and; for an instant; could have sworn that deep behind M's glare were the traces of a slight twinkle。
 ‘And what will you be doing while I follow this up if I follow it up?〃 ‘I am going to apply for a month's leave; sir。  I'm going to get out of this building and not return until you; or whoever you appoint; have investigated this business thoroughly; and my name; together with that of Fraulein von Grusse; has been cleared of any meretricious impropriety。〃 Again; he saw the small light in M's eyes。  ‘A very good idea; Captain Bond。  I would suggest that you go to your office; make your report in writing and then stay away from this facility until I recall you。〃 ‘You're suspending me from duty; sir?〃 In the short pause that followed; Bond actually saw his Chief lift an eyebrow。  ‘No; Captain Bond。
 No; I'm not suspending you。  I'm giving you leave to do exactly as you see fit。  Go and write your report; then get out of my sight until everything is cleared up。
 Bond rose and began to walk towards the door; halting and turning only when M spoke again。  ‘Oh; Captain Bond; I suggest you also clean out your safe; and remove any sensitive papers from your desk。  I shall let you know when you may return。〃 This time; there was no mistaking the signals。
 Though M still maintained his stiff; angry pose; he clearly winked。
 ‘Very good; sir。〃 Bond returned the wink。  ‘I would like your permission regarding one matter。
 ‘Yes?〃 ‘I would like to attend His March's funeral。〃 ‘As far as I'm concerned you can do anything you like。  Good day to you; Captain Bond。〃 Another wink; this time broad and unconcealed。
 It took less than an hour to write the report; which he sealed in an envelope and sent up to M by messenger。  There was little of importance in the drawers of his desk; so he opened the small wall safe; provided for all senior officers。  When he had left on the previous Saturday; the safe had been empty; but M's instructions; bined with the clandestine wink; had been specific。
 Lying inside the safe were four slim buff folders; each flagged ‘restricted and classified'。  A quick look inside the first file told him these were the up…to…date reports on the four assassinations that had taken place…in Rome; London; Paris and Washington during the previous week。  There was no doubt in his mind that M was quietly ordering him to carry on investigating the situation。
 Swiftly; he slid the folders into his briefcase; flicked the bination locks and left his office。  At the main entrance he signed out; appending the words ‘on extended leave'; and adding ‘Contact at private number'。  He then strode out into a pleasantly warm and sunny London afternoon。
 Within minutes; as he walked briskly across Regent's Park towards Clarence Gate and Baker Street; he knew there was surveillance on him。
 Anybody who has spent a lifetime in the world of secrets; leading double existences; prowling those dark and maze…like alleys where truth is so often fiction; and reality bees illusion; is bound to develop sensitive antennae: a sixth sense。
 He could never have given anybody a logical explanation of how his antennae worked; but work they did。  He knew he was being observed and probably followed; though there was no way he could immediately identify those who watched him。
 On reaching Baker Street; he decided to sort out the sheep from the goats by giving them a run for their money。  Hailing a passing taxi he told the driver to take him to Austin Reed s in Regent Street。  As the driver pulled out into the traffic; Bond glanced back; just catching sight of a young man in jeans and a black shirt desperately trying to flag down another cab。
 Austin Reed's store occupies almost an entire block on the west side of Regent Street; a few blocks from Piccadilly Circus。  As the cab pulled up; so Bond slipped the driver a five pound note and was on to the pavement almost before the vehicle had e to a stop。  He had no intention of going into the store。  Instead; he walked quickly towards what Londoners usually refer to as ‘The Dilly'; and disappeared down the steps to the London Transport Underground system。
 He took a train to South Kensington where he intended to change on to the Circle Line; to take a train back to Sloane Square which would bring him within walking distance of his flat in the pleasant Regency house which stands on a quiet tree…lined street off the King's Road。
 As he negotiated the pedestrian tunnels at South Kensington he realized that the young man he had seen in Baker Street was not only still with him but he had also manoeuvred himself into a position some twenty feet in front of him; anticipating Bond's destination。  The young man was a professional and Bond knew where there is one experienced watcher then two or three others are usually near at hand。
 The adrenalin began to pump; and his nerve ends tingled。  The very fact of being followed created a tension of its own; and he felt his muscles involuntarily tighten。  He had no idea where this team came from。  For all he knew; they could be part of some foreign service; or more likely; he considered…part of the famed Watcher Service of MIS。
 The platform was crowded even though the usual rush hour would not get under way for another hour or so。  The man in jeans and black shirt lounged against the slick; tiled wall; near a poster proclaiming ‘Cats。
 Now and For Ever。
 Bond placed himself directly in front of the watcher; giving the young man a good view of his back; waiting for the next train to rumble from the tunnel。  It pulled up with a hiss of automatic doors opening; and there was a surge forward as people tried to board the carriages while others eased their way out。
 He stayed back; as if he had changed his mind about getting on the train。  Then; he turned; took a pace forward and asked the young man if he had the time。  The watcher lazily raised his left arm to look at his watch and Bond gave him a quick; hard jab to the chin with the heel of his right hand。
 The watcher's head snapped back; his eyes taking on; a glazed look of surprise。
 ‘There s a man in trouble here;' Bond shouted in the general direction of a uniformed official; before he lunged for the closing doors of the nearest carriage。  As the train pulled out; he saw a small knot of people form around the crumpled watcher。
 * * * The street off King's Road where Bond lived was a 
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